//Page 1 - Constants
$dbhost = "database.url.com"; //Just made up
$dbname = "dbname";
$dbuser = "dbuser";
$dbpass = "123456";
//Page 2 - The Function
//This is where i need to write the function select information from the database.
include ("include/page1.php");
$DBH = new mysqli($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname);
function selectInfo(){
$stmt = $DBH->prepare("SELECT * FROM information LIMIT ?,?");
//This function obviously is not complete because I keep recieving different error messages. I guess i cannot figure out how to write a prepared select statement. Need some help here.
//Page 3 - Where the function is called and where the user would be
include ("include/page2.php");
//need to be able to call the function here with variables set.
$start = 0;
$end = 5;
echo the data that i need in the database.
@mcbeav! 3ページから関数を呼び出すとき、どのようにパラメータをバインドする必要がありますか?私は2ページでそうするべきですが、3ページに変数を設定しますか?変数が変更されます。たとえば、ページ番号2にコードの最初の行を追加し、ページ3の関数を呼び出すときに変数を設定します。 ex:Page - 3 - $スタート= 0; $ end = 5; selectInfo(); – mcbeav