2016-10-23 18 views



//connect to database 

//Name the variables 
$host= "localhost"; 
//Localhost is the name of the computer that USBWebser has been loaded on 
$username = "user"; 
$password = "pwd"; 
$database = "blog"; 

$dbh=mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password") or die('Could not connect:' .mysql_error()); 

//if cannot connect to database display error message 
echo mysql_error(); 


//get the id number of the row that the photo is located in and place it in $ano 

//select the data and type for the photo identified by id 
$sql="SELECT photo, phototype FROM blog where postID='$ano'"; 

//check if sql query can be executed 
$r=mysql_query($sql, $dbh); 

//if sql query can be executed 

//get the data from the query 

//set the header information so that an image can be displayed 
$type="Content-type: image/png" .$row['phototype']; 

//display the image 
echo $row['photo']; 
echo mysql_error(); 



//Name the variables 
$host= "localhost"; 
//Localhost is the name of the computer that USBWebser has been loaded on 
$username = "user"; 
$password = "pwd"; 
$database = "blog"; 

$mysqli=new mysqli($host, $username, $password, $database); 

//Connect to Header 
include "header.php"; 
//Select fields from the posts table 
$sql="SELECT postID, title, date, contents, rating, photo, phototype FROM posts"; 
//Place the data into a variable named $result 
$result= $mysqli->query($sql); 

if ($result->num_rows>0){ 

while ($row=$result->fetch_assoc()) { 
<br><table border="1" bordercolor="25dae3" width="53%"><th><font color="white">Title</th><th><font color="white">Date</th><th><font color="white">Contents</th><th><font color="white">Image</th><th><font color="white">Rating</th> 
<tr><td width = "100" align="center"><font color="white"> 
echo $row["title"]; 
<br><td width="100" align="center"><font color="white"> 
echo $row["date"]; 
<br><td width="300" align="center"><font color="white"> 
echo $row["contents"]; 
<br><td width="300" align="center"><font color="white"> 
<img src="<?php echo $row['photo']; ?>" width=300 height=300/>; 
<br><td width="100" align="center"><font color="white"> 
echo $row["rating"]; 
} else { 
    //Display message that no data was present 
    echo "0 results"; 
//Close connection 


//Name the variables 
$host = "localhost"; 
//Localhost is the name of the computer that USBWebserver has been loaded on 
$username = "user"; 
$password = "pwd"; 
$database = "blog"; 

$mysqli=new mysqli($host, $username, $password, $database); 

//Get variables from the form 

//mime returns the image time eg. image/jpeg 

//Enable sql to read quotation marks within sentences 

//Enter the new information into the posts table 
$sql="INSERT INTO posts(postID, title, date, contents, rating, photo, phototype) VALUES (Null, '$new_post_title', '$new_post_date', '$new_post_contents', '$new_post_rating', '$photo', '$imagetype')"; 

//Run the query 
$result=$mysqli->query($sql) or die (mysqli_error($mysqli)); 

if ($result) { 

header ('location:main_menu.php'); 

else { 
echo mysql_error(); 


form { 
    border-opacity: 1.0 ; 
    display: incline-block; 
    text-align: center; 

input[type=text]:focus, input[type=date]:focus { 
width: 50%; 
height: 20%;  
border: 3px solid #00ffff; 

body { 
    text-align: center; 
    padding-top: 50px; 

<BODY><font color="white"> 
<br><br><br><H1 text-align="center">Add a New Post</H1> 
//Connect To Header Page 
include "header1.php"; 

//Connect To Database 
include "dbconnect.php"; 
<!-- <HR> Tag inserts a horizonal line across the page (horizontal rule)--> 
<!-- <Form> Tag indicates that a form will be created --> 
<!-- action indicates the file used to process the input when the submit button is pressed--> 
<form enctype= "multipart/form-data" action="add_post.php" method = "POST"> 
Title: <br> 
<!-- <input type> Tag indicates the type of input expected eg. text. Name = indicates the name given to the input--> 
<input type="text" name="newtitle"><br> 
Date: <br> 
<input type="date" name="newdate"><br> 
Contents: <br> 
<input type="text" name="newcontents"><br> 
Rating: <br> 
<input type="text" name="newrating"><br> 
Please Browse to where the photo is located:<br> 
<input type = file name = "photo"><br> 
<!-- Value indicates the text to be displayed. In this case, displayed on the button --> 
<input type ="submit" value="Submit"> 




はmysql- * – nogad


" を使用して停止?。 ?> – iCoders


@nogadは単純ですが、この作業には必要です – Thomas



<br><td width="300" align="center"><font color="white"> 
echo "<img src="<?php echo $row['photo']; ?>" width=300 height=300/>"; 


<br><td width="300" align="center"><font color="white"> 
    <img src="<?php echo $row['photo']; ?>" width=300 height=300/> 
