2016-07-23 7 views

私は、mapWithStateを使用して、カフカから来るユーザー生成イベントをセッションするSparkスカラーストリーミングアプリを持っています。メンテナンスの際にアプリをポーズして再開できるようにして設定を成熟させたい私はすでにデータベースにkafkaのオフセット情報を書いています。そのため、アプリケーションを再起動すると、最後に処理されたオフセットで取り上げることができます。しかし、私はまた、状態情報を保持したい。マテリアライズするmapWithState stateSnapShotsをデータベースに保存して、後でスパークストリーミングアプリを再開する


  1. ユーザーを識別するキーがタイムアウトした後にセッション情報を生成します。
  2. 私は正常にアプリケーションをシャットダウンするときに.stateSnapshot()を実現するので、StateSpecのパラメータとしてアプリケーションを再起動すると、そのデータを使用できます。





if (state.isTimingOut()) { 
    // if key is timing out. 
    val output = (key, stateFilterable(isTimingOut = true 
     , start = state.get().start 
     , end = state.get().end 
     , duration = state.get().duration 


     .filter(a => a._2.isTimingOut) 
     .foreachRDD(rdd => 
      .map(stuff => Model(key = stuff._1, 
      start = stuff._2.start, 
      duration = stuff._2.duration) 
      .saveToCassandra(keyspaceName, tableName) 



package main.scala.cassandra_sessionizing 

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat 
import java.util.Calendar 
import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.{DStream, MapWithStateDStream} 
import scala.collection.immutable.Set 
import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkConf} 
import org.apache.spark.streaming._ 
import org.apache.spark.streaming.Duration 
import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka.KafkaUtils 
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext 
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructType, StructField, StringType, DoubleType, LongType, ArrayType, IntegerType} 
import _root_.kafka.serializer.StringDecoder 
import com.datastax.spark.connector._ 
import com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.CassandraConnector 

case class userAction(datetimestamp: Double 
         , action_name: String 
         , user_key: String 
         , page_id: Integer 

case class actionTuple(pages: scala.collection.mutable.Set[Int] 
         , start: Double 
         , end: Double) 

case class stateFilterable(isTimingOut: Boolean 
          , start: Double 
          , end: Double 
          , duration: Int 
          , pages: Set[Int] 
          , events: Int 

case class Model(user_key: String 
       , start: Double 
       , duration: Int 
       , pages: Set[Int] 
       , events: Int 

class Listener(ssc: StreamingContext, state: DStream[(String, stateFilterable)]) extends Runnable { 
    def run { 
    var input = "continue" 
    while(!input.equals("D")) { 
     input = readLine("Press D to kill: ") 
     System.out.println(input + " " + input.equals("D")) 

    // Accessing snapshot and saving: 
    state.foreachRDD(rdd => 
     .map(stuff => Model(user_key = stuff._1, 
      start = stuff._2.start, 
      duration = stuff._2.duration, 
      pages = stuff._2.pages, 
      events = stuff._2.events)) 
     .saveToCassandra("keyspace1", "snapshotstuff") 

    // Stopping context 
    ssc.stop(true, true) 

object cassandra_sessionizing { 

    // where we'll store the stuff in Cassandra 
    val tableName = "sessionized_stuff" 
    val keyspaceName = "keyspace1" 

    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { 

    val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("cassandra-sessionizing") 
     .set("spark.cassandra.connection.host", "") 
     .set("spark.cassandra.auth.username", "keyspace1") 
     .set("spark.cassandra.auth.password", "blabla") 

    val sc = new SparkContext(conf) 
    val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) 
    import sqlContext.implicits._ 

    // setup the cassandra connector and recreate the table we'll use for storing the user session data. 
    val cc = CassandraConnector(conf) 
    cc.withSessionDo { session => 
     session.execute(s"""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $keyspaceName.$tableName;""") 
     s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $keyspaceName.$tableName (
       user_key TEXT 
      , start DOUBLE 
      , duration INT 
      , pages SET<INT> 
      , events INT 
      , PRIMARY KEY(user_key, start)) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (start DESC) 

    // setup the streaming context and make sure we can checkpoint, given we're using mapWithState. 
    val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(60)) 

    // Defining the stream connection to Kafka. 
    val kafkaStream = { 
     KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String, StringDecoder, StringDecoder](ssc, 
     Map("metadata.broker.list" -> "kafka1.prod.stuff.com:9092,kafka2.prod.stuff.com:9092"), Set("theTopic")) 

    // this schema definition is needed so the json string coming from Kafka can be parsed into a dataframe using spark read.json. 
    // if an event does not conform to this structure, it will result in all null values, which are filtered out later. 
    val struct = StructType(
     StructField("datetimestamp", DoubleType, nullable = true) :: 
     StructField("sub_key", StructType(
      StructField("user_key", StringType, nullable = true) :: 
      StructField("page_id", IntegerType, nullable = true) :: 
      StructField("name", StringType, nullable = true) :: Nil), nullable = true) :: 

    this is the function needed to keep track of an user key's session. 
    3 options: 
    1) key already exists, and new values are coming in to be added to the state. 
    2) key is new, so initialize the state with the incoming value 
    3) key is timing out, so mark it with a boolean that can be used by filtering later on. Given the boolean, the data can be materialized to cassandra. 

    def trackStateFunc(batchTime: Time 
         , key: String 
         , value: Option[actionTuple] 
         , state: State[stateFilterable]) 
    : Option[(String, stateFilterable)] = { 

     // 1 : if key already exists and we have a new value for it 
     if (state.exists() && value.orNull != null) { 
     var current_set = state.getOption().get.pages 
     var current_start = state.getOption().get.start 
     var current_end = state.getOption().get.end 

     if (value.get.pages != null) { 
      current_set ++= value.get.pages 

     current_start = Array(current_start, value.get.start).min // the starting epoch is used to initialize the state, but maybe some earlier events are processed a bit later. 
     current_end = Array(current_end, value.get.end).max // always update the end time of the session with new events coming in. 
     val new_event_counter = state.getOption().get.events + 1 
     val new_output = stateFilterable(isTimingOut = false 
      , start = current_start 
      , end = current_end 
      , duration = (current_end - current_start).toInt 
      , pages = current_set 
      , events = new_event_counter) 

     val output = (key, new_output) 
     return Some(output) 

     // 2: if key does not exist and we have a new value for it 
     else if (value.orNull != null) { 
     var new_set: Set[Int] = Set() 
     val current_value = value.get.pages 
     if (current_value != null) { 
      new_set ++= current_value 

     val event_counter = 1 
     val current_start = value.get.start 
     val current_end = value.get.end 

     val new_output = stateFilterable(isTimingOut = false 
      , start = current_start 
      , end = current_end 
      , duration = (current_end - current_start).toInt 
      , pages = new_set 
      , events = event_counter) 

     val output = (key, new_output) 
     return Some(output) 

     // 3: if key is timing out 
     if (state.isTimingOut()) { 
     val output = (key, stateFilterable(isTimingOut = true 
      , start = state.get().start 
      , end = state.get().end 
      , duration = state.get().duration 
      , pages = state.get().pages 
      , events = state.get().events 
     return Some(output) 

     // this part of the function should never be reached. 
     throw new Error(s"Entered dead end with $key $value") 

    // defining the state specification used later on as a step in the stream pipeline. 
    val stateSpec = StateSpec.function(trackStateFunc _) 

    // RDD 1 
    val streamParsedRaw = kafkaStream 
     .map { case (k, v: String) => v } // key is empty, so get the value containing the json string. 
     .transform { rdd => 
     val df = sqlContext.read.schema(struct).json(rdd) // apply schema defined above and parse the json into a dataframe, 
     , "action.name AS action_name" 
     , "action.user_key" 
     , "action.page_id" 
     df.as[userAction].rdd // transform dataframe into spark Dataset so we easily cast to the case class userAction. 

    val initialCount = actionTuple(pages = collection.mutable.Set(), start = 0.0, end = 0.0) 

    val addToCounts = (left: actionTuple, ua: userAction) => { 
     val current_start = ua.datetimestamp 
     val current_end = ua.datetimestamp 
     if (ua.page_id != null) left.pages += ua.page_id 
     actionTuple(left.pages, current_start, current_end) 

    val sumPartitionCounts = (p1: actionTuple, p2: actionTuple) => { 
     val current_start = Array(p1.start, p2.start).min 
     val current_end = Array(p1.end, p2.end).max 
     actionTuple(p1.pages ++= p2.pages, current_start, current_end) 

    // RDD 2: add the mapWithState part. 
    val streamParsed = streamParsedRaw 
     .map(s => (s.user_key, s)) // create key value tuple so we can apply the mapWithState to the user_key. 
     .transform(rdd => rdd.aggregateByKey(initialCount)(addToCounts, sumPartitionCounts)) // reduce to one row per user key for each batch. 

    // RDD 3: if the app is shutdown, this rdd should be materialized. 
    val state = streamParsed.stateSnapshots() 

    // RDD 4: Crucial: loop up sessions timing out, extract the fields that we want to keep and materialize in Cassandra. 
     .filter(a => a._2.isTimingOut) 
     .foreachRDD(rdd => 
      .map(stuff => Model(user_key = stuff._1, 
      start = stuff._2.start, 
      duration = stuff._2.duration, 
      pages = stuff._2.pages, 
      events = stuff._2.events)) 
      .saveToCassandra(keyspaceName, tableName) 

    // add a listener hook that we can use to gracefully shutdown the app and materialize the RDD containing the state snapshots. 
    var listener = new Thread(new Listener(ssc, state)) 





// define a class Listener 
class Listener(ssc: StreamingContext, state: DStream[(String, stateFilterable)]) extends Runnable { 
    def run { 
    if(ssc == null) 
     System.out.println("The spark context is null") 
     System.out.println("The spark context is fine!!!") 

    var input = "continue" 
    while(!input.equals("D")) { 
     input = readLine("Press D to kill: ") 
     System.out.println(input + " " + input.equals("D")) 

    System.out.println("Accessing snapshot and saving:") 
    state.foreachRDD(rdd => 
     .map(stuff => Model(key = stuff._1, 
      start = stuff._2.start, 
      duration = stuff._2.duration) 
     .saveToCassandra("some_keyspace", "some_table") 

    System.out.println("Stopping context!") 
    ssc.stop(true, true) 
    System.out.println("We have stopped!") 

// Inside the app object: 
val state = streamParsed.stateSnapshots() 
var listener = new Thread(new Listener(ssc, state)) 

だから、完全なコードになります私はDStream RDDから通常のRDDに移行し、ストリーミングのコンテキストをやめ、それを保存してラップアップしたいと思っていました。通常のRDDですが、どうすればいいのか分かりません。誰かが助けてくれることを願っていますか?

Exception in thread "Thread-52" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Adding new inputs, transformations, and output operations after sta$ 
ting a context is not supported 
     at org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream.validateAtInit(DStream.scala:222) 
     at org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream.<init>(DStream.scala:64) 
     at org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.ForEachDStream.<init>(ForEachDStream.scala:34) 
     at org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream.org$apache$spark$streaming$dstream$DStream$$foreachRDD(DStream.scala:687) 
     at org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream$$anonfun$foreachRDD$1.apply$mcV$sp(DStream.scala:661) 
     at org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream$$anonfun$foreachRDD$1.apply(DStream.scala:659) 
     at org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream$$anonfun$foreachRDD$1.apply(DStream.scala:659) 
     at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDDOperationScope$.withScope(RDDOperationScope.scala:150) 
     at org.apache.spark.rdd.RDDOperationScope$.withScope(RDDOperationScope.scala:111) 
     at org.apache.spark.SparkContext.withScope(SparkContext.scala:714) 
     at org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext.withScope(StreamingContext.scala:260) 
     at org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream.foreachRDD(DStream.scala:659) 
     at main.scala.feaUS.Listener.run(feaUS.scala:119) 
     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) 

ステートフルストリームにはチェックポイントが必要なため、すべてのチェックポイント間隔で状態が保存されます。これは、ポイント2で達成しようとしている正確な目的に役立ちます。キャビネットでは、ジョブを更新した後、チェックポイントデータが古くて使用できなくなります。それ以外の場合は、実際のストリームではなく、データのみを保存することをお勧めします。 –


はい、チェックポイントデータを使用しようとしましたが、実際には使用できませんでした。あなたの提案は、上記で答えようとしていることです。つまり、状態スナップショット内のデータをCassandraに保存する方法です。 – benteeuwen


あなたはどこから文脈を始めていますか?コードの一部が表示されない –



コードには2つの主な変更点があります。 1>チェックポイントされたディレクトリを使用してスパークストリーミングコンテキストを開始します。

val ssc = StreamingContext.getOrCreate(checkpointDirectory, 
    () => createContext(checkpointDirectory)); 


2> SQLコンテキストは、少し異なる方法で構築する必要があります。

val streamParsedRaw = kafkaStream 
    .map { case (k, v: String) => v } // key is empty, so get the value containing the json string. 
    .map(s => s.replaceAll("""(\"hotel_id\")\:\"([0-9]+)\"""", "\"hotel_id\":$2")) // some events contain the hotel_id in quotes, making it a string. remove these quotes. 
    .transform { rdd => 
    val sqlContext = SQLContext.getOrCreate(rdd.sparkContext) 
    import sqlContext.implicits._ 
    val df = sqlContext.read.schema(struct).json(rdd) // apply schema defined above and parse the json into a dataframe, 
    .selectExpr("__created_epoch__ AS created_epoch" // the parsed json dataframe needs a bit of type cleaning and name changing 

RDDをListenerクラスに保存するコードも削除します。これは不要になったためです。あなたが述べた例外の原因は、スパークストリーミングでは、ストリーミングコンテキストが開始されると新しいストリームを定義できないということです。 –




