data GameState = GameState {
gameTurn :: Int, -- | Everyone sees
gamePhase :: GamePhase, -- | this
boardState :: BoardState, -- | stuff
-- a lot more stuff everyone can see, followed by
usHand :: [Card],
ussrHand :: [Card]
data GameState = GameState {
-- public stuff
usHand :: [Card],
ussrHand :: Int
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, RankNTypes #-}
module Test where
data Card = Card
data BoardState = BoardState
data GamePhase = GamePhase
data Country
data Player = PUS | PUSSR
data US
data USSR
data Observer
data Server
data Private = Private Int
data Public = Public [Card]
class HandType a where
type USHand a :: *
type USSRHand a :: *
toUS :: Public -> USHand a
-- toUSSR :: Public -> USSRHand a -- TODO
instance HandType Server where
type USHand Server = Public
type USSRHand Server = Public
toUS (Public cs) = Public cs
instance HandType US where
type USHand US = Public
type USSRHand US = Private
toUS (Public cs) = Public cs
instance HandType USSR where
type USHand USSR = Private
type USSRHand USSR = Public
toUS (Public cs) = Private (length cs)
instance HandType Observer where
type USHand Observer = Private
type USSRHand Observer = Private
toUS (Public cs) = Private (length cs)
data GameState a = GameState {
gameTurn :: Int, -- | Everyone sees
gamePhase :: GamePhase, -- | this
boardState :: BoardState, -- | stuff
usHand :: USHand a,
ussrHand :: USSRHand a
data Event a =
PlaceInfluence Player Int Country -- | Most plays don't affect
| PlayCard Player Card -- | either hand
| DealCards (USHand a) (USSRHand a) -- | This one does
-- Works
obsEvents :: [Event US]
obsEvents = [PlayCard PUS Card, PlayCard PUSSR Card, DealCards (Public [Card]) (Private 3)]
-- Works
serverEvents :: [Event Server]
serverEvents = [PlayCard PUS Card, PlayCard PUSSR Card, DealCards (Public [Card, Card]) (Public [Card])]
-- The server must send out the gamestate modified for the player's consumption.
-- serverToPlayerGS :: GameState Server -> GameState a
serverToPlayerGS (GameState turn phase bs us ussr) =
GameState turn phase bs (toUS us) undefined -- | <- Doesn't work (line 75)
-- serverToPlayerEvent :: Event Server -> Event a
serverToPlayerEvent (PlaceInfluence p amt c) = PlaceInfluence p amt c
serverToPlayerEvent (PlayCard p c) = PlayCard p c
serverToPlayerEvent (DealCards us ussr) =
DealCards (toUS us) undefined -- | <- Doesn't work (line 78)
Couldn't match expected type ‘USHand a’
with actual type ‘USHand a0’
NB: ‘USHand’ is a type function, and may not be injective
The type variable ‘a0’ is ambiguous
Relevant bindings include
serverToPlayerGS :: GameState Server -> GameState a
(bound at src/Test4.hs:74:1)
In the fourth argument of ‘GameState’, namely ‘(toUS us)’
In the expression: GameState turn phase bs (toUS us) undefined
Could not deduce (USHand a0 ~ USHand a1)
from the context (HandType a1,
USHand a1 ~ USHand a,
USHand t ~ Public)
bound by the inferred type for ‘serverToPlayerGS’:
(HandType a1, USHand a1 ~ USHand a, USHand t ~ Public) =>
GameState t -> GameState a
at src/Test4.hs:(74,1)-(75,45)
NB: ‘USHand’ is a type function, and may not be injective
The type variable ‘a0’ is ambiguous
Expected type: USHand a
Actual type: USHand a0
When checking that ‘serverToPlayerGS’ has the inferred type
serverToPlayerGS :: forall t a a1.
(HandType a1, USHand a1 ~ USHand a, USHand t ~ Public) =>
GameState t -> GameState a
Probable cause: the inferred type is ambiguous
を省略しますt o型チェックと有用な方法で、serverToPlayerGSとserverToPlayerEventを記述します。
これは完全に機能します。どうもありがとう!また、ghcの将来のリリースでは、Proxyタイプが必要ないかもしれないと聞きました。誰もそれに関する情報への参照を持っていますか? –
@mindreader、はい、それは 'TypeApplication'拡張です。 GHC 8に着陸します.GHC 8には既にリリース候補があります。 https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/TypeApplication – hao