2017-07-27 3 views

両方のコンピュータを起動するにはchromeを使用していますが、私のコードは1920 x 1080の解像度で正しく動作しています。ボトム。 workingHTMLキャンバスは他のPCのChromeで正式にサイジングしていません




window.onload = function() { 
var input = document.getElementById("file"); 
    var audio = document.getElementById("audio"); 
    var selectLabel = document.querySelector("label[for=select]"); 
    var audioLabel = document.querySelector("label[for=audio]"); 
    var select = document.querySelector("select"); 
    var context = void 0, 
     src = void 0, 
     res = [], 
     url = ""; 
    function processDirectoryUpload(event) { 
     var webkitResult = []; 
     var mozResult = []; 
     var files; 
     select.innerHTML = ""; 

     // do mozilla stuff 
     function mozReadDirectories(entries, path) { 
     console.log("dir", entries, path); 
     return [].reduce.call(entries, function(promise, entry) { 
      return promise.then(function() { 
       return Promise.resolve(entry.getFilesAndDirectories() || entry) 
       .then(function(dir) { 
        return dir 
      }, Promise.resolve()) 
      .then(function(items) { 
      var dir = items.filter(function(folder) { 
       return folder instanceof Directory 
      var files = items.filter(function(file) { 
       return file instanceof File 
      if (files.length) { 
       // console.log("files:", files, path); 
       mozResult = mozResult.concat.apply(mozResult, files); 
      if (dir.length) { 
       // console.log(dir, dir[0] instanceof Directory); 
       return mozReadDirectories(dir, dir[0].path || path); 

      } else { 
       if (!dir.length) { 
       return Promise.resolve(mozResult).then(function(complete) { 
        return complete 



     function handleEntries(entry) { 
     let file = "webkitGetAsEntry" in entry ? entry.webkitGetAsEntry() : entry 
     return Promise.resolve(file); 

     function handleFile(entry) { 
     return new Promise(function(resolve) { 
      if (entry.isFile) { 
      entry.file(function(file) { 
       listFile(file, entry.fullPath).then(resolve) 
      } else if (entry.isDirectory) { 
      var reader = entry.createReader(); 
      reader.readEntries(webkitReadDirectories.bind(null, entry, handleFile, resolve)) 
      } else { 
      var entries = [entry]; 
      return entries.reduce(function(promise, file) { 
       return promise.then(function() { 
        return listDirectory(file) 
       }, Promise.resolve()) 
       .then(function() { 
       return Promise.all(entries.map(function(file) { 
        return listFile(file) 

     function webkitReadDirectories(entry, callback, resolve, entries) { 
      return listDirectory(entry).then(function(currentDirectory) { 
      console.log(`iterating ${currentDirectory.name} directory`, entry); 
      return entries.reduce(function(promise, directory) { 
       return promise.then(function() { 
       return callback(directory) 
      }, Promise.resolve()) 


     function listDirectory(entry) { 
     return Promise.resolve(entry); 

     function listFile(file, path) { 
     path = path || file.webkitRelativePath || "/" + file.name; 
     console.log(`reading ${file.name}, size: ${file.size}, path:${path}`); 
     return Promise.resolve(webkitResult) 

     function processFiles(files) { 
     Promise.all([].map.call(files, function(file, index) { 
      return handleEntries(file, index).then(handleFile) 
      .then(function() { 
      console.log("complete", webkitResult); 
      res = webkitResult; 
      res.reduce(function(promise, track) { 
       return promise.then(function() { 
       return playMusic(track) 
      }, displayFiles(res)) 
      .catch(function(err) { 

     if ("getFilesAndDirectories" in event.target) { 
     return (event.type === "drop" ? event.dataTransfer : event.target).getFilesAndDirectories() 
      .then(function(dir) { 
      if (dir[0] instanceof Directory) { 
       return mozReadDirectories(dir, dir[0].path || path) 
       .then(function(complete) { 
        console.log("complete:", webkitResult); 
        event.target.value = null; 
      } else { 
       if (dir[0] instanceof File && dir[0].size > 0) { 
       return Promise.resolve(dir) 
        .then(function() { 
        console.log("complete:", mozResult); 
        res = mozResult; 
        res.reduce(function(promise, track) { 
         return promise.then(function() { 
         return playMusic(track) 
        }, displayFiles(res)) 
       } else { 
       if (dir[0].size == 0) { 
        throw new Error("could not process '" + dir[0].name + "' directory" + " at drop event at firefox, upload folders at 'Choose folder...' input"); 
      }).catch(function(err) { 

     files = event.target.files; 

     if (files) { 


    function displayFiles(files) { 
     select.innerHTML = ""; 
     return Promise.all(files.map(function(file, index) { 
     return new Promise(function(resolve) { 
\t \t \t if (/^audio/.test(file.type)) { /* do stuff, that is all code currently within Promise resolver function */} else { /* proceed to next file */ resolve()} 
      var option = new Option(file.name, index); 

    function handleSelectedSong(event) { 
     if (res.length) { 
     var index = select.value; 
     var track = res[index]; 
      .then(function(filename) { 
      console.log(filename + " playback completed") 
     } else { 
     console.log("No songs to play") 

    function playMusic(file) { 
     return new Promise(function(resolve) { 
     audio.onended = function() { 
      audio.onended = null; 
      if (url) URL.revokeObjectURL(url); 
     if (url) URL.revokeObjectURL(url); 
     url = URL.createObjectURL(file); 
     audio.src = url; 
     audioLabel.textContent = file.name; 
     context = context || new AudioContext(); 
     src = src || context.createMediaElementSource(audio); 

     var analyser = context.createAnalyser(); 

     var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); 
     canvas.width = window.innerWidth; 
     canvas.height = window.innerHeight; 
     var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); 


     analyser.fftSize = 512; 

     var bufferLength = analyser.frequencyBinCount; 

     var dataArray = new Uint8Array(bufferLength); 
     var WIDTH = canvas.width; 
     var HEIGHT = canvas.height; 

     var barWidth = (WIDTH/bufferLength) * 1; 
     var barHeight; 
     var x = 0; 

     function renderFrame() { 
      x = 0; 


      ctx.fillStyle = "#1b1b1b"; 
      ctx.fillRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT); 

      for (var i = 0; i < bufferLength; i++) { 
      barHeight = dataArray[i]; 


      ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(5,155,45)" 
      ctx.fillRect(x, HEIGHT - barHeight, barWidth, barHeight); 

      x += barWidth + 2; 


    input.addEventListener("change", processDirectoryUpload); 
    select.addEventListener("change", handleSelectedSong); 
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    display: inline-block; 
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    background-image: none; 
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      appearance: none; 

.select-style select:focus { 
    outline: none; 


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<!doctype html> 
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    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"> 
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    <link href="http://gmtrash.x10.mx/styles/fonts.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> 
    <link href="http://gmtrash.x10.mx/styles/mainpage.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> 
\t <link href="http://gmtrash.x10.mx/styles/input.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> 
\t <link href="http://gmtrash.x10.mx/styles/mv.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> 




\t <script src="http://gmtrash.x10.mx/scripts/mvtest.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 
    <canvas id="canvas" width="window.innerWidth" height="window.innerHeight"></canvas> 
     <div id="topbar"> 
\t  <div align="center" class="box1"> 
     <p align="center" style="color: rgb(24, 255, 128); font-size: 18px">This is a music visualizer made with Javascript. To start select a music folder from your pc with the Select Music Directory button. To fix the the scaling problem when resizing just reselect the song again after you've resized the window.</p> 

<div id="content"> 
<label class="custom-file-upload"> 
    Select Music directory <input id="file" type="file" accept="audio/*" directory allowdirs webkitdirectory/> 
    <p style="color: rgb(5,195,5);">Now playing:</p> 
    <label for="audio" class="custom-file-upload"></label> 
     <p style="color: rgb(5,195,5);">Select Song</p> 
    <div class="select-style"> 
    <select id="select" > 
\t </div> 
    <audio id="audio" controls></audio> 


<p align="center" style="color: rgb(24, 255, 128); font-size: 16px"> 
    Most likely tempo: <span id="output"></span> 
\t </div> 

\t \t <div class="bg"></div> 
     <div id="buttons"><a href="index.html" class="buttons">Home</a><a href="/games/index.html" class="buttons">Games</a><a href="contact.html" class="buttons">Contact me</a><a href="orders.html" class="buttons">Store</a><a href="./downloads/index.html" class="buttons">Downloads</a></div> 
     <div id="headimg"> 
\t \t 
      <a href="index.html"><img src="http://gmtrash.x10.mx/images/header.png" style="width:1024px; height:80px" title="header" alt="header"></a> 
\t \t \t 
\t \t </div> 
\t \t 
     (function() { 
      var htmlCanvas = document.getElementById('canvas'), 
       context = htmlCanvas.getContext('2d'); 

      function initialize() { 
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      function resizeCanvas() { 
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       htmlCanvas.height = window.innerHeight; 






正しい値を返すwindow.innerWidthとwindow.innerHeightはありますか? – Skywalker


はい、キャンバス要素を介して確認しました。それはほぼ最小限に開いたコンソールと正しいサイズを報告しているし、タスクバーはそのレポートを1061x678 <(クロムの検索バーを上に取る)を取っている。 – Nickh90


問題はありませんが、renderFrameループを停止することはありますか?私はちょうど目を覚まし、それを見逃しているかもしれませんが、このコードブロックをすばやく読んでいると、新しい演奏のたびに新しい曲が始まるようです。5曲目に5つのアナライザーがあり、5回すべてのフレーム。 – Kaiido



私が変更したWhistを変更しても、私のビジュアライザーのバリエーションはこの問題を修正しました。私はそれが何であるかは分かりませんが、私はそれが変化したと推測しています。analyser.fftSize = 512;~analyser.fftSize = 8192 ;;実際の例をご紹介します:my site




これを追加してくれてありがとうございました – Nickh90
