おかげと改名元のテーブル。 は、私は必要なすべての手順を自動化するために使用されるC#の方法を共有したい:
- 免責事項:this
の使用はSELECT文を読むために使用されるMS SQL Serverと接続している私のクラス、である(そして返しますDataTable)となど、SQLクエリを実行するには、誰かが(AS-IS)親切にこのコードを見つけることを願って -
/// <summary> Recreate an ID with auto-incremental when the table has the ID without this option.
/// <para>Automatically will rename the original table to TABLENAME_TO_DELETE (The process will require copy and recreate the table, then the process will duplicate the information) </para></summary>
/// <param name="strTable">SQL table</param>
/// <param name="strId">ID column</param>
public string recreateIdentityColumn(string strTable, string strId)
string strLog = "Table: {0} - ID: {1}".fwFormat(strTable, strId);
string strNewTable = strTable + "_" + fw.rnd(1, 1000).ToString() + fw.rnd(5000, 10000);
"FROM Information_SCHEMA.COLUMNS " +
"WHERE TABLE_NAME = '" + strTable + "'");
if (!dtTable.fwHasData()) throw new Exception("The current table '" + strTable + "' doesn't exists");
DataRow[] drIdInfo = dtTable.Select("COLUMN_NAME = '" + strId + "'");
if (!drIdInfo.fwHasData()) throw new Exception("The ID column '" + strId + "' doesn't exists in the table '" + strTable + "'");
string strIdType = "";
string strColumns = "";
strIdType = drIdInfo[0]["DATA_TYPE"].fwEmpty("");
if (strIdType.fwContains("decimal"))
strIdType += "({0}, {1})".fwFormat(drIdInfo[0]["NUMERIC_PRECISION"].ToString(), drIdInfo[0]["NUMERIC_SCALE"].ToString());
strLog += "\r\nID DataType: " + strIdType;
foreach (DataRow drInfo in dtTable.Rows)
strColumns += ",[" + drInfo["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString() + "]";
strId = "[" + strId.TrimStart('[').TrimEnd(']') + "]";
strColumns = strColumns.TrimStart(',');
strLog += "\r\nColumns: " + strColumns;
// Rule 1: Clone the table (Only the structure)
this.executeQuery("SELECT TOP 0 * INTO " + strNewTable + " FROM " + strTable);
// Rule 2: Remove the ID from the clone table
this.executeQuery("ALTER TABLE " + strNewTable + " DROP COLUMN " + strId);
// Rule 3: Add the ID column with the identity property
this.executeQuery("ALTER TABLE " + strNewTable + " ADD " + strId + " " + strIdType + " IDENTITY(1,1)");
// Rule 4: Allow manual insertion of ID in the identity column
this.executeQuery("SET IDENTITY_INSERT " + strNewTable + " ON");
// Rule 5: Copy the rows into the table
int intTotalRows = this.rowCount(strTable);
int intTotalNewRows = this.executeQuery("INSERT INTO " + strNewTable + "(" + strColumns + ") " +
"SELECT " + strColumns + " FROM " + strTable);
strLog += "\r\nOriginal rows {0} - New rows {1}".fwFormat(intTotalRows.ToString(), intTotalNewRows.ToString());
// Rule 6: Return the insertion of identity rows to a normal state
this.executeQuery("SET IDENTITY_INSERT " + strNewTable + " OFF");
// Rule 7: Rename the table with NO IDENTITY as OLD and rename the table with INDENTITY ID as NEW/ACTUAL
this.executeQuery("EXEC sp_rename '" + strTable + "', '" + strTable + "_TO_DELETE', 'OBJECT'");
this.executeQuery("EXEC sp_rename '" + strNewTable + "', '" + strTable + "', 'OBJECT'");
strLog += "\r\nProcess run without problems";
return strLog;
catch (Exception ex)
strLog += "\r\nException occur";
throw ex;
あなたがID列にして独自の値を挿入することができるようにちょうど 'IDENTITY INSERT'を見上げます。 – MatBailie