2017-04-18 36 views

最近MacOS Sierra 10.12.4でLinuxマシンからMacbook Pro 2016に切り替えました。MacOSでUSB経由でJ-Linkに接続できませんSierra


[email protected]:~$ JLinkExe 
SEGGER J-Link Commander V6.14c (Compiled Mar 31 2017 17:42:24) 
DLL version V6.14c, compiled Mar 31 2017 17:42:10 

Connecting to J-Link via USB...FAILED: Can not connect to J-Link via USB. 

dmesgのでJ-リンクに関する情報は絶対にありません。私は、私のラップトップのUSB-Cポートに関するいくつかの問題があるかもしれないと思う。しかし、私は結果のない2つの異なるアダプターを試しました。 Linuxではうまくいきました。



+-o Root Hub Simulation [email protected] <class AppleUSBRootHubDevice, id 0x1000004fa, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (1 ms), retain 12> 
    | | { 
    | | "iManufacturer" = 0 
    | | "bNumConfigurations" = 1 
    | | "idProduct" = 32775 
    | | "bMaxPacketSize0" = 8 
    | | "Built-In" = Yes 
    | | "iProduct" = 0 
    | | "USB Product Name" = "Root Hub Simulation Simulation" 
    | | "iSerialNumber" = 0 
    | | "bDeviceClass" = 9 
    | | "IOPowerManagement" = {"DevicePowerState"=0,"CurrentPowerState"=4,"CapabilityFlags"=32768,"MaxPowerState"=4,"DriverPowerState"=4} 
    | | "IOUserClientClass" = "IOUSBDeviceUserClientV2" 
    | | "locationID" = 335544320 
    | | "bDeviceSubClass" = 255 
    | | "bcdUSB" = 256 
    | | "non-removable" = "yes" 
    | | "IOCFPlugInTypes" = {"9dc7b780-9ec0-11d4-a54f-000a27052861"="IOUSBFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOUSBLib.bundle"} 
    | | "bDeviceProtocol" = 3 
    | | "USB Vendor Name" = "Apple Inc." 
    | | "Device Speed" = 3 
    | | "idVendor" = 1452 
    | | "IOGeneralInterest" = "IOCommand is not serializable" 
    | | "IOClassNameOverride" = "IOUSBRootHubDevice" 
    | | } 
    | | 
    | +-o [email protected] <class AppleUSBDevice, id 0x100006f4e, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (20 ms), retain 35> 
    |  { 
    |  "sessionID" = 57710128085962 
    |  "iManufacturer" = 1 
    |  "bNumConfigurations" = 3 
    |  "idProduct" = 34304 
    |  "bcdDevice" = 257 
    |  "Bus Power Available" = 250 
    |  "USB Address" = 1 
    |  "bMaxPacketSize0" = 64 
    |  "iProduct" = 2 
    |  "iSerialNumber" = 0 
    |  "bDeviceClass" = 239 
    |  "Built-In" = Yes 
    |  "locationID" = 336592896 
    |  "bDeviceSubClass" = 2 
    |  "bcdUSB" = 512 
    |  "USB Product Name" = "iBridge" 
    |  "PortNum" = 1 
    |  "non-removable" = "yes" 
    |  "IOCFPlugInTypes" = {"9dc7b780-9ec0-11d4-a54f-000a27052861"="IOUSBFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOUSBLib.bundle"} 
    |  "bDeviceProtocol" = 1 
    |  "IOUserClientClass" = "IOUSBDeviceUserClientV2" 
    |  "IOPowerManagement" = {"DevicePowerState"=2,"CurrentPowerState"=4,"CapabilityFlags"=32768,"MaxPowerState"=4,"DriverPowerState"=4} 
    |  "kUSBCurrentConfiguration" = 2 
    |  "Device Speed" = 2 
    |  "USB Vendor Name" = "Apple Inc." 
    |  "idVendor" = 1452 
    |  "IOGeneralInterest" = "IOCommand is not serializable" 
    |  "IOClassNameOverride" = "IOUSBDevice" 
    |  } 
    +-o Root Hub Simulation [email protected] <class AppleUSBRootHubDevice, id 0x100003abf, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (2 ms), retain 8> 
    | { 
    |  "iManufacturer" = 0 
    |  "bNumConfigurations" = 1 
    |  "idProduct" = 32775 
    |  "bMaxPacketSize0" = 8 
    |  "Built-In" = Yes 
    |  "iProduct" = 0 
    |  "USB Product Name" = "Root Hub Simulation Simulation" 
    |  "iSerialNumber" = 0 
    |  "bDeviceClass" = 9 
    |  "IOPowerManagement" = {"DevicePowerState"=0,"CurrentPowerState"=4,"CapabilityFlags"=32768,"MaxPowerState"=4,"DriverPowerState"=4} 
    |  "IOUserClientClass" = "IOUSBDeviceUserClientV2" 
    |  "locationID" = 0 
    |  "bDeviceSubClass" = 255 
    |  "bcdUSB" = 256 
    |  "non-removable" = "yes" 
    |  "IOCFPlugInTypes" = {"9dc7b780-9ec0-11d4-a54f-000a27052861"="IOUSBFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOUSBLib.bundle"} 
    |  "bDeviceProtocol" = 3 
    |  "USB Vendor Name" = "Apple Inc." 
    |  "Device Speed" = 3 
    |  "idVendor" = 1452 
    |  "IOGeneralInterest" = "IOCommand is not serializable" 
    |  "IOClassNameOverride" = "IOUSBRootHubDevice" 
    | } 
    +-o Root Hub Simulation [email protected] <class AppleUSBRootHubDevice, id 0x10000486e, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (2 ms), retain 8> 
     "iManufacturer" = 0 
     "bNumConfigurations" = 1 
     "idProduct" = 32775 
     "bMaxPacketSize0" = 8 
     "Built-In" = Yes 
     "iProduct" = 0 
     "USB Product Name" = "Root Hub Simulation Simulation" 
     "iSerialNumber" = 0 
     "bDeviceClass" = 9 
     "IOPowerManagement" = {"DevicePowerState"=0,"CurrentPowerState"=4,"CapabilityFlags"=32768,"MaxPowerState"=4,"DriverPowerState"=4} 
     "IOUserClientClass" = "IOUSBDeviceUserClientV2" 
     "locationID" = 16777216 
     "bDeviceSubClass" = 255 
     "bcdUSB" = 256 
     "non-removable" = "yes" 
     "IOCFPlugInTypes" = {"9dc7b780-9ec0-11d4-a54f-000a27052861"="IOUSBFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOUSBLib.bundle"} 
     "bDeviceProtocol" = 3 
     "USB Vendor Name" = "Apple Inc." 
     "Device Speed" = 3 
     "idVendor" = 1452 
     "IOGeneralInterest" = "IOCommand is not serializable" 
     "IOClassNameOverride" = "IOUSBRootHubDevice" 

ioreg -p IOUSB -l -w 0'を実行して、jlinkがOSによってまったく認識されているかどうかを確認することをお勧めします。詳細:http://stackoverflow.com/a/29778245/28128 –


ioregの出力で質問を更新しました。 J-Linkのサインはありません。 – eclipse



:ここで "ioreg -p IOUSB -l -w 0" の短縮が出力されます。 J-Linkケーブルの私のUSBコネクタがひどく建設されていて、何かが接続できなかった。私は別のUSBケーブルを試して、それはOKだった。
