2016-06-23 8 views

Folks I have real odd situation that doesn't seem to make sense to me at all. Here's my setup:角度<a href> links - odd behaviour

<html ng-app="mainApp"> 
    <header ng-controller="headerCntrl"> 
     <a href="#/profile">Profile</a> 
<main ng-view></main> 
<footer /> 

The header has it's own controller, then I use ngRoute to define various paths, including the profile:

.when('/profile', { 
    templateUrl: 'views/profile.html', 
    controller: 'profileController' 

For some reason, clicking in the a href link in the header does nothing. No error, no activity. It does show the correct URL when you hover over the link, and, right-clicking and opening in new tab DOES work just fine.

Why does a normal left click not work? Bearing in mind that either:

  • Typing that route in directly into address bar &
  • Right click - open in new window

both work, what's stopping angular from loading that view into the div?

Any help much appreciated!



I think problem is that you do not specify base url。それを試してみてください。


こんにちはVitaliiは、hrefを絶対リンクで置き換えても動作を変更しません。 –


問題を引き起こす可能性のある落とし穴がたくさんあります。コードなしでは、あなたがどこにいるのかを言うのは難しいです。問題を見つけるためにガイドから簡単なアプリケーションを作成するようにアドバイスできます https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/$location – Vitalii
