初心者のプログラマー..とシンプルなSimon Saysゲームをコーディングする。リスト内の項目をチェックする際のトラブル
import random
#the items (colors) that Simon can choose from
colors = ['Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green']
#A list for what Simon's pattern can be in
simon = []
#A list for what the User's pattern can be in
user = []
def SimonSays():
#Choose a random item in the list of colors
#for each item in the list, or each color in the list 'simon', print that list
#this is just for testing to see what the color is
for color in simon:
print simon
userResponse = raw_input("What did Simon Say?")
#if the user responded with the correct color
if userResponse == color:
#IDLE will print.. then add another color to the list, and prompt the user again
print "Correct, a new item will be added to the sequence"
twoColors = simon.append(random.choice(colors))
print simon
user2Response = raw_input("What did Simon Say?")
if user2Response == simon:
print "Correct"
print "Incorrect"
#if the user didn't respond with the correct color..
print "Incorrect, sorry you lost."