2016-04-22 8 views



ここで私はdbテーブルにcsvデータをダンプした後、dbテーブルからデータを取得するために使用したsqlを入れています。 SQLはC#アプリケーションで生成されます。

 strSql = "select (select count(*) as incoming from " + tableName + " where direction='I' and "; 
     strSql = strSql + "CONVERT(datetime,right([Call Start],8)) >='" + StartTime + "' and "; 
     strSql = strSql + "CONVERT(datetime,right([Call Start],8)) <='" + EndTime + "' "; 
     strSql = strSql + "and Is_Internal=0 and continuation=0 and RIGHT(convert(varchar,[call duration]),8)<> '00:00:00' "; 
     strSql = strSql + "and party1name not in ('Voice Mail') and party1name not like 'VM %') as incoming, "; 

     strSql = strSql + "(select count(*) as OutGoing from " + tableName + " "; 
     strSql = strSql + "where direction='O' and "; 
     strSql = strSql + "CONVERT(datetime,right([Call Start],8)) >='" + StartTime + "' and "; 
     strSql = strSql + "CONVERT(datetime,right([Call Start],8)) <='" + EndTime + "' "; 
     strSql = strSql + "and Is_Internal=0 and continuation=0 and party1name not in ('Voice Mail') "; 
     strSql = strSql + "and party1name not like 'VM %') as OutGoing, "; 

     strSql = strSql + "(select count(*) as CallTransfer from " + tableName + " "; 
     strSql = strSql + "where continuation=1 and "; 
     strSql = strSql + "CONVERT(datetime,right([Call Start],8)) >='" + StartTime + "' and "; 
     strSql = strSql + "CONVERT(datetime,right([Call Start],8)) <='" + EndTime + "' "; 
     strSql = strSql + "and RIGHT(convert(varchar,[call duration]),8)<> '00:00:00' and party1name not in ('Voice Mail') "; 
     strSql = strSql + "and party1name not like 'VM %') as CallTransfer; "; 

     strSql = strSql + "SELECT count(*) as UnansweredCalls_DuringBusinessHours from " 
         + tableName + " where direction='I' and " + Environment.NewLine; 
     strSql = strSql + "CONVERT(datetime,right([Call Start],8)) >='" + StartTime + "' and "; 
     strSql = strSql + "CONVERT(datetime,right([Call Start],8)) <='" + EndTime + "' "; 
     strSql = strSql + "and RIGHT(convert(varchar,[call duration]),8)= '00:00:00' and [Ring duration]>0 " + Environment.NewLine; 
     //strSql = strSql + "CONVERT(Varchar,CONVERT(datetime,[Call Start]),108) between '09:00:00' and '17:30:00' " + Environment.NewLine; 
     strSql = strSql + "and party1name not in ('Voice Mail') and party1name not like 'VM %' and party1name not like 'Line%'" + Environment.NewLine; 






CsvContext cc = new CsvContext(); 
IEnumerable<CallReportLine> calls = cc.Read<Product>("MyFirstCSV.csv"); 


public CallReportLine { 

[CsvColumn(Name = "Call Start", FieldIndex = 1)] 
public DateTime CallStart {get; set;} 



public partial class Form1 : Form 
    public Form1() 

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
     TimeSpan StartTime = TimeSpan.Parse("09:00:00"); 
     TimeSpan EndTime = TimeSpan.Parse("09:30:00"); 

     List<PhoneData> oPhoneData = GetPhoneData(@"z:\smdr(backup12-04-2016).csv"); 
     dgList.DataSource = oPhoneData; 

     int incomingCount = (from row in oPhoneData 
          where row.direction == "I" 
          && row.Call_Start.TimeOfDay >= StartTime 
          && row.Call_Start.TimeOfDay <= EndTime 
          && row.Is_Internal == 0 
          && row.continuation == 0 
          && row.call_duration.TotalSeconds > 0 
          && row.party1name != "Voice Mail" 
          && !row.party1name.StartsWith("VM ") 
          select 1).Count(); 


    public List<PhoneData> GetPhoneData(string strFileName) 
     return File.ReadLines(strFileName) 
      .Where(s => s != "") 
      .Select(s => s.Split(new[] { ',' })) 
      .Select(a => new PhoneData 
       Call_Start = DateTime.Parse(a[0]), 
       call_duration = TimeSpan.Parse(a[1]), 
       Ring_duration = int.Parse(a[2]), 
       direction = a[4], 
       Is_Internal =Convert.ToInt32(a[8]), 
       continuation = int.Parse(a[10]), 
       party1name = a[13] 

public class PhoneData 
    public DateTime Call_Start { get; set; } 
    public TimeSpan call_duration { get; set; } 
    public Int32 Ring_duration { get; set; } 
    public string direction { get; set; } 
    public Int32 Is_Internal { get; set; } 
    public Int32 continuation { get; set; } 
    public string party1name { get; set; } 





calls.Where(call => call.CallStart >= StartTime && call.CallStart < EndTime) 

リンクのみの回答は推奨されません(ただし、あなたは6年間メンバーになっています)。おそらく、その図書館の質問者の問題を解決することを目的とした例を投稿することができますか? –


確かに - はい、私は正確なことについて謝罪することさえ知られています。 –


どのように句を適用する私は私のSQLでlinqのcsvのために使用するときに使用? –
