1 Lumbar facet syndrome, bilateral
2 Bilateral knee arthropathy
3 Bilateral hip arthropathy
4 Right shoulder arthropathy, posttraumatic,
5 Chondromalacia of patella
6 Diabetes mellitus with diabetic nephropathy
7 Lower back pain
8 OA
function newForm_javascript_onload() {
//This part grabs the data from the MySQL table.
$sql = "SELECT dictation FROM form_dictation WHERE id = ? ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1";
$stmDia = array($id);
$list = sqlQuery($sql,$stmDia);
$list = $list['dictation'];
//Here I chop out the part of the text that I need for the text box
$diaBegin = strpos($list, "Active Problems") + 26;
$diaEnd = strpos($list, "Plan") - 4;
$diaLength = strlen($list);
$diaChop = ($diaEnd - $diaLength);
$diaNar = substr($list, $diaBegin, $diaChop);
//This is the part that gets injected into the page
echo "
var diagnoses = '$diaNar'; //This is where formatting breaks the code
//This part should populate the textarea
document.getElementById('form_diagFac1').value = diagnoses;
私はフォーラムを検索しようとしましたが、誰もこのような質問を投稿していません。 varが、私が試してみましたさ
は:var diagnosis = escape('$diaNar'); //This is where php passes data to java
最も簡単な方法ではなく、引用符のバッククォート(ES6テンプレート文字列)を用いることであろうが、それは古いブラウザで破る: 'VAR診断= \' $ diaNar \ ';' – pawel