public static void clearFacebookCookies(Context context) {
// setCookie acts differently when trying to expire cookies between builds of Android that are using
// Chromium HTTP stack and those that are not. Using both of these domains to ensure it works on both.
clearCookiesForDomain(context, "facebook.com");
clearCookiesForDomain(context, ".facebook.com");
clearCookiesForDomain(context, "https://facebook.com");
clearCookiesForDomain(context, "https://.facebook.com");
private static void clearCookiesForDomain(Context context, String domain) {
// This is to work around a bug where CookieManager may fail to instantiate if CookieSyncManager
// has never been created.
CookieSyncManager syncManager = CookieSyncManager.createInstance(context);
CookieManager cookieManager = CookieManager.getInstance();
String cookies = cookieManager.getCookie(domain);
if (cookies == null) {
String[] splitCookies = cookies.split(";");
for (String cookie : splitCookies) {
String[] cookieParts = cookie.split("=");
if (cookieParts.length > 0) {
String newCookie = cookieParts[0].trim() + "=;expires=Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:01 UTC;";
cookieManager.setCookie(domain, newCookie);
Facebook SDKがプロジェクトにlibとして接続されている場合は、 Session.getActiveSession()を呼び出します。clearFacebookCookies(getApplicationContext());