In [13]: response.css("a.title.may-blank::text").extract()
[u'TIL of a millionaire who announced he would bury his Bentley for his afterlife. After lots of negative reaction, he revealed the publicity stunt about organ donations. "People bury things that are much more valuable then cars and nobody seems to care".',
u'Dog thinks he has a bunch of friends',
u'Sewage leak at a movie theater. Looks like black tile.',
u'3:48 am "Hydraulic Press"',
u'I told her it was for their protection...',
u'Long visits to nature linked to improved mental health, study finds',
u"Vladimir Putin Says Brexit Caused by British Politicians 'Arrogance'",
u"World's smallest man dancing with his pet cat. 26th October 1956.",
u'I am Sue Sullivan and Reddit saved my sauce and rub company, Hot Squeeze. Tomorrow, I\u2019m heading to Wal-Mart for my last, big pitch for distribution. Whatever happens, I wanted to say thank you for all your support and AMA! Helping me out with this AMA will be Lawrence Wu, the founder WUJU hot sauce!',
u"Cartoons made me think dog catchers were super common, but now I'm pretty sure they don't even exist",
u'Zarya ultimate chain kill',
u'Shaqiri scores vs Poland to make it 1-1',
u'Mythbusters, during their later seasons',
u"'Why not Texit?': Texas nationalists look to the Brexit vote for inspiration",
u'Ken M on Hitler',
u'Skill, pure skill',
u'My girlfriend paints things. This is a pair of Vans she is currently working on.',
u'I made a magnet wall to display my PS4 steelbook game collection!',
u'HuffPo in 2008: "Muslims appear to be far more concerned about perceived slights to their religion than about atrocities committed daily in its name"',
u"It's been almost 3 years since the removal of the Rose block. Never forget.",
u"Xherdan Shaqiri's insane bicycle kick goal vs. Poland",
u"US Customs wants to collect social media account names at the border: 'Please enter information associated with your online presence'",
u'How was the cameraman for Finding Dory able to hold his breath for the entire filming?',
u'Star Guardian Urgot',
u'I made some doorstops! (Not as lame as it sounds)']
In [9]: for text in response.css("a.title.may-blank::text").extract():
...: item['title'] = text
...: yield item
んが'title may-blank loggedin srTagged imgScanned'と表示されますか?それはまったく存在しません、 'srTagged'はソースにさえありません。私はあなたが何を見ているのか分かりませんが、ブラウザで 'https:// www.reddit.com/r/all'を見ているのと同じではありません –
reddit.com/で要素を調べるとr /すべてそれはクラスタグでそれを持っています。 @PadraicCunningham – Lewis
私は今それを見ています、それはどこにも見られません!私は 'タイトルが空白になっているのを見ました。' '試してみてください。 '' ./a[class.title may-blank loggedin"] '' –