2016-11-12 11 views


#!/usr/bin/env python3  

import asyncio 
import string  

async def print_num(): 
    for x in range(0, 10): 
     print('Number: {}'.format(x)) 
     await asyncio.sleep(1)  

    print('print_num is finished!')  

async def print_alp(): 
    my_list = string.ascii_uppercase  

    for x in my_list: 
     print('Letter: {}'.format(x)) 
     await asyncio.sleep(1)  

    print('print_alp is finished!')  

async def msg(my_msg): 
    await asyncio.sleep(1)  

async def main(): 
    await msg('Hello World!') 
    await print_alp() 
    await msg('Hello Again!') 
    await print_num()  

if __name__ == '__main__': 
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() 


Hello World! 
Letter: A 
Letter: B 
Letter: C 
Letter: D 
Letter: E 
Letter: F 
Letter: G 
Letter: H 
Letter: I 
Letter: J 
Letter: K 
Letter: L 
Letter: M 
Letter: N 
Letter: O 
Letter: P 
Letter: Q 
Letter: R 
Letter: S 
Letter: T 
Letter: U 
Letter: V 
Letter: W 
Letter: X 
Letter: Y 
Letter: Z 
print_alp is finished! 
Hello Again! 
Number: 0 
Number: 1 
Number: 2 
Number: 3 
Number: 4 
Number: 5 
Number: 6 
Number: 7 
Number: 8 
Number: 9 
print_num is finished! 



コードも順次実行されるようにするには、順次機能を呼び出しています。 await thisは、 "thisが返すためにを待つ"という意味です(ただし、thisが実行を中断することを選択した場合、他の場所で既に開始されている他のタスクが実行される可能性があります)。


async def main(): 
    await msg('Hello World!') 
    task1 = asyncio.ensure_future(print_alp()) 
    task2 = asyncio.ensure_future(print_num()) 
    await asyncio.gather(task1, task2) 
    await msg('Hello Again!') 




import asyncio 

async def child(): 
    i = 5 
    while i > 0: 
     print("Hi, I'm the child coroutine, la la la la la") 
     await asyncio.sleep(1) 
     i -= 1 

async def parent(): 
    print("Hi, I'm the parent coroutine awaiting the child coroutine") 
    await child() # this blocks inside the parent coroutine, but not the neighbour 
    print("Hi, I'm the parent, the child coroutine is now done and I can stop waiting") 

async def neighbour(): 
    i = 5 
    while i > 0: 
     await asyncio.sleep(1) 
     print("Hi, I'm your neighbour!") 
     i -= 1 

async def my_app(): 
    # start the neighbour and parent coroutines and let them coexist in Task wrappers 
    await asyncio.wait([neighbour(), parent()]) 

if __name__ == '__main__': 
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() 


Hi, I'm the parent coroutine awaiting the child coroutine 
Hi, I'm the child coroutine, la la la la la 
Hi, I'm the child coroutine, la la la la la 
Hi, I'm your neighbour! 
Hi, I'm the child coroutine, la la la la la 
Hi, I'm your neighbour! 
Hi, I'm the child coroutine, la la la la la 
Hi, I'm your neighbour! 
Hi, I'm the child coroutine, la la la la la 
Hi, I'm your neighbour! 
Hi, I'm the parent, the child coroutine is now done and I can stop waiting 
Hi, I'm your neighbour! 

Process finished with exit code 0 