2016-10-27 3 views

エラーからのとき:[バンドルに失敗しました: index.js「InMemoryBackendService」がnode_modulesによってエクスポートされていません\ angular2・イン・メモリー・ウェブAPI \( src \ app \ app.module.tsによってインポートされます)。ヘルプについてhttps://github.com/rollup/rollup/wiki/Troubleshooting#name-is-not-exported-by-module]「バンドルが失敗しました: 『InMemoryBackendService』がエクスポートされていない」更新Ionic2 RC0がBETA11


import "reflect-metadata"; 
import {XHRBackend} from '@angular/http'; 
import {InMemoryBackendService} from 'angular2-in-memory-web-api'; 
import {HTTP_PROVIDERS} from '@angular/http'; 

import {Component} from '@angular/core'; 
import {ionicBootstrap} from 'ionic-angular'; 
import {SplashPage} from './pages/splash/splash'; 

    template: '<ion-nav [root]="rootPage"></ion-nav>', 
    providers: [] 
export class MyApp { 

    rootPage: any = SplashPage; 

) {} 

    {provide: XHRBackend, useClass: InMemoryBackendService} 

私にとって app.module.ts

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; 
import { IonicApp, IonicModule } from 'ionic-angular'; 
import { MyApp } from './app.component'; 
import { HomePage } from '../pages/home/home'; 

import {InMemoryBackendService} from 'angular2-in-memory-web-api'; 
import {XHRBackend} from '@angular/http'; 
import {HttpModule} from '@angular/http'; 
import {ServerConfig} from '../server-config'; 

    declarations: [ 
    imports: [ 
    bootstrap: [IonicApp], 
    entryComponents: [ 
    providers: [ 
    {provide: XHRBackend, useClass: InMemoryBackendService} 
export class AppModule {} 




//import { OpaqueToken } from '@angular/core'; 
//import { Headers, Request, Response, ResponseOptions } from '@angular/http'; 
//import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'; 
//import 'rxjs/add/operator/delay'; 
//* Seed data for in-memory database`enter code here` 
//* Must implement InMemoryDbService. 
//export declare const SEED_DATA: OpaqueToken; 
//* Interface for a class that creates an in-memory database 
//* Safe for consuming service to morph arrays and objects. 
//export interface InMemoryDbService { 
// /** 
// * Creates "database" object hash whose keys are collection names 
// * and whose values are arrays of the collection objects. 
// * 
// * It must be safe to call again and should return new arrays with new objects. 
// * This condition allows InMemoryBackendService to morph the arrays and objects 
// * without touching the original source data. 
// */ 
// createDb(): {}; 
//* Interface for InMemoryBackend configuration options 
//export interface InMemoryBackendConfigArgs { 
// /** 
//  * default response options 
//  */ 
// defaultResponseOptions?: ResponseOptions; 
// /** 
//  * delay (in ms) to simulate latency 
//  */ 
// delay?: number; 
// /** 
//  * false (default) if ok when object-to-delete not found; else 404 
//  */ 
// delete404?: boolean; 
// /** 
//  * host for this service 
//  */ 
// host?: string; 
// /** 
//  * root path before any API call 
//  */ 
// rootPath?: string; 
//* InMemoryBackendService configuration options 
//* Usage: 
//* provide(InMemoryBackendConfig, {useValue: {delay:600}}), 
//export declare class InMemoryBackendConfig implements InMemoryBackendConfigArgs { 
// constructor(config?: InMemoryBackendConfigArgs); 
//* Interface for object w/ info about the current request url 
//* extracted from an Http Request 
//export interface ReqInfo { 
// req: Request; 
// base: string; 
// collection: any[]; 
// collectionName: string; 
// headers: Headers; 
// id: any; 
// resourceUrl: string; 
//export declare const isSuccess: (status: number) => boolean; 
// * Simulate the behavior of a RESTy web api 
// * backed by the simple in-memory data store provided by the injected InMemoryDataService service. 
// * Conforms mostly to behavior described here: 
// * http://www.restapitutorial.com/lessons/httpmethods.html 
// * 
// * ### Usage 
// * 
// * Create InMemoryDataService class the implements IInMemoryDataService. 
// * Register both this service and the seed data as in: 
// * ``` 
// * // other imports 
// * import { HTTP_PROVIDERS, XHRBackend } from 'angular2/http'; 
// * import { InMemoryBackendConfig, InMemoryBackendService, SEED_DATA } from '../in-memory-backend/in-memory-backend.service'; 
// * import { InMemoryStoryService } from '../api/in-memory-story.service'; 
// * 
// * @Component({ 
// * selector: ..., 
// * templateUrl: ..., 
// * providers: [ 
// *  provide(XHRBackend, { useClass: InMemoryBackendService }), 
// *  provide(SEED_DATA, { useClass: InMemoryStoryService }), 
// *  provide(InMemoryBackendConfig, { useValue: { delay: 600 } }), 
// * ] 
// * }) 
// * export class AppComponent { ... } 
// * ``` 
// */ 
//export declare class InMemoryBackendService { 
// private _seedData; 
// protected _config: InMemoryBackendConfigArgs; 
// protected _db: {}; 
// constructor(_seedData: InMemoryDbService, config: InMemoryBackendConfigArgs); 
// createConnection(req: Request): { 
//  response: Observable<{}>; 
// }; 
// /** 
//  * Process Request and return an Http Response object 
//  * in the manner of a RESTy web api. 
//  * 
//  * Expect URI pattern in the form :base/:collectionName/:id? 
//  * Examples: 
//  * api/characters 
//  * api/characters/42 
//  * api/characters.json/42 // ignores the ".json" 
//  * commands/resetDb // resets the "database" 
//  */ 
// protected _handleRequest(req: Request): Response; 
// protected _clone(data: any): any; 
// /** 
//  * When the `base`="commands", the `collectionName` is the command 
//  * Example URLs: 
//  * commands/resetdb // Reset the "database" to its original state 
//  * commands/config (GET) // Return this service's config object 
//  * commands/config (!GET) // Update the config (e.g. delay) 
//  * 
//  * Usage: 
//  * http.post('commands/resetdb', null); 
//  * http.get('commands/config'); 
//  * http.post('commands/config', '{"delay":1000}'); 
//  */ 
// protected _commands(reqInfo: ReqInfo): ResponseOptions; 
// protected _createErrorResponse(status: number, message: string): ResponseOptions; 
// protected _delete({ id, collection, collectionName, headers }: ReqInfo): ResponseOptions; 
// protected _findById(collection: any[], id: number): any; 
// protected _genId(collection: any): any; 
// protected _get({ id, collection, collectionName, headers }: ReqInfo): ResponseOptions; 
// protected _getLocation(href: string): HTMLAnchorElement; 
// protected _indexOf(collection: any[], id: number): number; 
// protected _parseId(id: string): any; 
// protected _parseUrl(url: string): { 
//  base: string; 
//  id: string; 
//  collectionName: string; 
//  resourceUrl: string; 
// }; 
// protected _post({ collection, headers, id, req, resourceUrl }: ReqInfo): ResponseOptions; 
// protected _put({ id, collection, collectionName, headers, req }: ReqInfo): ResponseOptions; 
// protected _removeById(collection: any[], id: number): boolean; 
// /** 
//  * Reset the "database" to its original state 
//  */ 
// protected _resetDb(): void; 
// protected _setStatusText(options: ResponseOptions): ResponseOptions; 

