var currentStep = 0; //store current step number
headerTag: "h1",
bodyTag: "fieldset",
//transitionEffect: "slideLeft",
onStepChanging: function(event, currentIndex, newIndex)
if (newIndex < currentIndex) return true; //Previous button click - allow
else if (currentIndex === 1 && ($('#opt1').is(':checked'))) return true; //If in second step and checkbox checked then proceed to Step 3
else if (currentIndex === 1 && (!$('#opt1').is(':checked'))) return false; //If in second step and checkbox checked then stop at Step 2
return true;
onStepChanged: function (event, currentIndex, newIndex) {
currentStep = currentIndex; //Set current step number in currentStep variable
if (currentIndex === 1 && (!$('#opt1').is(':checked'))) //If in second step and checkbox not checked then display Finish button and hide Next button
$('a[href="#finish"]').parent().attr("style", "display: block;")
$('a[href="#next"]').parent().attr("style", "display: none;");
onFinished: function (event, currentIndex)
var form = $(this);
$("#wizard-t-2").hide(); //Hide Step 3 by default
//Event handler for checkbox 1
function ShowHideDiv1(opt1) {
var opt1more = document.getElementById("opt1more");
opt1more.style.display = opt1.checked ? "block" : "none";
if (opt1.checked)
if (currentStep == 1) //If in second step and checkbox checked then display Next button and hide Finish button
$('a[href="#finish"]').parent().attr("style", "display: none;")
$('a[href="#next"]').parent().attr("style", "display: block;");
if (currentStep == 1) //If in second step and checkbox not checked then display Finish button and hide Next button
$('a[href="#finish"]').parent().attr("style", "display: block;")
$('a[href="#next"]').parent().attr("style", "display: none;");
function ShowHideDiv2(opt2) {
var opt2more = document.getElementById("opt2more");
opt2more.style.display = opt2.checked ? "block" : "none";
function showVal(newVal){
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