2009-05-15 8 views



       <comment>comment string2</comment> 
         <nullable>not null3</nullable> 
         <comment>comment string3</comment> 
         <nullable>not null4</nullable> 
         <comment>comment string4</comment> 
       <comment>comment string6</comment> 
         <nullable>not null7</nullable> 
         <comment>comment string7</comment> 


XDocument xml_input = XDocument.Load(FILE_IN); 
    string column_create = ""; 
    //build a list of all schemas in xml 
    var schemas = from s in xml_input.Descendants("schema") 
        select new 
         name = s.Element("name").Value 
    //loop through all schemas 
    foreach (var s in schemas) 
     //write the schema creation lines 
     Console.WriteLine("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS " + s.name + ";"); 
     Console.WriteLine("CREATE SCHEMA " + s.name + ";"); 
     //build a list of all tables in schema 
     var tables = from t in xml_input.Descendants("schema") 
        select new 
         name = t.Element("name").Value, 
         comment = t.Element("comment").Value, 
         type = t.Element("type").Value 
     //loop through all tables in schema 
     foreach (var t in tables) 
      //write the beginning of the table creation lines 
      Console.WriteLine("CREATE TABLE " + s.name + "." + t.name + " ("); 
      //build a list of all columns in the schema 
      var columns = from c in xml_input.Descendants("schema") 
          select new 
           name = c.Element("name").Value, 
           type = c.Element("type").Value, 
           size = c.Element("size").Value, 
           comment = c.Element("comment").Value 
      //loop through all columns in table 
      foreach (var c in columns) 
       //build the column creation line 
       column_create = c.name + " " + c.type; 
       if (c.size != null) 
        column_create += "(" + c.size + ")"; 
       if (c.comment != null) 
        column_create += " COMMENT '" + c.comment + "'"; 
       column_create += ", "; 
       //write the column creation line 
      //write the end of the table creation lines 
      if (t.comment != null) 
       Console.WriteLine("COMMENT '" + t.comment + "'"); 
      if (t.type != null) 
       Console.WriteLine("TYPE = " + t.type); 





ネストされた構造を保存する方法は次のとおりです。 XElementを匿名型に追加して、ネストされたクエリのソースとして使用します。

     <nullable>not null4</nullable> 


XDocument xml_input = XDocument.Load(FILE_IN); 
     string column_create = ""; 
     //build a list of all schemas in xml 
     var schemas = from s in xml_input.Descendants("schema") 
         select new 
          schema = s, 
          name = s.Element("name").Value 
     //loop through all schemas 
     foreach (var s in schemas) 
      //write the schema creation lines 
      Console.WriteLine("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS " + s.name + ";"); 
      Console.WriteLine("CREATE SCHEMA " + s.name + ";"); 
      //build a list of all tables in schema 
      var tables = from t in s.schema.Descendants("table") 
         select new 
          table = t, 
          name = t.Element("name").Value, 
          comment = t.Element("comment").Value, 
          type = t.Element("type").Value 
      //loop through all tables in schema 
      foreach (var t in tables) 
       //write the beginning of the table creation lines 
       Console.WriteLine("CREATE TABLE " + s.name + "." + t.name + " ("); 
       //build a list of all columns in the schema 
       var columns = from c in t.table.Descendants("column") 
           select new 
            name = c.Element("name").Value, 
            type = c.Element("type").Value, 
            size = c.Element("size").Value, 
            comment = c.Element("comment").Value 
       //loop through all columns in table 
       foreach (var c in columns) 
        //build the column creation line 
        column_create = c.name + " " + c.type; 
        if (c.size != null) 
         column_create += "(" + c.size + ")"; 
        if (c.comment != null) 
         column_create += " COMMENT '" + c.comment + "'"; 
        column_create += ", "; 
        //write the column creation line 
       //write the end of the table creation lines 
       if (t.comment != null) 
        Console.WriteLine("COMMENT '" + t.comment + "'"); 
       if (t.type != null) 
        Console.WriteLine("TYPE = " + t.type); 


if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.comment)) 
     column_create += " COMMENT '" + c.comment + "'"; 

これは素晴らしいことです。魅力的な作品! – Mike
