2016-09-14 4 views


roomCount = 1 
print("Please answer the questions to find the floor size.") 
rooms = int(input("How many rooms has the property got?:\n")) 
while roomcount >= rooms: 
    print("For room", roomcount,", what is the length?:\n") 

そのあまりありませんが、私はインターネットを検索していると方法を発見していない:ここ は、これまでの私のコードです。



currentRoomNumber = 0 
currentRoomNumber2 = 0 
floorspace = 0 
whileLoop = 0 
print("Please answer the questions to find the floor size.") 
numberOfRooms = int(input("How many rooms has the property got?: ")) 
roomWidths= list() 
roomLengths = list() 
while currentRoomNumber < numberOfRooms: 
    roomWidths.append(int(input("For room " + str(currentRoomNumber + 1) + ", what is the width?: "))) 
    roomLengths.append(int(input("For room " + str(currentRoomNumber + 1) + ", what is the length?: "))) 
    currentRoomNumber += 1 

while whileLoop < numberOfRooms: 
    floorspace += (roomLengths[(currentRoomNumer2)] * roomWidths[(currentRoomNumber2)]) 
    currentRoomNumber2 += 1 
    whileLoop += 1 


しかし、部屋の大きさの値を入力した後、それは私のライン上のトレースバックエラーが発生します15 currentRoomNumber2は定義されていません。どこが間違っていたのですか?あなたは長さと幅は、部屋番号で保存したい考え


部屋番号(部屋番号、部屋数、長さは?:\ n ")' これは関数呼び出しのようです。ここで何をしようとしていますか? – MooingRawr


私の脳は正しく機能していません、申し訳ありません。それは印刷することを意味する – Student


あなたはあなたのwhileループのたびに 'roomcount'を増やそうとしていますか?もしも 'roomcount + = 1'に行くだけです。 – MooingRawr




print("Please answer the questions to find the floor size.") 
    numberOfRooms = int(input("How many rooms has the property got?: ")) 
    currentRoomNumber = 0 
    roomLengths = list() 
    while currentRoomNumber < numberOfRooms: 
     roomLengths.append(int(input("For room " + str(currentRoomNumber + 1) + ", what is the length?: "))) 
     currentRoomNumber += 1 
    print roomLengths 



Please answer the questions to find the floor size.                                     
    How many rooms has the property got?: 5                                        
    For room 1, what is the length?: 1                                         
    For room 2, what is the length?: 2                                         
    For room 3, what is the length?: 3                                         
    For room 4, what is the length?: 4                                         
    For room 5, what is the length?: 5                                         
    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 


print roomLengths[0] 



print("Please answer the questions to find the floor size.") 
    numberOfRooms = int(input("How many rooms has the property got?: ")) 
    currentRoomNumber = 0 
    roomWidths= list() 
    roomLengths = list() 
    while currentRoomNumber < numberOfRooms: 
     roomWidths.append(int(input("For room " + str(currentRoomNumber + 1) + ", what is the width?: "))) 
     roomLengths.append(int(input("For room " + str(currentRoomNumber + 1) + ", what is the length?: "))) 
     currentRoomNumber += 1 
    print "Room widths:" 
    print roomWidths 
    print "Room lengths:" 
    print roomLengths 

スクリプトの出力/ランニングは、このようなものになるだろう: `

Please answer the questions to find the floor size.                                     
    How many rooms has the property got?: 3                                        
    For room 1, what is the width?: 1                                          
    For room 1, what is the length?: 2                                         
    For room 2, what is the width?: 3                                          
    For room 2, what is the length?: 4                                         
    For room 3, what is the width?: 5                                          
    For room 3, what is the length?: 6                                         
    Room widths:                                               
    [1, 3, 5]                                                
    Room lengths:                                               
    [2, 4, 6] 

部屋ごとにどのように部屋の幅を横に並べますか? 'floorArea = roomWidths [0] * roomLengths [0]'かそれとも何か? – Student


そうですね。 –


@PavelGurkovそれは私が今それをチェックする方法ですが、どのようにすべての部屋をチェックするようになるでしょうか? – Student



rooms = {} 

print("Please answer the questions to find the floor size.") 

rooms = int(input("How many rooms has the property got?:\n")) 

for room_num in range(1, rooms+1): 
    length = int(input("What is the lenth of room number {}: ".format(room_num))) 
    width = int(input("What is the lwidth of room number {}: ".format(room_num))) 
    rooms[room_num] = {'length': length, 'width': width} 




class Room(): 
    def __init__(self, w, l): 
     self.width = w 
     self.length = l 

    def area(self): 
     return self.width * self.length 

入力のために、それらをリストに格納します。代わりにfor-loopを使用してください。 whileループの必要はありません。

print("Please answer the questions to find the floor size.") 

roomCount = int(input("How many rooms does the property have?\n")) 

rooms = [] 
for roomNum in range(roomCount): 
    l = float(input("For room {} what is the length?\n".format(roomNum + 1))) 
    w = float(input("For room {} what is the width?\n".format(roomNum + 1))) 
    rooms.append(Room(w, l)) 


size = sum(r.area() for r in rooms) 

私はこのようにします。 (あなたが、具体的なクラスの練習をしたい場合を除き)

rooms_total = int(input('How many rooms?')) 
rooms_info = list() 

for i in range(rooms_total): 
    length = int(input('Length for room #{}?'.format(i))) 
    width = int(input('Width for room #{}?'.format(i))) 
    rooms_info.append({'length': length, 'width': width}) 

space = sum([x['length'] * x['width'] for x in rooms_info]) 




私はあなたに同意しますが、私は中学校にしか入らず、過去6週間全くコーディングを行っていません。申し訳ありません – Student
