Pharo 5の初心者として、私はデジタル時計を世界または/および窓で「12:25:05」と表示する方法を見つけることができません。 PharoにはClockMorphはありませんか?Pharoにデジタル時計を表示するには?キュイ?
morph := StringMorph new.
morph font: (LogicalFont familyName: 'Source Sans Pro' pointSize: 20).
morph color: Color gray.
morph openInWorld; bounds: ((World bounds corner x)[email protected] extent: [email protected]).
[ [ true ] whileTrue: [
morph contents: Time now print24.
1 second wait
] ] fork.
|morph myWindow|
myWindow := StandardWindow labelled: 'CLOCK'.
myWindow addMorph:(morph := StringMorph new) frame: ([email protected](-0.2) corner: [email protected]).
myWindow beUnresizeable ; removeCloseBox ; removeCollapseBox ;
removeExpandBox ; removeMenuBox.
"meta-click to activate the ""morphic halo"" and close window"
morph font: (LogicalFont familyName: 'Source Sans Pro' pointSize: 20).
morph color: Color white.
myWindow openInWorld; bounds: ((World bounds corner x)[email protected] extent: [email protected]).
[ [ true ] whileTrue: [
morph contents: Time now print24.
1 second wait
] ] fork.
| view labelClock layout | " Configure the Spec models " view := DynamicComposableModel new instantiateModels: #(labelClock ButtonModel); extent: [email protected]; title: 'CLOCK' yourself. " Configure the Spec layout " layout := SpecLayout composed newColumn: [ : r | r add: #labelClock]; yourself. " Set up the widgets " view labelClock font: (LogicalFont familyName: 'Source Sans Pro' pointSize: 20). [ [ true ] whileTrue: [ view labelClock label: Time now print24. 1 second wait ] ] fork. " Open the Window " (view openWithSpecLayout: layout) centered; modalRelativeTo: World.
ありがとうございました@Peter、@Bert、@aka。 Cuisでモーフでクロックの
|morph string| morph := LayoutMorph newRow. morph morphPosition:(Display width -160)@10 extent:[email protected]; color:Color skyBlue; padding:#center. string := StringMorph new. string font: (AbstractFont familyName: 'DejaVu' pointSize: 22). [ [ true ] whileTrue: [ string contents: Time now print24. (Delay forSeconds:1) wait ] ] fork. morph addMorph: string. morph openInWorld.
ありがとう@Stephan。ポモドーロは上手く見える。 –