どのようにスパイをつけるのですか? https://gist.github.com/stevens32/b5eee5cc1781a687be03bf80ce8425e0
bound method spying
√ should be an instance of FormComponent
should spy on boundChangeInput
√ should have calledOnce prop on boundChangeInput from spy
1) should have boundChangeInput.calledOnce true on simulated input change
√ has the correct value
should spy on notBoundChangeInput
√ should have calledOnce prop on notBoundChangeInput from spy
√ should have notBoundChangeInput.calledOnce true on simulated input change
√ has the correct value
6 passing (133ms)
1 failing
1) bound method spying should spy on boundChangeInput should have boundChangeInput.calledOnce true on
mulated input change:
AssertionError: expected false to equal true
+ expected - actual
私は方法を見つけた、と誰かがこれをdownvoteする理由 –
誰もが知っているコンポーネントのコンストラクタ内の関数をバインドすることにしましたいませんでしたか? – stevens32