2017-06-20 16 views

私はPython Programming Absolute Beginnersの第5章の課題を解決しようとしていますが、いくつか問題があるようです。私が取り組んでいるプログラムは、Character属性のスキルポイント配布プログラムを辞書で作っています。目的は、30ポイントを配布できる4つのスキルを持つプログラムを作ることです。追加したり、削除したり、すべてを表示することができます。私がプログラムを立ち上げると、ポイントは、私が意図するものではなく、ただ一つではなく、すべてのスキルに分配されます。また、毎回私の "else"オプションのためのメッセージがあります。私はどちらも望んでいません。すべてのことを投稿して申し訳ありません、私はちょうどこれに新しいですし、コード内でどこが乱れたのかわかりません。ありがとうございました!Pythonディクショナリを追加する

# Hero Attribute Assigner 
# My attempt 

name = "" 
attr = {"STRENGTH":0, "DEXTERITY":0, "WISDOM":0, "HEALTH":0} 
totalPoints = 30 
for attrName in attr: 
    attrPoints = attr[attrName] 

userInput = None 

while userInput != "5": 
    userInput = input \ 
      Character Creator 

      1 - Name Character 
      2 - Assign Attribute Points 
      3 - Remove Attribute Points 
      4 - Exit 


    # Name Character 
    if userInput == "1": 
     name = str(input("\nCharacter Name: ")) 
     print("\nYour character's name is now: " + name) 
     input("\nPress 'Enter' to return to menu.") 

    # Assign Points 
    if userInput == "2": 

     # What attribute? 
     print("\n" + name + "'s Attribute Stats are:\n") 
     for attrName in attr: 
      print(attrName, ":\t", str(attrPoints)) 
     print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t" + str(totalPoints)) 
     changeAttr = input("\nWhat attribute would you like to add points to? ").upper() 

     # How many points to add? 
     if changeAttr in attr: 
      changePoints = int(input("How many points would you like to add? ")) 
      attr[changeAttr] += changePoints 
      totalPoints -= changePoints 
      print("\n" + name + "'s Attribute Stats are now:\n") 
      for attrName in attr: 
       print(attrName, ":\t", str(attrPoints)) 
      print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t " + str(totalPoints)) 
      print("\nThat is not a valid choice.") 

    # Remove Points 
    if userInput == "3": 

     # What attribute? 
     print("\n" + name + "'s Attribute Stats are:\n") 
     for attrName in attr: 
      print(attrName, ":\t", str(attrPoints)) 
     print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t" + str(totalPoints)) 
     changeAttr = input("\nWhat attribute would you like to remove points from? ").upper() 

     # How many points to remove? 
     if changeAttr in attr: 
      changePoints = int(input("How many points would you like to remove? ")) 
      attr[changeAttr] -= changePoints 
      totalPoints += changePoints 
      print("\n" + name + "'s Attribute Stats are now:\n") 
      for attrName in attr: 
       print(attrName, ":\t", str(attrPoints)) 
      print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t " + str(totalPoints)) 
      print("\nThat is not a valid amount.") 

    # Exit 
    elif userInput == "4": 

    # Invalid Choice in Menu 
     print("\nInvalid choice...") 

input("\nPress 'Enter' to exit.") 

'if/elif/elif/elif/else'が必要ですが、' if。 if。 if/elif/else'となります。これにより、「無効な選択」メッセージが修正されます。 – TessellatingHeckler




# Hero Attribute Assigner 
# My attempt 

name = "" 
attr = {"STRENGTH":0, "DEXTERITY":0, "WISDOM":0, "HEALTH":0} 
totalPoints = 30 
userInput = None 
while userInput != "5": 
    userInput = input \ 
Character Creator 

1 - Name Character 
2 - Assign Attribute Points 
3 - Remove Attribute Points 
4 - Exit 

: """) 
    # Name Character 
    if userInput == "1": 
     name = str(input("\nCharacter Name: ")) 
     attr['character'] = name 
     print("\nYour character's name is now: " + name) 
     input("\nPress 'Enter' to return to menu.") 

    # Assign Points 
    elif userInput == "2": 
     if 'character' in attr.keys(): # user needs to create character first before assigning any attributes 
      # What attribute? 
      print("\n" + name + "'s Attribute Stats are:\n") 
      for attrName in attr: 
       print(attrName, ":\t", str(attr[attrName])) 
      print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t" + str(totalPoints)) 
      changeAttr = input("\nWhat attribute would you like to add points to? ").upper() 
      # How many points to add? 
      if changeAttr in attr: 
        changePoints = abs(int(input("How many points would you like to add? "))) # converts negative input to positive or use another control statement to handle value input. 
       except ValueError: 
        print("Invalid values. Please enter integer value only") 
       if 0 < changePoints < totalPoints: # make sure points to insert is greater than 0 and less than total points 
        attr[changeAttr] += changePoints 
        totalPoints -= changePoints 
        print("\n" + name + "'s Attribute Stats are now:\n") 
        for attrName in attr: 
         print(attrName, ":\t", str(attr[attrName])) 
        print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t " + str(totalPoints)) 
        print("You can only add minimum {} points and maximum {} points".format(1, totalPoints)) 
       print("\nThat is not a valid choice.") 
      print('You need to create character first.') 

    # Remove Points 
    elif userInput == "3": 
     if 'character' in attr.keys(): 
      # What attribute? 
      print("\n" + name + "'s Attribute Stats are:\n") 
      for attrName in attr: 
       print(attrName, ":\t", str(attr[attrName])) 
      print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t" + str(totalPoints)) 
      changeAttr = input("\nWhat attribute would you like to remove points from? ").upper() 

      # How many points to remove? 
      if changeAttr in attr: 
       if attr[changeAttr] > 0: # only remove attributes if it has value 
        changePoints = abs(int(input("How many points would you like to remove? "))) 
        if 0 < changePoints < attr[changeAttr]: 
         attr[changeAttr] -= changePoints 
         totalPoints += changePoints 
         print("\n" + name + "'s Attribute Stats are now:\n") 
         for attrName in attr: 
          print(attrName, ":\t", str(attr[attrName])) 
         print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t " + str(totalPoints)) 
         print("You can only remove minimum {} points and maximum {} points".format(1, attr[changeAttr])) 
        print("no attributes left to remove.") 
       print("\nThat is not a valid amount.") 
      print('You need to create character first.') 

    # Exit 
    elif userInput == "4": 

    # Invalid Choice in Menu 
     print("\nInvalid choice...") 

input("\nPress 'Enter' to exit.") 

しかし、関数の使い方を知っていれば、関数を使うべきです。これは、より良い結果と管理しやすいコードを提供します。 – Gahan


ありがとうございました!私はまだ機能に慣れていませんが、次の章にはありますが、すぐに十分です。あなたが辞書に文字を追加することで何をしたのか、それを進めるために必要なものにするためには意味があります。ユーザーが整数を入力しなかった場合に発生するエラーを防ぐために、Try/Exceptを使用していますか? –


はい。あなたはそれを持っています。これが役に立てれば、この答えを受け入れることができます – Gahan





# constants 
userInput = None 

def create_character(): 

    :return: name : of character 
    name = str(input("\nCharacter Name: ")) 
    ATTRIBUTES['character'] = name 
    print("\nYour character's name is now: " + name) 
    input("\nPress 'Enter' to return to menu.") 
    return name # returns name entered by user which can be stored and retrive in other function 

def change_attributes(char_name="", flag="add"): 

    :param char_name: name of character 
    :param flag: add/sub to make sure which function to call to change attributes value 
    :return: this either returns true or false or none 
    global TOTAL_POINTS 
    name = char_name 
    if 'character' in ATTRIBUTES.keys(): # user needs to create character first before assigning any attributes 
     # What attribute? 
     print(name + "'s Attribute Stats are:\n") 
     for attrName in ATTRIBUTES: 
      print(attrName, ":\t", str(ATTRIBUTES[attrName])) 
     print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t" + str(TOTAL_POINTS)) 
     changeAttr = input("What attribute would you like to change? ").upper() 

     if flag == "add": 
      result = add_points(changeAttr, name) 
     elif flag == "sub": 
      result = remove_points(changeAttr, name) 
     if result: 
      return True 
      print("That is an invalid choice.") 
      choice = input("Do you want to try again ?... (Y/N)").upper() 
      if choice == "Y": 
       change_attributes(name, flag) 
      elif choice == "N": 
       print("Have a nice day!!!") 
       return False 
       print("Invalid input.") 
       return False 
     print('You need to create character first.') 

def add_points(changeAttr, char_name): 
    add points to attribute 
    :param changeAttr: attributes which is to be change 
    :param char_name: character name whose attribute value to be change 
    :return: True/False 
    global TOTAL_POINTS # it is good habit to specify global keyword to know function it is not local variable otherwise you may get UnboundLocalError 
    global ATTRIBUTES 
    name = char_name 
    if changeAttr in ATTRIBUTES: 
      changePoints = abs(int(input(
       "How many points would you like to add? "))) # converts negative input to positive or use another control statement to handle value input. 
     except ValueError: 
      print("Invalid values. Please enter integer value only") 

     if 0 < changePoints < TOTAL_POINTS: # make sure points to insert is greater than 0 and less than total points 
      ATTRIBUTES[changeAttr] += changePoints 
      TOTAL_POINTS -= changePoints 
      print("\n" + name + "'s Attribute Stats are now:\n") 
      for attrName in ATTRIBUTES: 
       print(attrName, ":\t", str(ATTRIBUTES[attrName])) 
      print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t " + str(TOTAL_POINTS)) 
      return True 
      print("You can only add minimum {} points and maximum {} points".format(1, TOTAL_POINTS)) 
      choice = input("Do you want to try again ?... (Y/N)").upper() 
      if choice == "Y": 
       change_attributes(name, "add") 
      elif choice == "N": 
       print("Have a nice day!!!") 
       return False 
       print("Invalid input.") 
       return False 
     return False 

def remove_points(changeAttr, char_name): 
    remove points of attribute 
    :param changeAttr: attributes which is to be change 
    :param char_name: character name whose attribute value to be change 
    :return: True/False 
    global TOTAL_POINTS 
    global ATTRIBUTES 
    name = char_name 
    if changeAttr in ATTRIBUTES: 
     if ATTRIBUTES[changeAttr] > 0: # only remove attributes if it has value 
      changePoints = abs(int(input("How many points would you like to remove? "))) 
      if 0 < changePoints < ATTRIBUTES[changeAttr]: 
       ATTRIBUTES[changeAttr] -= changePoints 
       TOTAL_POINTS += changePoints 
       print("\n" + name + "'s Attribute Stats are now:\n") 
       for attrName in ATTRIBUTES: 
        print(attrName, ":\t", str(ATTRIBUTES[attrName])) 
       print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t " + str(TOTAL_POINTS)) 
       return True 
       print("You can only remove minimum {} points and maximum {} points".format(1, ATTRIBUTES[changeAttr])) 
       # give a chance to input again with function call 
       choice = input("Do you want to try again ?... (Y/N)").upper() 
       if choice == "Y": 
             "sub") # you can also call same function remove_points() with valid arguments if you want user to enter only selected field again 
       elif choice == "N": 
        print("Have a nice day!!!") 
        return False 
        print("Invalid input.") 
        return False 
      print("no attributes left to remove.") 
      sel = input("Do you want to add points first ?... (Y/N)").upper() 
      if sel == "Y": 
       change_attributes(name, "add") 
      elif sel == "N": 
       print("Have a nice day!!!") 
       return False 
       print("Invalid input.") 
       return False 
     return False 

if __name__ == "__main__": 
    while userInput != "5": 
     userInput = input \ 
    Character Creator 

    1 - Name Character 
    2 - Assign Attribute Points 
    3 - Remove Attribute Points 
    4 - Exit 

    >> """) 
     # Name Character 
     if userInput == "1": 
      character_name = create_character() 

     # Assign Points 
     elif userInput == "2": 
       change_attributes(character_name, "add") 
      except NameError: 
       print("You need to create character first!!!!!") 
       choice1 = input("want to try again? (Y/N)").upper() 
       if choice1 == "Y": 
     # Remove Points 
     elif userInput == "3": 
       change_attributes(character_name, "sub") 
      except NameError: 
       print("You need a character with valid attributes...") 
       choice2 = input("want to try again? (Y/N)").upper() 
       if choice2 == "Y": 
     # Exit 
     elif userInput == "4": 

     # Invalid Choice in Menu 
      print("\nInvalid choice...") 

    input("Press 'Enter' to exit.") 

