私はスクレイパークラスを持っています。これは人気のあるオッズポータルのプレーヤーを集めています。 正確なファーストネームは存在しません。サイトは短い形式を使用します。ラファエル - > Rのようなものです。幸いなことに、それらは脈打った形(ナダル - ラファエル)のリンクで見つけることができます。htmlからのデータの抽出
class Scraper {
* Converts a html string to a cheerio object
* @param {String} html The html string
* @return {Object} The cheerio object
htmlToDom(html) {
return cheerio.load(html)
* Gives back the number of parts if the name would slugify
* It takes in account, that the name could contains hyphen
* Leopold von Sacher-Masoch -> leopold-von-sacher-masoch
* @param {Array} a_name The name splitted by space (' ')
* @return {Integer} The length of the name
getNameLength(a_name) {
let name = a_name.length > 1 ? a_name.join(' ') : a_name[0]
return a_name.length + name.split('-').length - 1
capitalize(a_name) {
let res = []
a_name.forEach(str => {
res.push(str.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1))
return res.join(' ')
processPlayers(players) {
let link = players('a')
let href = link.attr('href')
let a_players = link.text().split(' - ')
let a_href = href.split('/')
let a_link = a_href[a_href.length - 2].split('-')
let a_player1 = a_players[0].trim().split(' ')
let a_player2 = a_players[1].trim().split(' ')
let a_player1_lastName = a_player1.slice(0, -1)
let a_player2_lastName = a_player2.slice(0, -1)
let a_player1ShortFirstName = [a_player1[a_player1.length - 1]]
let a_player2ShortFirstName = [a_player2[a_player2.length - 1]]
let p1_lnLength = this.getNameLength(a_player1_lastName)
let p1_fnLength = this.getNameLength(a_player1ShortFirstName)
let p2_lnLength = this.getNameLength(a_player2_lastName)
let p2_fnLength = this.getNameLength(a_player2ShortFirstName)
let p1_length = p1_lnLength + p1_fnLength
let p2_length = p2_lnLength + p2_fnLength
let player1FirstName = this.capitalize(a_link.slice(p1_lnLength, p1_length))
let player2FirstName = this.capitalize(a_link.slice(p1_length + p2_lnLength, p1_length + p2_length))
return {
p1: {
firstName: player1FirstName,
lastName: a_player1_lastName.join(' ')
p2: {
firstName: player2FirstName,
lastName: a_player2_lastName.join(' ')
// test ===========================================================
test('simple case', function() {
let playersCell = `
<a href="/t/pavlyuchenkova-anastasia-sorribes-tormo-sara/">
<span>Pavlyuchenkova A.</span>
- Sorribes Tormo S.
const scraper = new Scraper()
const td = scraper.htmlToDom(playersCell)
const players = scraper.processPlayers(td)
equal(players.p1.firstName, 'Anastasia')
equal(players.p1.lastName, 'Pavlyuchenkova')
deepEqual(players.p2, {
firstName: 'Sara',
lastName: 'Sorribes Tormo',
// =====================================================================
test('hyphen in last name', function() {
let playersCell = `
<td><a href="/t/kudermetova-veronika-duque-marino-mariana/">
<span>Kudermetova V.</span> - Duque-Marino M.</a>
const scraper = new Scraper()
const td = scraper.htmlToDom(playersCell)
const players = scraper.processPlayers(td)
equal(players.p2.firstName, 'Mariana')
equal(players.p2.lastName, 'Duque-Marino')
// =====================================================================
test('hyphen in first name', function() {
let playersCell = `
<a href="/t/tsonga-jo-wilfried-mayer-florian/">
<span>Tsonga J-W.</span>
- Mayer F.
const scraper = new Scraper()
const td = scraper.htmlToDom(playersCell)
const players = scraper.processPlayers(td)
equal(players.p1.firstName, 'Jo-Wilfried')
equal(players.p1.lastName, 'Tsonga')
test('two first names', function() {
let playersCell = `
<a href="/t/alexandrova-ekaterina-muguruza-blanco-garbine/">
Alexandrova E. - <span>Muguruza</span> B. G.</a>
const scraper = new Scraper()
const td = scraper.htmlToDom(playersCell)
const players = scraper.processPlayers(td)
equal(players.p2.firstName, 'Blanco Garbine')
equal(players.p2.lastName, 'Muguruza')
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<script src="https://wzrd.in/standalone/[email protected]"></script>
<link rel="StyleSheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/qunit/qunit-1.12.0.css" type="text/css">
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stackoverflowののスニペットはqunitといくつかの問題を抱えているように見えます。だからここJsBinリンクは次のとおりです。問題はlast name
と「難しい」のケースで正しくfirst name
読んで理解しにくいですが、非常にコンパクトな(作業中の)ソリューションです:) – user3568719