edges = { (1, 'a') : [2, 3],
(2, 'a') : [2],
(3, 'b') : [4, 3],
(4, 'c') : [5] }
accepting = [2, 5]
loc = []
def nfsmsim(string, current, edges, accepting):
if string != "":
if ((current, string[0]) in edges.keys()):
global loc
loc = edges[(current, string[0])]
print "edge found:",loc
if (string == ""):
print "string is over",current,accepting
print type(current), type(accepting)
if current in accepting :
print "1"
return True
print "2"
return 2
# fill in your code here
elif (current, string[0]) in edges.keys():
global loc
string = string[1:]
nfsmsim(string, loc[0], edges, accepting)
elif len(loc)>1:
global loc
nfsmsim(string, loc[1], edges, accepting)
# This problem includes some test cases to help you tell if you are on
# the right track. You may want to make your own additional tests as well.
print nfsmsim("abc", 1, edges, accepting)
string is over 5 [2, 5]
<type 'int'> <type 'list'>
None (<< instead of True)
あなたが機能 – jamylak
のためのあなたの 'def'を含める必要がありますその後、我々はあなたが印刷されることになっているものを知っているだろう/戻る! – Colleen
があります。質問が更新されました。コードにはreturn文しかありません。私が質問をするのを忘れたという事実です。 – fixxxer