2017-09-16 10 views

私はReactiveSwiftとReactiveCocoaを使ってかなり新しく、依存関係を持つPropertyを初期化する適切な方法についてロードブロックを打ったようです。複数の依存関係を持つRAC ReactiveSwiftプロパティの初期化?

たとえば、次のコードでは、プロパティを初期化しようとしますが、予想されるコンパイラエラーが発生します。私の質問は、どのようにこれを行う "正しい"方法です/どのようです。

class SomeViewModel { 
// illustration purposes, in reality the property (dependency) we will observe will change over time 
let dependency = Property(value: true) 
let dependency2 = Property(value: "dependency2") 
let dependency3 = Property(value: 12345) 
let weightLabel: Property<String> 

// private(set) var weightLabel: Property<String>! 
// using private(set) var weightLabel: Property<String>! works, 
// however this changes the meaning behind using let, because we could 
// reinitalize weightLabel again which is not similar to using a let so not a good alternative 

// let weightLabel: Property<String> = Property(value: "") 
// another solution that will work but will result in a wrong value 
// upon initalization then, changed into the "correct value" thus, i 
// am discrading this as well 

init() { 
    weightLabel = dependency.map { 
     // compiler error, 'self' captured by closure before all members were initalized. 
     // My question is if there is a way to handle this scenario properly 
     if $0 && self.dependency2.value == "dependency2" && self.dependency3.value == 12345 { 
      return "" 
     return "" 





weightLabel = Property.combineLatest(dependency, dependency2, dependency3) 
    .map { d1, d2, d3 in 
     return "Hello World! \(d1) \(d2) \(d3)" 


let title: String 
let action:() -> Void 

init() { 
    title = "Hello World!" 

    // `action` has not been initialised when `self` is 
    // being captured. 
    action = { print(self.title) } 

    // ✅ Capture `title` directly. Now the compiler is happy. 
    action = { [title] in print(title) } 

Sweet!この詳細な説明をありがとうございます! :) –
