2017-11-27 20 views



{ public static String getItemShape() 

    String typeOfShape; 

    typeOfShape = JOptionpPane.showInputDialog("Please enter 'C' for a Circle, or 'S' for a Sphere"); //getting input for shape 

    return typeOfShape; //returning to method 



//This program will find the area or volume of a circle or sphere, 

import javax.swing.JOptionPane; 

public class Java_Chapter_9 

    public static void main(String args[]) 


    String itemShape; //type of shape 
    String runProgram; //user control 
    Double itemRadius; //radius of tem 
    Double finalAnswer; //calculation for final answer 

    //End Declarations 

    showGreeting(); //Call greeting module 

    runProgram = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter 'Y' to run the 
program, or 'N' to quit"); //giving user control 

    while (runProgram.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) //loop for continuous use 

     itemShape = getItemShape(); //calling itemShape module 

     itemRadius = getItemRadius(); //calling itemradius module 

     finalAnswer = calculateAnswer (itemRadius, itemShape); //calling the 
module for calculation with paramaters 

     runProgram = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter 'Y' to input more, or 
'N' to Quit"); 



    ////////////////////////////////////////////////// starting modules 

    public static void showGreeting() //greeting module 


     System.out.println("Welcome to the program"); 
     System.out.println("This program will show you the area or volume of a 

    ///////////////////////////////////////////////// seperating modules 
    public static String getItemShape() 

     String typeOfShape; 

     typeOfShape = JOptionpPane.showInputDialog("Please enter 'C' for a 
Circle, or 'S' for a Sphere"); //getting input for shape 

     return typeOfShape; //returning to method 


    ////////////////////////////////////////////////// seperating modules 
    public static double getItemRadius() 

     double radiusOfItem; //variable withing scope of module 
     String radiusofItemInput; 

     radiusOfItemInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter the 
radius of the item in inches: "); 

     radiusOfItem = Double.parseDouble(radiusofItemInput); 
     return radiusOfItem;  

    ////////////////////////////////////////////////// seperating modules 
    public static double calculateAnswer (double itemRadius, string itemShape); 

     double circleArea; 

     if (itemShape.equalsIgnoreCase("c")) 

     circleArea = 3.14159 * (itemRadius * itemRadius); 

     system.out.print("The area of the circle in inches is " + circleArea); 

     return circleArea; 


      calculateAnswerSphere (itemRadius, itemShape); 

     /////////////////////////////////////////////// seperating method 

      double sphereVolume; 

      sphereVolume = (4.0/3) * 3.14159 * (itemRadius * itemRadius * 

      system.out.print("The volume of the sphere in cubic inches is " 

     end If; 


    public static void showGoodbye()  
     System.out.println("Thank you for using the program. Goodbye."); 



この質問の更新情報 –




のためにそれを宣言していても のJOptionPaneを見つけることができないというエラーを取得していますこの行のtypo

typeOfShape = JOptionpPane.showInputDialog("Please enter 'C' for a Circle, or 'S' for a Sphere"); //getting input for shape 

