while (<IN>) { #read the file
$_ = lc; #convert to lower case
s/ --//g; #remove double hyphen dashes
s/ -//g; #remove single hyphen dashes
s/ +/ /g; #replace multiple spaces with one space
s/[~`@#$%^&*-+=<>.,:;?"!_()\[\]]//g; #remove punctuation
@hwords = split;
# foreach $w (@hwords) { print "$w \n";}
while (<IN0>) { #read the file
$_ = lc; #convert to lower case
s/ --//g; #remove double hyphen dashes
s/ -//g; #remove single hyphen dashes
s/ +/ /g; #replacxew multiple spaces with one space
s/[~`@#$%^&*-+=<>.,:;?"!_()\[\]]//g; #remove punctuation
@awords = split;
# foreach $w (@awords) {print "$w\n";}
$count =0;
@unique =();
print "got here!\n"; # YES - it gets here
foreach $w (@hwords) { print "$w \n";}
foreach $h (@hwords) {
print "got there!\n"; # NOPE, doesn't get here
foreach $a (@awords) {
if ($h eq $a) {
print "equals\n"; # NEVER see this
if ($x eq 1) {
@unique = @unique, $h;
print "$count, $h\n"; # NEVER see this, either
注意。私はあなたのためにこれを編集しました – stevieb
インデントの一貫性を得るために、 'perltidy'もお勧めします。 – Sobrique