私はこれを理解するのに非常に苦労しています。以下は多くの問題を含む冗長な例ですが、うまくいけば、この初心者の試みを忘れて、誰かが私にこれを行う方法を教えてくれるでしょう。どのようにサイズを変更し、次にCGI :: ImageMagickでイメージタイプを変換しますか?
use LWP::Simple;
use Image::Resize;
use CGI::ImageMagick;
sub convertandsave {
# This is my remote site where I am grabbing the image from
my $url = 'http://someremotedomain.example.com/';
# Actually, the $image name is $_[0], but for this post I wanted to be clear
my $image = '6226701.bmp';
# Displays full size
my $showimage = '<img src="$url/$image">';
print qq~Full Size: $showimage <br />~;
# this is crude, but I absolutely know the last three chars are the image type
my $image = lc '6226701.bmp';
my $remoteimage = "$url/$image";
my $imagetype = substr($image, -3, 3);
print qq~$imagetype<br />~;
# Save the full sized image locally
my $savelocal = LWP::Simple::getstore($imageurl, $image);
# Below are notes and attempts
# convert a.bmp a.jpg;????
# if ($imagetype ne 'jpg'){
# my $cmd = "imgcvt -i $imagetype -o jpg $old.$cnt $new.$cnt";
# print $cmd."\n";
# if (system($cmd)) { print "imgcvt failed\n"; }
# }
my $thumb = $image;
my @thumb = split(/./, $thumb);
my $new = "$thumb[0].jpg";
#my $gd = $image1->convert($image1, $new);
my $new = new CGI::ImageMagick(size => '120x100');
my $thumb = new CGI::ImageMagick(convert => $image, $new);
#my $magick> convert rose.jpg rose.png;
#my $gd = $image1->convert(120, 120);
# This did work for resizing
my $thumbnail = Image::Resize->new($image);
my $gd = $thumbnail->resize(120, 120);
# open(FH, ">$thumbnail");
# print FH $thumbnail->jpeg();
# close(FH);
# Shows results of my continual failures
print qq~$image<br />~;
print qq~$new<br />~;
print qq~$thumb<br />~;
Iも試みシステム( "a.bmp a.jpg変換")。何もない。 CGI :: ImageMagick = HASH(0xd942990) "という結果が表示されます。誰か助けてくれますか? – DulcimerDude