認可コード付与を使用してspotify Web APIを認可するのに問題があります。クライアントのIDとクライアントの秘密情報を入力してURIにリダイレクトする必要があることを知っていますが、アクセストークンを取得するためにはコードという文字列を取得する方法がわかりません。webify api認可コードgrant thelinmichael/spotify-web-api-java android
final String clientId = "<your_client_id>";
final String clientSecret = "<your_client_secret>";
final String redirectURI = "<your_redirect_uri>";
final Api api = Api.builder()
/* Set the necessary scopes that the application will need from the user */
final List<String> scopes = Arrays.asList("user-read-private", "user-read-email");
/* Set a state. This is used to prevent cross site request forgeries. */
final String state = "someExpectedStateString";
String authorizeURL = api.createAuthorizeURL(scopes, state);
/* Continue by sending the user to the authorizeURL, which will look something like
/* Application details necessary to get an access token */
final String code = "<insert code>"; //I don't know where I get the value for this string from
/* Make a token request. Asynchronous requests are made with the .getAsync method and synchronous requests
* are made with the .get method. This holds for all type of requests. */
final SettableFuture<AuthorizationCodeCredentials> authorizationCodeCredentialsFuture = api.authorizationCodeGrant(code).build().getAsync();
/* Add callbacks to handle success and failure */
Futures.addCallback(authorizationCodeCredentialsFuture, new FutureCallback<AuthorizationCodeCredentials>() {
public void onSuccess(AuthorizationCodeCredentials authorizationCodeCredentials) {
/* The tokens were retrieved successfully! */
/* Set the access token and refresh token so that they are used whenever needed */
public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) {
/* Let's say that the client id is invalid, or the code has been used more than once,
* the request will fail. Why it fails is written in the throwable's message. */