2017-07-08 12 views


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override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) { 

    let touch: UITouch = touches.first! 
    let location: CGPoint = touch.location(in: self) 
    let node: SKNode = self.atPoint(location) 
    let duration = 0.25 

    if node == selectButton { 

     setNewPlayerSprite(nameOfPlayer: (centerPlayer?.name)!) 

    } else if node == lockedButton || node == priceLabel { 

     unlockPlayer(nameOfPlayer: (centerPlayer?.name)!) 

    } else if node == otherButton { 


    } else if node == purchaseButton || node == purchasePriceLabe { 

     purchaseCharacter(ID: characterProductID) 

    } else if node == buyButton { 

     giveItemAmount(itemName: "Item2", giveAmount: 1) 




ボタンの1つが押された場合、タッチ移動機能が起動しなくなることはありますか? (または押されて保持されている)ここに私のフルタッチの機能コードです。

override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) { 

    //let duration = 0.01 
    let touch: UITouch = touches.first! 
    let newPosition = touch.location(in: self) 
    let oldPosition = touch.previousLocation(in: self) 
    let xTranslation = newPosition.x - oldPosition.x 

    if centerPlayer!.frame.midX > size.width/2 { 
     if (leftPlayer != nil) { 
      let actualTranslation = leftPlayer!.frame.midX + xTranslation > leftGuide ? xTranslation : leftGuide - leftPlayer!.frame.midX 
      movePlayerByX(player: leftPlayer!, x: actualTranslation) 
    } else { 
     if (rightPlayer != nil) { 
      let actualTranslation = rightPlayer!.frame.midX + xTranslation < rightGuide ? xTranslation : rightGuide - rightPlayer!.frame.midX 
      movePlayerByX(player: rightPlayer!, x: actualTranslation) 

    movePlayerByX(player: centerPlayer!, x: xTranslation) 
    priceLabel.isHidden = true; selectButton.isHidden = true; lockedButton.isHidden = true; otherButton.isHidden = true 

override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) { 

    let touch: UITouch = touches.first! 
    let location: CGPoint = touch.location(in: self) 
    let node: SKNode = self.atPoint(location) 
    let duration = 0.25 

    if node == selectButton { 

     setNewPlayerSprite(nameOfPlayer: (centerPlayer?.name)!) 

    } else if node == lockedButton || node == priceLabel { 

     unlockPlayer(nameOfPlayer: (centerPlayer?.name)!) 

    } else if node == otherButton { 


    } else if node == purchaseButton || node == purchasePriceLabe { 

     purchaseCharacter(ID: characterProductID) 

    } else if node == buyButton { 

     giveItemAmount(itemName: "Item2", giveAmount: 1) 






override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) { 

//let duration = 0.01 
let touch: UITouch = touches.first! 
if touch.view == self.view{ 
    let newPosition = touch.location(in: self) 
    let oldPosition = touch.previousLocation(in: self) 
    let xTranslation = newPosition.x - oldPosition.x 

    if centerPlayer!.frame.midX > size.width/2 { 
     if (leftPlayer != nil) { 
      let actualTranslation = leftPlayer!.frame.midX + xTranslation > leftGuide ? xTranslation : leftGuide - leftPlayer!.frame.midX 
      movePlayerByX(player: leftPlayer!, x: actualTranslation) 
    } else { 
     if (rightPlayer != nil) { 
      let actualTranslation = rightPlayer!.frame.midX + xTranslation < rightGuide ? xTranslation : rightGuide - rightPlayer!.frame.midX 
      movePlayerByX(player: rightPlayer!, x: actualTranslation) 

    movePlayerByX(player: centerPlayer!, x: xTranslation) 
    priceLabel.isHidden = true; selectButton.isHidden = true; 
    lockedButton.isHidden = true; otherButton.isHidden = true 


種類の作品...それは、中央の文字を変更することができないで動作しますが、私は押したときに、それが特定のボタンをタッチしているかどうかを検出する方法がわかりませんそれら。自分のボタンに同じif文を使用できますか?彼らはspritenodesだから – Astrum


ええ、私はそう信じて、このポストは、同様の回答を持っているhttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/27922198/how-do-i-detect-if-an-skspritenode-has-been-touched – Ali


ありがとうすべてが働いた – Astrum
