私は深いjsonファイルを正規化するために多くの方法(そしてstackoverflowの多くの質問で)を試みてきました。 私は.apply(pd.Series)
import json
import pandas as pd
from pandas.io.json import json_normalize
raw = json.load(open('authors.json'))
raw2 = json_normalize(raw['hits']['hits'])
raw2 = json_normalize(raw['hits']['hits'][0])
raw2 = json_normalize(raw['hits']['hits']['_source.authors'])
TypeError: string indices must be integers
- どのように私は次のレベル(JSONで
)を含める方法を知っていますか:私は私の質問があると思いますか? - これを表すための視覚的な方法はありますか?
_id _index _score _source.authors _source.deleted _source.description _source.doi _source.is_valid _source.issue _source.journal ... _source.rating_versatility_weighted _source.review_count _source.tag _source.title _source.userAvg _source.user_id _source.venue_name _source.views_count _source.volume _type
0 7CB3F2AD scibase_listings 1 None 0 None 1 None Physical Review Letters ... 0 0 [mass spectra, elementary particles, bound sta... Evidence for a new meson: A quasinuclear NN-ba... 0 None Physical Review Letters 0 None listing
1 7AF8EBC3 scibase_listings 1 [{'affiliations': ['Punjabi University'], 'aut... 0 None 1 None Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechno... ... 0 0 [flow rate, operant conditioning, packed bed r... Development of a stable continuous flow immobi... 0 None Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechno... 0 None listing
2 7521A721 scibase_listings 1 [{'author_id': '7FF872BC', 'author_name': 'bar... 0 None 1 None The American Historical Review ... 0 0 [social movements] Feminism and the women's movement : dynamics o... 0 None The American Historical Review 0 None listing
{'_shards': {'failed': 0, 'successful': 5, 'total': 5},
'hits': {'hits': [{'_id': '7CB3F2AD',
'_index': 'scibase_listings',
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"author_id": "166468F4",
"author_name": "a bowdoin van riper"
"author_id": "81070854",
"author_name": "jeffrey h schwartz"
"user_id": null,
"pub_date": "1994-01-01 00:00:00",
"pages": null,
"doi": "",
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"rating_versatility_weighted": 0,
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"title": "Men Among the Mammoths: Victorian Science and the Discovery of Human Prehistory",
"rating_clarity_weighted": 0,
"rating_innovation_weighted": 0
"_index": "scibase_listings",
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"meta_description": null,
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"venue_name": "The American Historical Review",
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"journal": "The American Historical Review",
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"Pennsylvania State University"
"author_id": "7E15BDFA",
"author_name": "roger l geiger"
"user_id": null,
"pub_date": "2013-06-01 00:00:00",
"pages": null,
"doi": "10.1093/ahr/118.3.896a",
"issue": null,
"rating_versatility_weighted": 0,
"pubtype": null,
"title": "Elizabeth Popp Berman. Creating the Market University: How Academic Science Became an Economic Engine.",
"rating_clarity_weighted": 0,
"rating_innovation_weighted": 0
__valid__ JSON文字列/ファイルを指定すると解析できますか?あなたの質問からコピーして、 'json.loads(json_string) 'に渡してみてください。もう一つの役に立つリソースは:https://jsonlint.com/ - JSONファイルをオンラインで検証します – MaxU
それはうまくいかないのですか?元のチャンクです。 –