#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class sequence{
sequence(int x);
sequence& operator*=(const &left, const &right);
friend istream& operator >>(istream&, sequence&);
friend ostream& operator <<(ostream&, sequence&);
void set_num_samples(); //Set no. of samples
float* value; //pointer to float variable
void allocate_memory(); //Allocates memory
void set_values_array(); //Sets the values of an array
void check_array_input(float l); //Checks the values of the array
void reset_input(float j); //Resets the array
void de_allocate(); //deallocates memory
int get_num_samples();
void set_full_array(int x);
void calculate_full(float array1[], float array2[]);
void combine_seq_coef(sequence& inputvoltageA); //Combines the passed in sequence and coefficient
void combine_seq(sequence& objectcombine, int sample); // combine the sequences
int num_samples; //number of samples in the object sequence
class FIR{
int num_coefficients; //Number of coefficients in an FIR (filter impulse response)
//Constructor for each object
void sequence::set_num_samples() { //Set_num_sample definition
cout << "Please enter the number of values in your sequence: \n";
cin >> num_samples;
if(num_samples < 0){
cout << "Value entered must be greater than 0 "<< endl;
cout << "Please enter the value again: " << endl;
cin >> num_samples;
}; //ok (stream op)
void sequence::allocate_memory() {
value = new float[num_samples]; //Allocated memory for Array.
}; //ok
void sequence::set_values_array(){ //Set values for array
int k;
for(k=0; k<num_samples; k++){
cout << "Please enter a positive value for element : " << (k+1) << endl;
cin >> value[k];
while(value[k] < 0){
cout << "Enter positive value " << endl;
cin >> value[k];
cout << "Values have been assigned successfully! " << endl;
}; //ok
//Constructor functions
void sequence::check_array_input(float l) { //Checks array values.
cout << endl << "If you would like to check input values, enter 'y' otherwise, enter 'n' to continue..." << endl;
char check_value;
cin >> check_value;
if (check_value == 'y') {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
cout << "Value no. " << (i + 1) << " is:" << endl;
cout << value[i] << endl;
void sequence::reset_input(float j) { //Reset voltage value and set to 0;
cout << endl << "If you would like to reset all input values, enter 'y' otherwise, enter 'n' to continue..."
<< endl;
char check_value2;
cin >> check_value2;
if (check_value2 == 'y') {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
cout << "Value no." << (i + 1) << ": " << value[i];
value[i] = 0;
cout << " is set to 0!" << endl;
void sequence::de_allocate(){
delete[] value; //De-allocate memory
num_samples = 0;
cout << "De-allocation of input array successful, num of samples reset to 0! " << endl;
int sequence::get_num_samples(){
return num_samples;
/* void sequence::calculate_full(float array1[], float array2[]){
int loop;
for(loop=0; loop<num_samples; loop++){
cout << "CoefficientA value no: " << (loop+1) << ": " << array1[loop].value[loop] << endl;
cout << "InputvoltageA value no." << (loop+1) << ": " << array2[loop].value[loop] << endl;
value[loop] = (array1[loop].value[loop])*(array2[loop].value[loop]);
cout << "Combined value no. " << (i+1) << ": " << value[loop] << endl;
cout << "The combined value gives" << full[loop] << endl;
}; */
void sequence::set_full_array(int x){
num_samples = x;
void sequence::combine_seq(sequence& object_combine, int sample_num){
int loop;
for(loop=0; loop<sample_num; loop++){
sequence& sequence::operator*=(const &left, const &right){
int y = left.get_num_samples();
int x;
for (x=0;)
sequence = left.value * right.value
return sequence;
sequence::sequence(){ //SEQUENCE CONSTRUCTOR
cout << endl << "Constructor complete!" << endl;
sequence::sequence(int a){ //sequence constructor 2
/* sequence::sequence(int a){
int i;
for(i=0; i<num_samples; i++){
cout << "CoefficientA value no: " << (i+1) << ": " << coefficientA().value[i] << endl;
cout << "InputvoltageA value no." << (i+1) << ": " << inputvoltageA.value[i] << endl;
cout << "Combined value no. " << (i+1) << ": " << value[i] << endl;
sequence::~sequence(){ //Destructor
cout << "Destructor is called" << endl;
}; //destructor
int main(){
// Create object, constructor called
// Constructor calls, set_num_sample, allocate_memory, set_values_array
// Enters values for voltage Inputs to the sequence into an array
// Checks values of the array
// Asks user if they want to reset values and set num samples = 0.
do {
cout << "Press the Enter key to continue:" << endl;
} while (cin.get() != '\n');
cout << "Input voltage sequence created!" << endl;
sequence inputvoltageA;
cout << endl << "CoefficientA sequence created!" << endl;
sequence coefficientA;
//Combines sequence and coefficients
cout << "If you would like to combine the coefficients with the input sequence A enter 'y', otherwise enter 'n'" << endl;
char prompt4;
cin >> prompt4;
if(prompt4 == 'y'){
int x = coefficientA.get_num_samples();
sequence full(x);
full = coefficientA*inputvoltageA;
/* Ask the user if they want to create new object
cout << "If you would like to create a new input voltage sequence enter 'y', otherwise enter 'n'" << endl;
char prompt3;
cin >> prompt3;
if(prompt3 == 'y'){
sequence inputvoltageB;
cout << "CoefficientA sequence created!" << endl;
sequence coefficientB;
cout << "If you would like to combine this sequence with the sequence before enter 'y', otherwise enter 'n'" << endl;
char prompt5;
cin >> prompt5;
if(prompt5 == 'y'){
combine_seq(inputvoltageA, num_samples);
} */
return 0;
私は*演算子をオーバーロードはなぜカント? コンパイラはエラーを返します。C++には型指定子が必要です。 私の型指定子は、シーケンスオブジェクトへの参照です... 私は、クラス内でオーバーロード演算子*関数が正しく定義されていると思います。なぜ*演算子をオーバーロードできないのですか?
これはまさにそのことです。オーバーロード内のパラメータには、指定された型はありません。 – Carcigenicate
ビルドエラーに関する質問を投稿するときは、*完全な*エラーを含めてください。完全ビルドログは完全で未編集であり、可能な情報メモを含むことが好ましい。また、コード内のどこでエラーが発生したかを指摘することもできます(例:コメント付き)。最後に、[*** Minimal ***、Complete、Verifiable Example](http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve)の作成方法を学んでください。 –
'const&left'に型指定子はどこにありますか? – molbdnilo