2016-05-18 4 views

oracleでのプロシージャ作成の構文は次のとおりです。私は構文で使用される '、q'a、q'z、およびz'が何であるか不思議でした。oracleの動的SQLでのステートメントの連結



EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE "demoproc" '|| '(FIXCARD in number DEFAULT 0, INC in number DEFAULT 0) '|| 'AUTHID DEFINER IS '|| 'CARD NUMBER; '|| 'FOWNER VARCHAR2(128) := '|| ' SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''CURRENT_SCHEMA''); '|| 'BEGIN '|| 'EXECUTE IMMEDIATE '|| ''' EXPLAIN PLAN FOR '' || '|| q'z q'a SELECT a' || q'a z' || q'z "demotab"."a" AS "F_NO", 
:B7 a' || q'a z' || q'z AS "P_NO" 
FROM "demotab" "demotab" 
    a' || q'a z' || q'z "demotab"."b" = :B17 AND 
    a' || q'a z' || q'z "demotab"."c" = :B2 AND 
    a' || q'a z' || q'z "demotab"."d" = :B16 
) a' ; 




' sqlstrをお試しくださいとなり実行されるステートメント –



qは」 '埋め込まれた引用符

select q'x It's a string x' From dual; 

It's a string
構文は、Q '[...]'、である "[" と "]" あなたの例では、文字A 'とZ' です。 `見るために; = 'PROCEDUREをCREATE OR REPLACE ...'` `、その後DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(sqlstr):したがってselect q'z execute immediate q'a SELECT count(1) from dual a'z' from dualexecute immediate q'a SELECT count(1) from dual a'


-- quoting string literals (new from 10G) 

select q'aIt's string with embedded quotesa' from dual -- string terminated by chacter "a" 
union all 
select 'It''s string with embedded quotes' from dual--quotes using a 2 quotes 
union all 
select q'z execute immediate q'a SELECT count(1) from dual a'z' from dual ; -- your example 


select 'quote here: ''' , 'double quote'from dual union all 
select q'@quote here: ''@', 'q syntax, double quote means two quotes' from dual union all 
select q'@quote here: '@', 'q syntax, no need fou double quotes' from dual union all 
select 'two quotes here: ''''', 'same thing to have two quotes' from dual union all 
select q'@two quotes here: ''@', 'and two quotes with q syntax ' from dual union all 
select q'@this is the delimiter char: @[email protected]', 'the delimiter character can be used wherever in the string' from dual union all 
select q'@@delimiter is in the beginning and in the [email protected]@', 'you have to double the delimiter if you want it in the end or beginning' from dual 
