2016-08-03 7 views


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Sub proj() 

For Each cl In Range("C1:C5") 
     Call CopyItalicUnderlined(cl, Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1")) 

End Sub 

Sub CopyItalicUnderlined(rngToCopy, rngToPaste) 

rngToCopy.Copy rngToPaste 

Dim i 
For i = Len(rngToCopy.Value2) To 1 Step -1 
    With rngToPaste.Characters(i, 1) 
     If Not .Font.Italic And Not .Font.Underline Then 
      .Text = vbNullString 
     End If 
    End With 

End Sub 

は複雑に見えます。句読点を含まない実際の言葉だけを見たいと思っていて、あなたは書式を見たいと思っています。おそらく、正規表現のいくつかの種類を必要としないし、その後、細胞内の単語のposiitionに基づいて書式設定を見てすることができ – dbmitch


あなたの定義を使用したコード例を追加 - REG式は必要 – dbmitch


あなたがループ内で先の範囲を変更していません。あなたがそのように行うと、唯一のSheet2に一つの出力値があるでしょう... –





Option Explicit 

Sub proj() 
    Dim dataRng As range, cl As range 
    Dim arr As Variant 

    Set dataRng = Worksheets("ItalicSourceSheet").range("C1:C5") '<--| change "ItalicSourceSheet" with your actual source sheet name 
    With Worksheets("ItalicOutputSheet") '<--|change "ItalicOutputSheet" with your actual output sheet name 
     For Each cl In dataRng 
      arr = GetItalics(cl) '<--| get array with italic words 
      If IsArray(arr) Then .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Resize(UBound(arr) + 1) = Application.Transpose(arr) '<--| if array is filled then write it down to output sheet first blank cell in column "A" 
    End With 
End Sub 

Function GetItalics(rng As range) As Variant 
    Dim strng As String 
    Dim iEnd As Long, iIni As Long, strngLen As Long 

    strngLen = Len(rng.Value2) 
    iIni = 1 
    Do While iEnd <= strngLen 
     Do While rng.Characters(iEnd, 1).Font.Italic And rng.Characters(iEnd, 1).Font.Underline 
      If iEnd = strngLen Then Exit Do 
      iEnd = iEnd + 1 
     If iEnd > iIni Then strng = strng & Mid(rng.Value2, iIni, iEnd - iIni) & "|" 
     iEnd = iEnd + 1 
     iIni = iEnd 
    If strng <> "" Then GetItalics = Split(Left(strng, Len(strng) - 1), "|") 
End Function 

ありがとうございました!明確にするために、どうすればV4から始めることができますか? – johndoe253


ar V4を起動する必要はありますか? – user3598756




Sub proj() 
Dim cl  As Range 
Dim x  As Long 

x = 0 

For Each cl In Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C1:C5") 
    Call CopyItalicUnderlined(cl, Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").Offset(x, 0)) 
    x = x + 1 
Call breakOutWords 
End Sub 

Sub CopyItalicUnderlined(rngToCopy As Range, rngToPaste As Range) 
Dim foundWords() As Variant 

rngToCopy.Copy rngToPaste 

Dim i 
For i = Len(rngToCopy.Value2) To 1 Step -1 
    With rngToPaste.Characters(i, 1) 
     Debug.Print .Text 
     If Not .Font.Italic And Not .Font.Underline Then 
      If .Text <> " " Then 
       .Text = vbNullString 
       .Text = " " 
      End If 
     End If 
    End With 
rngToPaste.Value = Trim(rngToPaste.Value) 
rngToPaste.Value = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(rngToPaste, " ", " ") 

End Sub 
Sub breakOutWords() 
Dim lastRow As Long, i As Long, k As Long, spaceCounter As Long 
Dim myWords As Variant 
Dim groupRange As Range 

lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 

For i = lastRow To 1 Step -1 
    ' Determine how many spaces - this means we have X+1 words 
    spaceCounter = Len(Cells(i, 1)) - Len(WorksheetFunction.Substitute(Cells(i, 1), " ", "")) + 1 
    If spaceCounter > 1 Then 
     Set groupRange = Range(Cells(i, 1), Cells(WorksheetFunction.Max(2, i + spaceCounter - 1), 1)) 
     myWords = Split(Cells(i, 1), " ") 
     For k = LBound(myWords) To UBound(myWords) 
      groupRange.Cells(1 + k, 1).Value = myWords(k) 
     Next k 
     ' how many new rows will we need for the next cell? 
     Dim newRows As Long 
     newRows = Len(Cells(i - 1, 1)) - Len(WorksheetFunction.Substitute(Cells(i - 1, 1), " ", "")) 
     Range(Cells(i, 1), Cells(i + newRows - 1, 1)).EntireRow.Insert 
    End If 
Next i 

End Sub 

はjohndoe253 @時間 – johndoe253


を割いていただきありがとうございます - これは楽しい、素敵な質問でした。 – BruceWayne


私はこれがうまくいくはずだと思います - 私はあなたの例に合うようにあなたのコードを修正しました。あなたがシートにSet rge = ws1.Range("C8:C100") にチェックするために

  • 細胞の変化範囲を、あなたの実際の生活のシートに合わせて、ワークシートの2人の
  • 変更の名前を を追加開始したい場所をマークする

    • 変更トップ定数


      Option Explicit 
      Public Sub ExtractUnderlinedItalicizedWords() 
          ' Where to start appending new words ' 
          Const INSERT_COL  As Integer = 1 
          Const START_AT_ROW  As Integer = 1 
          Dim ws1   As Worksheet 
          Dim ws2   As Worksheet 
          Dim rge   As Range 
          Dim cel   As Range 
          Dim c   As Object 
          Dim countChars As Integer 
          Dim i   As Integer 
          Dim intRow  As Integer   
          Dim strWord  As String 
          Set ws1 = Worksheets("Sheet1") 
          Set ws2 = Worksheets("Sheet2") 
          intRow = START_AT_ROW 
          ' Define the range of cells to check 
          Set rge = ws1.Range("C8:C100") 
          For Each cel In rge.Cells 
           countChars = cel.Characters.count 
           ' Only do this until we find a blank cell 
           If countChars = 0 Then Exit For 
           strWord = "" 
           For i = 1 To countChars 
            Set c = cel.Characters(i, 1) 
            With c.Font 
             If (.Underline <> xlUnderlineStyleNone) And (.Italic) Then 
              strWord = strWord & c.Text 
              If Len(strWord) > 0 Then 
               ws2.Cells(intRow, INSERT_COL).Value = strWord 
               intRow = intRow + 1 
               strWord = "" 
              End If 
             End If 
            End With 
           Next i 
           ' Get Last Word in cell 
           If Len(strWord) > 0 Then 
            ws2.Cells(intRow, INSERT_COL).Value = strWord 
            intRow = intRow + 1 
            strWord = "" 
           End If 
          Next ' Next cell in column range   
      End Sub 
  • +0

    はこれを行うには時間を割いてくれてありがとう – johndoe253