基本的にSelectDateウィジェットと同じですが、時間コンポーネントもあります。公式ドキュメントで見つからないようですか?djangoフォーム用の 'SelectDateTime'ウィジェットはありますか?
基本的にSelectDateウィジェットと同じですが、時間コンポーネントもあります。公式ドキュメントで見つからないようですか?djangoフォーム用の 'SelectDateTime'ウィジェットはありますか?
は、ここで私が使用して分割された日付/時刻のウィジェットです。たくさんのコードがあります。私はここにコピー/ペーストしているので、必要のない輸入品があるかもしれません。私はこれを "custom_form_widgets.py"というファイルに保存します。
import re
from datetime import datetime
from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.forms.widgets import Widget, Select, MultiWidget, DateInput, TimeInput
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.text import truncate_words
# Attempt to match many time formats:
# Example: "12:34:56 P.M." matches:
# ('12', '34', ':56', '56', 'P.M.', 'P', '.', 'M', '.')
# ('12', '34', ':56', '56', 'P.M.')
# Note that the colon ":" before seconds is optional, but only if seconds are omitted
time_pattern = r'(\d\d?):(\d\d)(:(\d\d))? *((a{1}|A{1}|p{1}|P{1})(\.)?(m{1}|M{1})(\.)?)?$'
RE_TIME = re.compile(time_pattern)
# The following are just more readable ways to access re.matched groups:
class SelectTimeWidget(Widget):
A Widget that splits time input into <select> elements.
Allows form to show as 24hr: <hour>:<minute>,
or as 12hr: <hour>:<minute> <am|pm>
Also allows user-defined increments for minutes/seconds
hour_field = '%s_hour'
minute_field = '%s_minute'
second_field = '%s_second'
meridiem_field = '%s_meridiem'
twelve_hr = False # Default to 24hr.
def __init__(self, attrs=None, hour_step=None, minute_step=None, second_step=None, twelve_hr=False):
hour_step, minute_step, second_step are optional step values for
for the range of values for the associated select element
twelve_hr: If True, forces the output to be in 12-hr format (rather than 24-hr)
self.attrs = attrs or {}
if twelve_hr:
self.twelve_hr = True # Do 12hr (rather than 24hr)
if hour_step and twelve_hr:
self.hours = range(1, 13, hour_step)
elif hour_step: # 24hr, with stepping.
self.hours = range(0, 24, hour_step)
elif twelve_hr: # 12hr, no stepping
self.hours = range(1, 13)
else: # 24hr, no stepping
self.hours = range(0, 24)
if minute_step:
self.minutes = range(0, 60, minute_step)
self.minutes = range(0, 60)
if second_step:
self.seconds = range(0, 60, second_step)
self.seconds = range(0, 60)
def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
try: # try to get time values from a datetime.time object (value)
hour_val, minute_val, second_val = value.hour, value.minute, value.second
if self.twelve_hr:
if hour_val >= 12:
meridiem_val = 'p.m.'
meridiem_val = 'a.m.'
meridiem_val = None
except AttributeError:
hour_val = minute_val = second_val = meridiem_val = ''
if isinstance(value, basestring):
match = RE_TIME.match(value)
if match:
time_groups = match.groups();
hour_val = int(time_groups[HOURS]) % 24 # force to range(0-24)
minute_val = int(time_groups[MINUTES])
if time_groups[SECONDS] is None:
second_val = 0
second_val = int(time_groups[SECONDS])
# check to see if meridiem was passed in
if time_groups[MERIDIEM] is not None:
meridiem_val = time_groups[MERIDIEM]
else: # otherwise, set the meridiem based on the time
if self.twelve_hr:
if hour_val >= 12:
meridiem_val = 'p.m.'
meridiem_val = 'a.m.'
meridiem_val = None
if self.twelve_hr:
# Modify the hour value appopriately for 12-hour clocks.
if hour_val > 12 and hour_val < 24:
hour_val = hour_val % 12
elif hour_val == 0:
hour_val = 12
output = []
if 'id' in self.attrs:
id_ = self.attrs['id']
id_ = 'id_%s' % name
# NOTE: for times to get displayed correctly, the values MUST be converted to unicode
# When Select builds a list of options, it checks against Unicode values
if hour_val != '':
hour_val = u"%.2d" % hour_val
if minute_val != '':
minute_val = u"%.2d" % minute_val
if second_val != '':
second_val = u"%.2d" % second_val
hour_choices = [("%.2d" % i, "%.2d" % i) for i in self.hours]
hour_choices[0:0] = [('', '--')]
local_attrs = self.build_attrs(id=self.hour_field % id_)
select_html = Select(choices=hour_choices).render(self.hour_field % name, hour_val, local_attrs)
minute_choices = [("%.2d" % i, "%.2d" % i) for i in self.minutes]
minute_choices[0:0] = [('', '--')]
local_attrs['id'] = self.minute_field % id_
select_html = Select(choices=minute_choices).render(self.minute_field % name, minute_val, local_attrs)
second_choices = [("%.2d" % i, "%.2d" % i) for i in self.seconds]
second_choices[0:0] = [('', '--')]
local_attrs['id'] = self.second_field % id_
select_html = Select(choices=second_choices).render(self.second_field % name, second_val, local_attrs)
if self.twelve_hr:
# If we were given an initial value, make sure the correct meridiem get's selected.
if meridiem_val and meridiem_val.startswith('p'):
meridiem_choices = [('p.m.', 'p.m.'), ('a.m.', 'a.m.'), ('', '--')]
meridiem_choices = [('', '--'), ('a.m.', 'a.m.'), ('p.m.', 'p.m.')]
local_attrs['id'] = local_attrs['id'] = self.meridiem_field % id_
select_html = Select(choices=meridiem_choices).render(self.meridiem_field % name, meridiem_val, local_attrs)
selects_html = u'\n'.join(output)
return mark_safe('<div class="friendly_time_widget">%s</div>') % (selects_html)
def id_for_label(self, id_):
return '%s_hour' % id_
id_for_label = classmethod(id_for_label)
def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name):
meridiem = data.get(self.meridiem_field % name)
h = data.get(self.hour_field % name, 0) # hour
m = data.get(self.minute_field % name, 0) # minute
s = data.get(self.second_field % name, 0) # second
if any(falsy in (h, m) for falsy in ('', None)):
return None
#NOTE: if meridiem IS None, assume 24-hr
if meridiem is not None:
if meridiem.lower().startswith('p') and int(h) != 12:
h = (int(h) + 12) % 24
elif meridiem.lower().startswith('a') and int(h) == 12:
h = 0
if (int(h) == 0 or h) and m and s:
return '%s:%s:%s' % (h, m, s)
return data.get(name, None)
#This is the widget that splits the date and time.
class FriendlySplitDateTimeWidget(MultiWidget):
A Widget that splits datetime input into two <input type="text"> boxes
and uses a better time selector
date_format = DateInput.format
time_format = TimeInput.format
def __init__(self, attrs=None, date_format=None, time_format=None, twelve_hr=True):
if date_format:
self.date_format = date_format
if time_format:
self.time_format = time_format
widgets = (DateInput(attrs=attrs, format=self.date_format),
super(FriendlySplitDateTimeWidget, self).__init__(widgets, attrs)
def decompress(self, value):
if value:
if isinstance(value, basestring):
value = datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
return [value.date(), value.time().replace(microsecond=0)]
return [None, None]