2017-04-02 14 views

Pythonで作業している新しいプログラマ2.7。単純な条件の場合の構文エラー(partychoice = Rの場合)

このコードでは、if 'partychoice = R、' = 'が無効な構文であることを示す行に構文エラーが表示されます。どうしてそれが勝ったのですか?変数を割り当てることはできません。


print "Welcome to 'Pass the Bill', where you will take on the role of a professional lobbyist trying to guide a bill through Congress and get it signed into law by the President!" 
start = raw_input(str ('Press Y to continue:')) 
print 'Great, lets get started!' 
partychoice = raw_input (str("Would you like to be a Republican or Democrat? Type 'R' for Republican or 'D' for Democrat.")) 
if partychoice = R: 
    print 'Ah, the Grand old Party of Lincoln and Reagan. Great Choice!' 
    replegchoice = raw_input (str("What type of bill what you like congress to introduce? Restrictions on abortions, lower income taxes, easier access to automatic weapons, private health plans, or stricter immigration laws? (A = abortion restrictions, L = lower taxes, AW = automatic weapons, H = private health plans, S = stricter immigration laws')) 
    if replegchoice = A or a 
      print 'A controversial choice, despite support of most Republicans, you are sure to face opposition from Democrats in Congress!' 
    if replegchoice = L or l 
      print 'A popular idea, Republicans in Congress are sure to support this idea, as will many American voters!' 
    if replegchoice = AW, aw, Aw, or AW 
      print 'Rural, midwest, and small town voters will love this, as will most Republicans in Congress. Democrats and voters in urban cities will surely be less supportive.' 
    if replegchoice = H or h 
      print 'Eimination of Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare! Republicans generally like the idea of making each person responsible for paying their own health care costs' 
    if replegchoice = S or s 
      print 'a popular idea supported by president Trump, this is sure face strong opposition from democrats and many voters.' 



'='の代わりに '=='でなければなりません。つまり、 'partychoice == 'R''の場合、ネストされた' if'sと同じです。 –


タイトルを変更してください。あなたの質問には関係ありません。 – Noorul


他:あなたが新しいプログラマーなら、あなたはPython 3から始めるべきです。 – DSM



あなたは声明で "==" と "=" 交換する必要があります。

if partychoice = R:" 

"=" は代入演算子
ある "==" は等価演算子であります

#assign something to a variable 
x = 5 
print x 

#compare for equality 
y = 6 
if y == 6: 
    print y 
    print "y is not 6" 




if partychoice == 'R': 

にラインあなたは2 '=' 文字を使用する必要がありますまず。 1つは '='は変数を設定し、2つは等価を比較します。

次に、変数partychoiceと文字列 "R"を比較したいので、引用符が必要です。引用符を付けないと、参照を別のオブジェクトと比較していると考えられます。



  1. あなたが代わりに比較演算子、==の代入演算子、=を使用しています。
  2. あなたは現在、あなたの代わりに私がraw_input関数内superfulous str()変換を削除手紙'R'
  3. の変数Rとそれらを比較している、文字列を含むと比較するとき'を使用することを覚えておく必要があります。 ""は文字列を定義するため、これは不要です。
  4. 文字列の小文字バージョンをチェックするだけで、結果に.lower()関数を呼び出すだけでよいのです。それはあなたに多くの時間を節約します。

    print "Welcome to 'Pass the Bill', where you will take on the role of a professional lobbyist trying to guide a bill through Congress and get it signed into law by the President!" 
    start = raw_input('Press Y to continue:') 
    print 'Great, lets get started!' 
    partychoice = raw_input("Would you like to be a Republican or Democrat? Type 'R' for Republican or 'D' for Democrat.").lower() 
    if partychoice == 'r': 
        print 'Ah, the Grand old Party of Lincoln and Reagan. Great Choice!' 
        replegchoice = raw_input ("What type of bill what you like congress to introduce? Restrictions on abortions, lower income taxes, easier access to automatic weapons, private health plans, or stricter immigration laws? (A = abortion restrictions, L = lower taxes, AW = automatic weapons, H = private health plans, S = stricter immigration laws") 
        if replegchoice == 'a': 
          print 'A controversial choice, despite support of most Republicans, you are sure to face opposition from Democrats in Congress!' 
        if replegchoice == 'l': 
          print 'A popular idea, Republicans in Congress are sure to support this idea, as will many American voters!' 
        if replegchoice == 'aw': 
          print 'Rural, midwest, and small town voters will love this, as will most Republicans in Congress. Democrats and voters in urban cities will surely be less supportive.' 
        if replegchoice == 'h': 
          print 'Eimination of Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare! Republicans generally like the idea of making each person responsible for paying their own health care costs' 
        if replegchoice == 's': 
          print 'a popular idea supported by president Trump, this is sure face strong opposition from democrats and many voters.' 

ありがとう皆さん! – Russ


あなたが解決策としてマークすることができたら、それはたくさんの助けになります。 (緑色のダニをクリック) – Neil
