私はprovided instructionsに従っていますが、動作していません。私はこのエラーを取得しています:Vaadin NetBeansでウィジェット(アドオン)をコンパイル
INFO: Widgetsets found from classpath:
com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.DefaultWidgetSet in jar:file:Z:/vaadin/vaadin-6.7.1.jar!/
org.vaadin.peter.contextmenu.ContextmenuWidgetset in jar:file:Z:/NetBeans/Xinco/2.01.xx/XincoLibs/ContextMenu3.1.0.jar!/
INFO: Search took 12ms
Exception in thread "main" java.io.IOException: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect
at java.io.WinNTFileSystem.canonicalize0(Native Method)
at java.io.Win32FileSystem.canonicalize(Win32FileSystem.java:414)
at java.io.File.getCanonicalPath(File.java:589)
at com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils.WidgetSetBuilder.updateWidgetSet(WidgetSetBuilder.java:79)
at com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.widgetsetutils.WidgetSetBuilder.main(WidgetSetBuilder.java:52)
私はrelated bugが見つかりましたが、それはまだ修正せずに長い時間のために報告されています。コードのチェック/変更以外のアイデアですか?
Compiling module org.vaadin.peter.contextmenu.ContextmenuWidgetset
Validating newly compiled units
[ERROR] Errors in 'file:/Z:/NetBeans/Xinco/3.00.xx/XincoLibs/Vaadin%20Addons/ContextMenu3-1-0/org/vaadin/peter/contextmenu/client/ui/VContextMenu.java'
[ERROR] Line 1: The declared package "org.vaadin.peter.contextmenu.client.ui" does not match the expected package "ContextMenu3-1-0.org.vaadin.peter.contextmenu.client.ui"
[ERROR] Line 5: The import org.vaadin.peter.contextmenu.client cannot be resolved
[ERROR] Line 125: VMenuItem cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 174: VMenuItem cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Errors in 'file:/Z:/NetBeans/Xinco/3.00.xx/XincoLibs/Vaadin%20Addons/ContextMenu3-1-0/org/vaadin/peter/contextmenu/client/ui/VMenu.java'
[ERROR] Line 1: The declared package "org.vaadin.peter.contextmenu.client.ui" does not match the expected package "ContextMenu3-1-0.org.vaadin.peter.contextmenu.client.ui"
[ERROR] Line 219: The method itemClicked(VMenuItem) from the type VContextMenu refers to the missing type VMenuItem
[ERROR] Line 229: The method itemClicked(VMenuItem) from the type VContextMenu refers to the missing type VMenuItem
[ERROR] Line 239: The method itemClicked(VMenuItem) from the type VContextMenu refers to the missing type VMenuItem
[ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/Z:/NetBeans/Xinco/3.00.xx/XincoLibs/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/editor/client/EditorDriver.java'
[ERROR] Line 20: The import javax.validation.ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved
[ERROR] Line 97: ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/Z:/NetBeans/Xinco/3.00.xx/XincoLibs/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/editor/client/impl/AbstractSimpleBeanEditorDriver.java'
[ERROR] Line 28: Name clash: The method setConstraintViolations(Iterable<ConstraintViolation<?>>) of type BaseEditorDriver<T,E> has the same erasure as setConstraintViolations(Iterable<ConstraintViolation<?>>) of type EditorDriver<T> but does not override it
[ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/Z:/NetBeans/Xinco/3.00.xx/XincoLibs/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/editor/client/impl/BaseEditorDriver.java'
[ERROR] Line 31: The import javax.validation.ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved
[ERROR] Line 67: ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/Z:/NetBeans/Xinco/3.00.xx/XincoLibs/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/editor/client/impl/SimpleViolation.java'
[ERROR] Line 25: The import javax.validation.ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved
[ERROR] Line 40: ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 43: ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 44: Missing code implementation in the compiler
[ERROR] Line 49: ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 49: Missing code implementation in the compiler
[ERROR] Line 70: ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 72: ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 73: ConstraintViolation<?> cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 77: ConstraintViolation<capture#2-of ?> cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 81: ConstraintViolation<capture#3-of ?> cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 89: ConstraintViolation<capture#4-of ?> cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 93: ConstraintViolation<capture#5-of ?> cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 98: ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/Z:/NetBeans/Xinco/3.00.xx/XincoLibs/gwt-user.jar!/com/google/gwt/editor/client/testing/MockSimpleBeanEditorDriver.java'
[ERROR] Line 26: The import javax.validation.ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved
[ERROR] Line 35: The type MockSimpleBeanEditorDriver<T,E> must implement the inherited abstract method EditorDriver<T>.setConstraintViolations(Iterable<ConstraintViolation<?>>)
[ERROR] Line 107: Name clash: The method setConstraintViolations(Iterable<ConstraintViolation<?>>) of type MockSimpleBeanEditorDriver<T,E> has the same erasure as setConstraintViolations(Iterable<ConstraintViolation<?>>) of type EditorDriver<T> but does not override it
[ERROR] Line 108: ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/Z:/NetBeans/Xinco/3.00.xx/XincoLibs/gwt-user.jar!/javax/validation/super/javax/validation/Configuration.java'
[ERROR] Line 93: TraversableResolver cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 105: ConstraintValidatorFactory cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 182: TraversableResolver cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 182: No source code is available for type TraversableResolver; did you forget to inherit a required module?
[ERROR] Line 194: ConstraintValidatorFactory cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 194: No source code is available for type ConstraintValidatorFactory; did you forget to inherit a required module?
[ERROR] Line 202: ValidatorFactory cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 202: No source code is available for type ValidatorFactory; did you forget to inherit a required module?
[ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/Z:/NetBeans/Xinco/3.00.xx/XincoLibs/gwt-user.jar!/javax/validation/ConstraintViolationException_CustomFieldSerializer.java'
[ERROR] Line 30: ConstraintViolationException cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 34: ConstraintViolationException cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 34: No source code is available for type ConstraintViolationException; did you forget to inherit a required module?
[ERROR] Line 39: ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 39: ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 40: ConstraintViolationException cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 44: ConstraintViolationException cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/Z:/NetBeans/Xinco/3.00.xx/XincoLibs/gwt-user.jar!/javax/validation/super/javax/validation/MessageInterpolator.java'
[ERROR] Line 21: The import javax.validation.metadata cannot be resolved
[ERROR] Line 66: ConstraintDescriptor cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/Z:/NetBeans/Xinco/3.00.xx/XincoLibs/gwt-user.jar!/javax/validation/super/javax/validation/constraints/Pattern.java'
[ERROR] Line 30: The import javax.validation.Constraint cannot be resolved
[ERROR] Line 31: The import javax.validation.Payload cannot be resolved
[ERROR] Line 49: Constraint cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 49: The attribute validatedBy is undefined for the annotation type Constraint
[ERROR] Line 75: Payload cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/Z:/NetBeans/Xinco/3.00.xx/XincoLibs/gwt-user.jar!/javax/validation/super/javax/validation/spi/ConfigurationState.java'
[ERROR] Line 22: The import javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorFactory cannot be resolved
[ERROR] Line 24: The import javax.validation.TraversableResolver cannot be resolved
[ERROR] Line 93: ConstraintValidatorFactory cannot be resolved to a type
[ERROR] Line 107: TraversableResolver cannot be resolved to a type
を私は図書館の不一致であることを指摘し、この問題については、この記事を見つけましたが、私はのためにVaadin SCMからjarファイルを使用しています正しいリリース:https://vaadin.com/forum/-/message_boards/view_message/384826
私のプロジェクトはコンパイルされませんでした。それはjava.io.IOExceptionをスローしています:ウィジェットセットのためのディレクトリを作成できませんでした:ファイル:E:¥Projetos¥smarthome¥view¥lib¥vaadin-6.7.3.nightly-20111128-c22151.jar!\ com \ vaadin \ gwt – ricardogobbo
Hmmm。私はリリースされた6.7.2で試しました。リリースされたバージョンに6.7.3の機能が必要な場合を除きます。必要な場合は、GTWファイルを毎日のディストリビューションのGTWファイルで更新してください。 – javydreamercsw
Maven経由でこれらのjarファイルをインクルードしましたか?私は6.7.2で試してみる。 – ricardogobbo