2016-07-23 21 views

この奇妙なエラーが発生しており、原因を理解できません。私は以前のプロジェクトからすでにこの方法を試していましたが、純粋なAPIテストケースよりもSeleniumを使った方がフロントエンドにあります。ここでDjango Rest Frameworkテストクラスエラー


from django.test import TestCase 
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse 

from rest_framework import status 
from rest_framework.test import APITestCase 

from unittest import skip # This library is used to skip some class TestCase 

from . models import * 

import time # This library is used in case you want to put a sleep before proceeding to the next line of scripts 
import inspect # This library is used to print the method of that certain class.. inspect.stack()[0][3] 
import json # This library is for parsing the response.content 

# Create your tests here. 

url_1 = reverse('artists-list') # The URL endpoint for the artists which is /artists/ having POST and GET methods 
url_2 = reverse('artists-detail', kwargs={'artist_id':1}) # The URL endpoint for the artists which is /artists/:d having GET, PUT and DELETE methods 
url_3 = reverse('artists-detail', kwargs={'artist_id':3}) # Wrong id endpoint on purpose to check error response 

# Check the response if there is no given data 
class ArtistTestWithData(APITestCase): 
    # indent is just used to specify the tab size 
    # follow the json naming format 
    # Command: python manage.py dumpdata store.artist --indent=2 > store/fixtures/artists_2016_07_23.json 
    fixtures = ['artists_2016_07_23.json'] 

    # Check the response if there is a data within 
    def test_get(self): 
     # self.client attribute will be an APIClient instance 
     # Basically it will act as a client 
     response = self.client.get(url_1) 
     data = json.loads(response.content)["data"] 
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) 
     self.assertNotEqual(len(data), 0) # There should be a data 
     # print ("%s.%s DONE - 1" % (self.__class__.__name__, inspect.stack()[0][3])) 

# Check the response if there is no given data 
class ArtistTest(APITestCase): 
    # For reusable of adding a single record 
    # To be used for POST, GET(detailed), PUT and DELETE 
    def _setup_add_record(self): 
     _data = {"name": "50 Cent", "birth_date":"2005-02-13"} 
     response = self.client.post(url_1, _data) 
     data = json.loads(response.content)["data"] 
     return (response, _data, data) 

    # Checks the records 
    def test_get(self): 
     # self.client attribute will be an APIClient instance 
     # Basically it will act as a client 
     response = self.client.get(url_1) 
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) 
     self.assertEqual(response.content, '') # There should be no data 
     # self.assertEqual(len(data), 0) 
     # print ("%s.%s DONE - 1" % (self.__class__.__name__, inspect.stack()[0][3])) 

    # Creates the record 
    def test_post(self): 
     x = self._setup_add_record() 
     self.assertEqual(x[0].status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED) # Status 201 is the default when a new object is created 
     self.assertEqual(x[2], x[1]) # have the API return the updated (or created) representation as part of the response 
     self.assertEqual(Artist.objects.count(), 1) # Make sure that there is a craeted instance 
     self.assertEqual(Artist.objects.get().name, '50 Cent') # Double checking if the last post is the created instance 

    # Get a specific record 
    def test_get_detail(self): 
     x = self._setup_add_record() 
     response = self.client.get(url_2) 
     data = json.loads(response.content)["data"] 
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) 
     self.assertEqual(data, x[1]) 
     self.assertNotEqual(len(data), 0) 

    # Update a specific record 
    def test_put(self): 
     x = self._setup_add_record() 
     update = {"name": "60 Cents", "birth_date":"2005-02-13"} 
     response = self.client.put(url_2, update) 
     data = json.loads(response.content)["data"] 
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) 
     self.assertNotEqual(data, x[1]) 
     self.assertNotEqual(Artist.objects.get().name, '50 Cent') # Check if it is still the old name 
     self.assertEqual(Artist.objects.get().name, '60 Cents') # Check the new name 

    def test_delete(self): 
     x = self._setup_add_record() 
     response = self.client.delete(url_2) 
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK) 
     response = self.client.get(url_2) 
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) 

# Check the response if there is error on requests 
class ArtistTestErrors(APITestCase): 
    def test_post(self): 
     _data = {"birth_date":"2005-02-13"} 
     response = self.client.post(url_1, _data) 
     data = json.loads(response.content)["errors"] # checks the errors 
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) 
     self.assertNotEqual(len(data), 0) 

    def test_get_detail(self): 
     response = self.client.get(url_3) 
     self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) 


line 103, in test_get_detail 
TypeError: unbound method _setup_add_record() must be called with ArtistTest instance as first argument (got ArtistTestErrors instance instead) 




def test_get_detail(self): 
    response = self.client.get(url_3) 
    self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) 


class ArtistRecordSetupMixing(): 
    # For reusable of adding a single record 
    # To be used for POST, GET(detailed), PUT and DELETE 
    def _setup_add_record(self): 
     _data = {"name": "50 Cent", "birth_date":"2005-02-13"} 
     response = self.client.post(url_1, _data) 
     data = json.loads(response.content)["data"] 
     return (response, _data, data) 



# Check the response if there is no given data 
class ArtistTest(ArtistRecordSetupMixing, APITestCase): 

ワウ!これは本当にトリックでした!答えと説明をありがとう! –
