import csv
FILE_NAME = "paintingJobs.txt" #I use this so that the file can be used easier
COL_HEADERS = ['Number', 'Date', 'ID', 'Total', 'Status', 'Paid']
NUM_COLS = len(COL_HEADERS)#This will insure that the header of each column fits into the length of the data
# read file once to determine maximum width of data in columns
with open(FILE_NAME) as f:
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
# determine the maximum width of the data in each column
max_col_widths = [len(col_header) for col_header in COL_HEADERS]
for columns in reader:
for i, col in enumerate(columns):
if "A" in columns and int(columns[5]) < int(columns[3]):
max_col_widths[i] = max(max_col_widths[i], len(repr(col)))
# add 1 to each for commas
max_col_widths = [col_width+1 for col_width in max_col_widths]
# read file second time to display its contents with the headers
with open(FILE_NAME) as f:
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
# display justified column headers
print(' ' + ' '.join(col_header.ljust(max_col_widths[i])
for i, col_header in enumerate(COL_HEADERS)))
# display justified column data
for columns in reader:
if "A" in columns and int(columns[5]) < int(columns[3]):
Number Date ID Total Status Paid
['E5345', '22/09/2015', 'C106', '815', 'A', '400']
['E5348', '23/09/2015', 'C109', '370', 'A', '200']
['E5349', '25/09/2015', 'C110', '480', 'A', '250']
['E5353', '28/09/2015', 'C114', '272', 'A', '200']
['E5355', '29/09/2015', 'C116', '530', 'A', '450']
['E5363', '01/10/2015', 'C124', '930', 'A', '500']
['E5364', '02/10/2015', 'C125', '915', 'A', '800']
['E5367', '03/10/2015', 'C128', '427', 'A', '350']
['E5373', '10/10/2015', 'C134', '1023', 'A', '550']
基本的な質問は、そのコードと関係がありますか、または問題の性質を実際のプログラムから切り離すことができますか?もしそうなら、それを行い、[最小限の例](http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve)を提供してください。 – timgeb
言い換えれば、タイトルは簡単な質問ですが、なぜその質問はとても複雑ですか? – timgeb
これまでのところ、CSVを.txtファイルから表示するようになったので、今度は4列目から6列目を差し引いてください。 –