ですいくつかのコマンドを実行して、次のようフォーマットはgit logコマンド
commit 55dbd23f3802527cef5f9d3d5ea4dd3c69c72c5a
Author: Example User
Date: Thu Apr 20 15:40:15 2017 -0500
Here is the short commit message line.
Here is the long commit message.
This message can span multiple lines or have line breaks.
Some more information about this commit.
Here is the short commit message line.
Here is the long commit message.
This message can span multiple lines or have line breaks.
Some more information about this commit.
Here is the short commit message line.
Here is the long commit message.
This message can span multiple lines or have line breaks.
Some more information about this commit.
A different commit was made here. This only uses short message.
を= "$ DATE 23:59" --author = "FatGuyLaughing" --format =%B | sed '/^$/d''はそのトリックを行うべきです。ありがとうございました! – FatGuyLaughing
長いメッセージを8文字のスペースではなくタブ文字で始める方法はありますか? – FatGuyLaughing
もっと具体的には、そのコマンドを受け取り、stdoutにタブ文字を理解させる方法がありますか? – FatGuyLaughing