class ViewController: UIViewController {
//Create your connection from your storyboard
@IBOutlet weak var scrollView: UIScrollView!
// This is an array of views that will be appended to the scroll view later.
// These can be images or whatever want
var mainViews = [UIView]()
// This is an array of objects that are modeled off the SampleObjcet class we created earlier.
// They all contain diffrent strings to display. We will add the text as they are created
var arrayOfSampleObjects = [
SampleObject(sampleText: "Page 1"),SampleObject(sampleText: "Page 2"),
SampleObject(sampleText: "Page 3"),SampleObject(sampleText: "Page 4"),
override func viewDidLoad() {
// contentWidth is a varible that controlls the width of the scroll view
// This variabel grows each time a view is added
var contentWidth: CGFloat = 0.0
// scrollviewWidth & scrollviewHeight hold the sizes so we can use them to
// calculate the diffrent views later
let scrollviewWidth = scrollView.frame.size.width
let scrollviewHeight = scrollView.frame.size.height
// This is where the magic happens.
// This for loop goes through the array of objects and create views for each object.
for object in 0..<arrayOfSampleObjects.count {
// textToShowInformation is a label made to show the text from the diffrent objects.
// Sets up text properties
let textToShowInformation = UILabel()
textToShowInformation.text = arrayOfSampleObjects[object].sampleText // Goes through the arrayOfSampleObjects infromation
textToShowInformation.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
textToShowInformation.textAlignment = .center
// viewToShowInformation is the view that wil be created for each object
// for example, if there are 50 objects, there will be 50 views.
let viewToShowInformation = UIView()
// This adds the diffrent views to the mainViews array to be displayed
// come back to this.... the calculations only work for 6s -_-
var newX: CGFloat = 0.0
//object in an index so if its object 4,
//it will be 4x' s as wide...i think...
newX = scrollviewWidth * CGFloat(object)
contentWidth += newX - scrollviewWidth
viewToShowInformation.frame = CGRect(x: newX, y:0, width: scrollviewWidth, height: scrollviewHeight)
// Constraints for the text fields. Center Everything...
textToShowInformation.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: viewToShowInformation.centerXAnchor).isActive = true
textToShowInformation.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: viewToShowInformation.centerYAnchor).isActive = true
// Sets up the scroll view properties
scrollView.bounces = true // allows views to bounce past the scrollview width. change to personal preferance
// Below controlls the width size of the scrollview,I think the problem could lie here too
scrollView.contentSize = CGSize(width: scrollView.frame.size.width * CGFloat(arrayOfSampleObjects.count), height:scrollviewHeight)
scrollView.clipsToBounds = false // important
すべては6-6sでは機能しますが、SEで実行されるとテキストは中央に配置されません。 object_controlled_scrollview
私は他の方法を試していませんが、それをviewDidAppearに入れて固定しました!ありがとうございました! –
'viewDidAppear'で関数が複数回呼び出されるので一度だけ実行するようにしてください! – Rikh
'view.layoutIfNeeded()'が呼び出されました。代わりに使用します!ありがとうございました! –