

私はChae-Deug Parkのような情報源からこれを研究しましたが、訓練データとして単純な文章を準備することについては議論していません。事前


「単純な文章」とは、具体的にはどういう意味ですか?段落と比較して単なる文章です。あなたの質問は文境界の検出に関するものです。または、主述語が1つしか含まれていない文(下位節などを含む複雑な文章とは対照的に)?何か全く違う? – jogojapan


こんにちはjogojapan、はい、それは正しいです、私は段落と比較して文を意味しました... –


あなたは簡単な文章を意味するものを正しく定義していないので、あなたの質問に誰かが答えにくいです。たぶん、スタンフォードパーサーのようなものを使って、各文章の解析木を取得し、 'NP VP'タイプ以外のすべての文を取り除きたいとしましょう。 '[John] [ベンチに座って]' [Mary and Jill] [サンドイッチを食べる] 'など) –




public static List<String> breakIntoSentencesOpenNlp(String paragraph) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, 
     InvalidFormatException { 

    InputStream is = new FileInputStream("resources/models/en-sent.bin"); 
    SentenceModel model = new SentenceModel(is); 
    SentenceDetectorME sdetector = new SentenceDetectorME(model); 

    String[] sentDetect = sdetector.sentDetect(paragraph); 
    return Arrays.asList(sentDetect); 

//Failed at Hi. 
    paragraph = "Hi. How are you? This is Mike."; 
    SentenceDetector.breakIntoSentencesOpenNlp(paragraph).forEach(sentence -> System.out.println(sentence)); 

    //Failed at Door.Noone 
    paragraph = "Close the Door.Noone is out there"; 
    SentenceDetector.breakIntoSentencesOpenNlp(paragraph).forEach(sentence -> System.out.println(sentence));//not able to break on noone 

    paragraph = "Really!! I cant believe. Mr. Wilson can come any moment to receive mrs. watson."; 
    SentenceDetector.breakIntoSentencesOpenNlp(paragraph).forEach(sentence -> System.out.println(sentence)); 

    //Failed at dr. 
    paragraph = "Radhika, Mohan, and Shaik went to meet dr. Kashyap to raise fund for poor patients."; 
    SentenceDetector.breakIntoSentencesOpenNlp(paragraph).forEach(sentence -> System.out.println(sentence));//breaking on dr. 

    paragraph = "This is how I tried to split a paragraph into a sentence. But, there is a problem. My paragraph includes dates like Jan.13, 2014 , words like U.S. and numbers like 2.2. They all got splitted by the above code."; 
    SentenceDetector.breakIntoSentencesOpenNlp(paragraph).forEach(sentence -> System.out.println(sentence));//breaking on dr. 

    paragraph = "www.thinkzarahatke.com is the second site I developed. You can send mail to [email protected]"; 
    SentenceDetector.breakIntoSentencesOpenNlp(paragraph).forEach(sentence -> System.out.println(sentence)); 

人間のミスがあった場合にのみ、それは失敗しました。例えば。 "博士"略語は大文字のDでなければならず、2文の間に少なくとも1つのスペースが必要です。


public static List<String> breakIntoSentencesCustomRESplitter(String paragraph){ 
    List<String> sentences = new ArrayList<String>(); 
    Pattern re = Pattern.compile("[^.!?\\s][^.!?]*(?:[.!?](?!['\"]?\\s|$)[^.!?]*)*[.!?]?['\"]?(?=\\s|$)", Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.COMMENTS); 
    Matcher reMatcher = re.matcher(paragraph); 
    while (reMatcher.find()) { 
    return sentences; 


paragraph = "Hi. How are you? This is Mike."; 
    SentenceDetector.breakIntoSentencesCustomRESplitter(paragraph).forEach(sentence -> System.out.println(sentence)); 

    //Failed at Door.Noone 
    paragraph = "Close the Door.Noone is out there"; 
    SentenceDetector.breakIntoSentencesCustomRESplitter(paragraph).forEach(sentence -> System.out.println(sentence)); 

    //Failed at Mr., mrs. 
    paragraph = "Really!! I cant believe. Mr. Wilson can come any moment to receive mrs. watson."; 
    SentenceDetector.breakIntoSentencesCustomRESplitter(paragraph).forEach(sentence -> System.out.println(sentence)); 

    //Failed at dr. 
    paragraph = "Radhika, Mohan, and Shaik went to meet dr. Kashyap to raise fund for poor patients."; 
    SentenceDetector.breakIntoSentencesCustomRESplitter(paragraph).forEach(sentence -> System.out.println(sentence)); 

    //Failed at U.S. 
    paragraph = "This is how I tried to split a paragraph into a sentence. But, there is a problem. My paragraph includes dates like Jan.13, 2014 , words like U.S. and numbers like 2.2. They all got splitted by the above code."; 
    SentenceDetector.breakIntoSentencesCustomRESplitter(paragraph).forEach(sentence -> System.out.println(sentence)); 

    paragraph = "www.thinkzarahatke.com is the second site I developed. You can send mail to [email protected]"; 
    SentenceDetector.breakIntoSentencesCustomRESplitter(paragraph).forEach(sentence -> System.out.println(sentence)); 


public static List<String> breakIntoSentencesBreakIterator(String paragraph){ 
    List<String> sentences = new ArrayList<String>(); 
    BreakIterator sentenceIterator = 
    BreakIterator sentenceInstance = sentenceIterator.getSentenceInstance(); 

    int end = sentenceInstance.last(); 
    for (int start = sentenceInstance.previous(); 
      start != BreakIterator.DONE; 
      end = start, start = sentenceInstance.previous()) { 

    return sentences; 


paragraph = "Hi. How are you? This is Mike."; 
    SentenceDetector.breakIntoSentencesBreakIterator(paragraph).forEach(sentence -> System.out.println(sentence)); 

    //Failed at Door.Noone 
    paragraph = "Close the Door.Noone is out there"; 
    SentenceDetector.breakIntoSentencesBreakIterator(paragraph).forEach(sentence -> System.out.println(sentence)); 

    //Failed at Mr. 
    paragraph = "Really!! I cant believe. Mr. Wilson can come any moment to receive mrs. watson."; 
    SentenceDetector.breakIntoSentencesBreakIterator(paragraph).forEach(sentence -> System.out.println(sentence)); 

    //Failed at dr. 
    paragraph = "Radhika, Mohan, and Shaik went to meet dr. Kashyap to raise fund for poor patients."; 
    SentenceDetector.breakIntoSentencesBreakIterator(paragraph).forEach(sentence -> System.out.println(sentence)); 

    paragraph = "This is how I tried to split a paragraph into a sentence. But, there is a problem. My paragraph includes dates like Jan.13, 2014 , words like U.S. and numbers like 2.2. They all got splitted by the above code."; 
    SentenceDetector.breakIntoSentencesBreakIterator(paragraph).forEach(sentence -> System.out.println(sentence)); 

    paragraph = "www.thinkzarahatke.com is the second site I developed. You can send mail to [email protected]"; 
    SentenceDetector.breakIntoSentencesBreakIterator(paragraph).forEach(sentence -> System.out.println(sentence)); 


  • カスタムRE:7ミリ秒
  • のBreakIterator:143ミリ秒
  • openNlp:255ミリ秒

おかげでApache OpenNLPを見て、それが文検出器モジュールを持っています。マニュアルにはコマンドラインからの使用方法とAPIからの使用例があります。
