var pageLoaded = 0;
var timerStatus = 'pending';
var secondsRemaining = -1;
var secondsElapsed = -1;
var startTicks = 0;
var errorCount = 0;
var estimatedSecondsRemaining = -1;
var zeroTimeCounter = 0;
var intervalIdUpdateBothTimers;
var nonLinearGuid = null;
$(document).ready(function() {
setInterval('AutoSave()', 120000);
intervalIdUpdateBothTimers = setInterval('UpdateBothTimers()', 1000);
if (timerStatus == 'pending') {
var totaltimeclock = document.getElementById('TotalTimeClock');
if (totaltimeclock != null) {
document.getElementById('TotalTimeClock').innerHTML = '-- \: -- \: --';
var timeremainingclock = document.getElementById('TimeRemainingClock');
if (timeremainingclock != null) {
document.getElementById('TimeRemainingClock').innerHTML = '-- \: -- \: --';
function loaded(i,f) {
\t if (document.getElementById && document.getElementById(i) != null)
\t {
\t f();
\t }
\t else if (!pageLoaded) setTimeout('loaded(\''+i+'\','+f+')',100);
function SuspendTimer() {
if (timerStatus == 'active') {
var data = "s=2&cp=" + this.location.pathname + "&nlg=" + GetNonLinearGuid();
timerStatus = 'suspended';
type: "POST",
url: "/Courses/ajax/CourseData.aspx",
data: data,
success: displayTime,
async: false
function AutoSave()
if (timerStatus == 'active')
function SaveTime()
var data = '';
if (typeof window.IsScormPage === 'undefined')
data = "cp=" + this.location.pathname + "&sp=false";
data = "cp=" + this.location.pathname + "&sp=true";
data += "&nlg=" + GetNonLinearGuid();
\t \t type: "POST",
\t \t url: "/Courses/ajax/CourseData.aspx",
\t \t data: data,
\t \t success: displayTime,
\t \t async: false
\t });
function StartTimer()
timerStatus = 'active';
// Sets the nonLinearGuid with the one in the DOM
// the GUID was generated in the server side and
// passed it to the client side (DOM)
function SetNonLinearGuid()
var $nonLinearGuid = $("#nonLinearGuid");
if ($nonLinearGuid === undefined)
$nonLinearGuid = $("input[name=nonLinearGuid]");
if ($nonLinearGuid.length)
nonLinearGuid = $nonLinearGuid.val() || null;
window.nonLinearGuid = window.nonLinearGuid || nonLinearGuid;
function GetNonLinearGuid() {
var nlg = (window.NonLinearGuid || nonLinearGuid),
admin = getQueryStringByName("admin", parent.window.location.href) || "";
if (admin.toLowerCase() == "d3v") {
return nlg;
function getQueryStringByName(name, url) {
if (!url) url = window.location.href;
name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '\\$&');
var regex = new RegExp('[?&]' + name + '(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)'),
results = regex.exec(url);
if (!results) return null;
if (!results[2]) return '';
return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
function displayTime(result)
\t if (result.isOk == false)
\t {
\t \t alert(result.message);
\t }
\t else
\t { \t
\t var d = new Date();
startTicks = d.getTime();
\t \t secondsRemaining = parseInt($(result).find("SecondsRemaining").text());
\t \t secondsElapsed = parseInt($(result).find("SecondsElapsed").text());
\t \t redirectUrl = $(result).find("RedirectUrl").text();
var suspendTimer = $(result).find("SuspendTimer").text();
var dataNonLinearGuid = "?nlg=" + GetNonLinearGuid();
\t \t
\t \t if (redirectUrl != "") {
\t \t location.href = redirectUrl;
\t \t }
\t \t
\t isError = $(result).find("Error").text();
\t if (isError == "true")
\t {
\t errorCount++;
\t if (errorCount > 3)
\t {
\t logout();
\t }
\t }
\t isOverworked = $(result).find("IsOverworked").text();
\t if (isOverworked == "true")
\t {
location.href = "/Courses/MyAccountNonLinear.aspx" + dataNonLinearGuid;
\t }
\t if (suspendTimer.length > 0) {
\t if ($.trim(suspendTimer).toLowerCase() == "true") {
\t SuspendTimer();
\t }
\t }
\t }
function logout()
window.top.location.href = "/Courses/loggedout.aspx";
function UpdateBothTimers() {
if (timerStatus != 'active') return;
if (secondsElapsed >= 0)
if (secondsRemaining >= 0) {
if (estimatedSecondsRemaining <= 0 && zeroTimeCounter == 0) {
var lang;
function qt(m,lng) {
$('#timeRemaining').css('display', 'none');
setTimeout("$('#EOMQuiz').submit();", m * 1000);
lang = lng;
setTimeout('updateQ('+ m +')', 1000);
function updateQ(m) {
var text;
if (lang == 'es') {
text = 'Entregar - ' + m + ' segundos restantes para completar la prueba';
else {
text = 'Submit - ' + m + ' seconds remaining to complete the quiz';
if (m > 0) {
setTimeout('updateQ('+m+')', 990);
$('#eomsubmitDiv').css('background-color', '#FF0000');
text ='Submitting... Please Wait.';
if (m <= 10 && m > 0)
if (m % 2 == 0)
$('#eomsubmitDiv').css('background-color', '#FFFF00');
$('#eomsubmitDiv').css('background-color', '#FFFFAA');
$('#eomsubmit').attr('value', text);
function UpdateElapsedTimer()
var s = secondsElapsed + (GetTickDiff()/1000);
UpdateTimer('TotalTimeClock', s, 'UP');
function GetTickDiff()
var d = new Date();
var tickDiff = d.getTime() - startTicks;
return tickDiff;
function UpdateRemainingTimer()
var s = secondsRemaining - (GetTickDiff()/1000);
estimatedSecondsRemaining = s;
if (s < 0) s = 0;
UpdateTimer('TimeRemainingClock', s, 'DOWN');
function UpdateTimer(ClockID,ElapsedSeconds,ClockDirection){
\t //check to see if we can run this code yet
\t if(document.getElementById && document.getElementById(ClockID) != null){
\t \t //declare vars
\t \t var _Seconds = 0;
\t \t var _Minutes = 0;
\t \t var _Hours = 0;
\t \t
\t \t //Format Seconds
\t \t _Seconds = Math.floor(ElapsedSeconds % 60);
\t \t if(_Seconds <= 9) {
\t \t \t _Seconds = "0"+_Seconds;
\t \t }
\t \t
\t \t //Format minutes
\t \t _Minutes = Math.floor(ElapsedSeconds/60 % 60);
\t \t if(_Minutes <= 9) {
\t \t \t _Minutes = "0"+_Minutes;
\t \t }
\t \t
\t \t //Format hours
\t \t _Hours = Math.floor(ElapsedSeconds/3600 % 60);
\t \t if(_Hours <= 9){
\t \t \t _Hours = "0"+_Hours;
\t \t }
\t \t
\t \t document.getElementById(ClockID).innerHTML = _Hours + ":" + _Minutes + ":" + _Seconds;
\t \t
if (timerStatus != 'active')
setTimeout('UpdateTimer(\''+ClockID+'\','+ElapsedSeconds+',\''+ClockDirection+'\')',1000); \t
\t \t if(ElapsedSeconds > 0 || ClockDirection == "UP"){
\t \t
\t \t \t if(ClockDirection == "UP")
\t \t \t {
\t \t \t \t ElapsedSeconds = ElapsedSeconds + 1;
\t \t \t }
\t \t \t else
\t \t \t {
\t \t \t \t ElapsedSeconds = ElapsedSeconds - 1;
\t \t \t }
\t \t \t
\t \t \t //setTimeout('UpdateTimer(\''+ClockID+'\','+ElapsedSeconds+',\''+ClockDirection+'\')',1000); \t \t \t
\t \t }
\t \t else{
\t \t \t //Timer has hit zero. Lets make sure the next buttons are visible.
\t \t \t $('#next_top').show();
\t \t \t $('#next_bot').show();
\t \t } \t
\t }
\t else if(!pageLoaded) //call function again in 100ms
\t {
\t \t //setTimeout('UpdateTimer(\''+ClockID+'\','+ElapsedSeconds+',\''+ClockDirection+'\')',100);
\t }
} \t
function DisplayNextButtons(){
\t $('#next_top').show();
\t $('#next_bot').show();
function hideNextButtons(){
\t $('#next_top').hide();
\t $('#next_bot').hide();
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
[保存]をクリックします。*これらのものは何ですか?何かエラーがありますか?あなたが見ている正確な問題は何ですか?あなたの質問(および付随するコード)はあまりにも曖昧です。 –
@ScottMarcusコードはHTMLなしで動作しません。編集は不要なバンプだった。 – FrankerZ
@FrankerZコードはすでにスニペットに入っていました。私はちょうどそれにいくつかの訂正をしました。また、スニペットでそれを持つことは、潜在的な回答の出発点として有用です。 –