ダウンロードTwilio PHP SDKとフォルダにこのファイルをTHIRD_PARTY
<?php if (! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
require_once APPPATH.'third_party/twilio/Twilio/autoload.php' ;
use Twilio\Rest\Client;
use Twilio\TwiML ; // TwiML used
class Btwilio {
private $btwilio ;
public function __construct()
$AccountSid = "AC008e63cc03eec3be4b1cfe7ab80478a0";
$AuthToken = "82496aa3278d9cbebfc0f24ae1c1ba7f";
$this->btwilio = new Client($AccountSid, $AuthToken);
$this->btwiml = new Twiml();
public function sendsms()
$people = array(
"+919048XXXXXX" => "Rajeev"
// Step 5: Loop over all our friends. $number is a phone number above, and
// $name is the name next to it
foreach ($people as $number => $name) {
$sms = $this->btwilio->account->messages->create(
// the number we are sending to - Any phone number
// Step 6: Change the 'From' number below to be a valid Twilio number
// that you've purchased
'from' => "+18559063122",
// the sms body
'body' => "Hey $name, Monkey Party at 6PM. Bring Bananas!"
// Display a confirmation message on the screen
echo "Sent message to $name";
public function sendtwiml()
// $this->btwiml = new Twiml(); use $this->btwiml to use Twiml services
// Step 5: Loop over all our friends. $number is a phone number above, and
// $name is the name next to it
//$response = new Twiml();
$this->btwiml->sms('The king stay the king.', ['from' => '+14105551234',
'to' => '+919048309695']);
print_r($this->btwiml) ;
/* End of file Btwilio.php */
/* Location: ./application/libraries/Btwilio.php */
$this->btwilio->sendsms() ; // method created on Btwilio library
$this->btwilio->sendtwiml() ; // method of TwiML example
を使用する必要が公式TwilioLink is Here
から使用することができ、このライブラリー内のカスタムメソッドを作成します。あなたは私が 'twilio_services'ライブラリ –
を書いた方法を示してください。ここからtwilio_servicesをダウンロードしてください: https://github.com/t1gr0u/codeigniter-twilio/tree/master/libraries – Tedxxxx
使用しているcodeigniterのバージョンは? –