私はティックタックトーの試合を完了するのに助けが必要です。私は必要なのは、勝利条件や抽選が達成されるまで実行を継続するwhileループです。私は何とかボードを更新し、更新しないようにする必要があります。コードを完了する必要はありません、私はちょうどPythonで私のOOP TicTacToeを完成させるための助けが必要
import random
xOro = ['X','O']
board = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
print ("Would You Like To Play Versus Another Human Player Or Versus The Computer ?")
vsWho = int(raw_input("Press 1 to play against a human player \nPress 2 to play against the computer \n"))
if vsWho == 1:
player1 = random.choice(xOro)
player2 = 0;
if player1 == 'X':
player2 = 'O'
elif player1 == 'O':
player2 = 'X'
print "Player 1 is : " + player1 + " and Player 2 is : " + player2
elif vsWho == 2:
humanPlayer = random.choice(xOro)
print "You will play as " + humanPlayer
if humanPlayer == 'X':
computer = 'O'
elif humanPlayer == 'O':
computer = 'X'
elif vsWho != 1 or vsWho != 2:
print "The number you entered is incorrect"
class Piece(object):
Checks to see whether a spot is filled or not
def __init__(self):
humanTurn = int(raw_input("Select A Spot You Want To Play On : "))
if humanTurn < 0 or humanTurn > 8:
print "There is no such spot"
if board[humanTurn] != 'X' and board[humanTurn] != 'O':
board[humanTurn] = 'X'
while True:
computerTurn = random.randint(0,8)
if board[computerTurn] != 'O' and board[computerTurn] != 'X':
board[computerTurn] = 'O'
print ("This Spot Is Taken Already")
class X(Piece):
This is for X, which can either be human or computer
def __init__(self, moves):
self.moves = moves
def xMovement(self):
humanTurn = int(raw_input("Select A Spot You Want To Play On : "))
if humanTurn < 0 or humanTurn > 8:
print "There is no such spot"
elif humanTurn == board["X"] or humanTurn == board["O"]:
print ("This Spot Is Taken Already")
class O(Piece):
This is for O, which can either be human or computer
def __init__(self, moves):
self.moves = moves
def oMovement(self):
humanTurn = int(raw_input("Select A Spot You Want To Play On : "))
if humanTurn < 0 or humanTurn > 8:
print "There is no such spot"
elif humanTurn == board["X"] or humanTurn == board["O"]:
print ("This Spot Is Taken Already")
class TicTacToeBoard(object):
Creates The Board, and also refreshes everytime a move is made
print '========'
print board[0],'|',board[1],'|',board[2]
print '========'
print board[3],'|',board[4],'|',board[5]
print '========'
print board[6],'|',board[7],'|',board[8]
print '========'
def Win():
Checks Win Condition for both players
if board[0] == 'O' and board[1] == 'O' and board[2] == 'O' :
print "O Wins"
elif board[3] == 'O' and board[4] == 'O' and board[5] == 'O' :
print "O Wins"
elif board[6] == 'O' and board[7] == 'O' and board[8] == 'O' :
print "O Wins"
elif board[0] == 'O' and board[3] == 'O' and board[6] == 'O' :
print "O Wins"
elif board[1] == 'O' and board[4] == 'O' and board[7] == 'O' :
print "O Wins"
elif board[2] == 'O' and board[5] == 'O' and board[8] == 'O' :
print "O Wins"
elif board[0] == 'O' and board[4] == 'O' and board[8] == 'O' :
print "O Wins"
elif board[2] == 'O' and board[4] == 'O' and board[6] == 'O' :
print "O Wins"
elif board[0] == 'X' and board[1] == 'X' and board[2] == 'X' :
print "X Wins"
elif board[3] == 'X' and board[4] == 'X' and board[5] == 'X' :
print "X Wins"
elif board[6] == 'X' and board[7] == 'X' and board[8] == 'X' :
print "X Wins"
elif board[0] == 'X' and board[3] == 'X' and board[6] == 'X' :
print "X Wins"
elif board[1] == 'X' and board[4] == 'X' and board[7] == 'X' :
print "X Wins"
elif board[2] == 'X' and board[5] == 'X' and board[8] == 'X' :
print "X Wins"
elif board[0] == 'X' and board[4] == 'X' and board[8] == 'X' :
print "X Wins"
elif board[2] == 'X' and board[4] == 'X' and board[6] == 'X' :
print "X Wins"
あなたはあなたの質問に答えています。 whileループを追加するだけです。 –