2017-04-04 14 views




package main 

//ConfigurationParameters provides the struct to hold configuration parameters from config file 
type ConfigurationParameters struct { 
    Title string 
    //serviceDiscovery captures configuration parameters needed for service discovery registration with Consul 
    ServiceDiscovery ConsulConf `toml:"ServiceDiscovery"` 
    //metadataReporting captures which metadata to be registered with service into consul for use during discovery 
    MetadataReporting MetaDataConf `toml:"MetadataReporting"` 
    //awsTagsToLabels captures the aws tags that should be added to reported metrics as Labels 
    AwsTagsToLabels LabelConf `toml:"AwsTagsToLabels"` 
    //collectors captures the list of collectors to use 
    Collectors CollectorConf `toml:"Collectors"` 
    //service captures agent related configurations 
    Service ServiceConf `toml:"Service"` 

//ConsulConf captures configuration parameters needed for service discovery registration with Consul 
type ConsulConf struct { 
    enabled bool 
    endpoint string 
    port  int 
    datacenter string 
    serviceID string 
//MetaDataConf captures which metadata to be registered with service into consul for use during discovery 
    type MetaDataConf struct { 
     enabled bool 
     awsregion string 
//LabelConf captures the aws tags that should be added to reported metrics as Labels 
type LabelConf struct { 
    enabled  bool 
    refreshPeriod int 

//CollectorConf captures the list of collectors to use 
type CollectorConf struct { 
    goCollectionEnabled  bool 
    exporterCollectionEnabled bool 
    wmiCollectionEnabled  bool 
    agentCollectionEnabled bool 
    enabledCollectors   string 
    metricMap     []MetricMap 

//MetricMap captures a mapping between one or more WMI metrics and the name it should be reported with 
type MetricMap struct { 
    wmiMetricName []string 
    exportName  string 
    dropMetric  bool 
    computedMetric bool 
    computeLogic string 

//ServiceConf captures agent related configurations 
type ServiceConf struct { 
    listenIP   string 
    listenPort   int 
    metricPath   string 
    collectionInterval int 
    serviceName  string 


Title = "WMI Exporter Configuration" 

    enabled = true 
    endpoint = "my.consul.server" 
    port = 5500 
    datacenter = "ucm-west" 
    serviceID = "ucm.agent.wmiExporter" 

    enabled = true 
    awsregion = "us-west-2" 

    enabled = true 
    refreshPeriod = 3600 

    goCollectionEnabled = true 
    exporterCollectionEnabled = true 
    wmiCollectionEnabled = true 
    agentCollectionEnabled = false 
    enabledCollectors = "cpu,os" 
     wmiMetricName = ["test"] 
     exportName = "export_test" 

    listenPort = 9103 
    metricPath = "/metrics" 
    collectionInterval = 60 
    serviceName = "wmi_exporter" 


// InitializeFromConfig reads configuration parameters from configuration file and initializes this service 
func InitializeFromConfig(configfile string) ConfigurationParameters { 
    conf := ConfigurationParameters{} 

    if configfile == "" { 
     return conf 

    _, err := toml.DecodeFile(configfile, &conf) 
    if err != nil { 
     log.Fatalf("Cannot parse configuration file at %s. Error=%s", configfile, err) 
    //at this point, conf is a fully loaded configuration now; now initialize everything from conf 
    return conf 

私が直面している問題は、Title属性の値だけがGO構造体メンバにマップされるということです。他のすべてのコンフィグはマップされずに残ります。 BurntSushiと(Go) How to use toml files?のgithubに関するすべての例を見ると、私が現在コードで行っていることとは何の違いも見えません。



Title            String 
ServiceDiscovery         Hash 
    ServiceDiscovery.enabled      Bool 
    ServiceDiscovery.endpoint      String 
    ServiceDiscovery.port       Integer 
    ServiceDiscovery.datacenter     String 
    ServiceDiscovery.serviceID     String 
MetadataReporting         Hash 
    MetadataReporting.enabled      Bool 
    MetadataReporting.awsregion     String 
AwsTagsToLabels         Hash 
    AwsTagsToLabels.enabled      Bool 
    AwsTagsToLabels.refreshPeriod     Integer 
Collectors          Hash 
    Collectors.goCollectionEnabled    Bool 
    Collectors.exporterCollectionEnabled   Bool 
    Collectors.wmiCollectionEnabled    Bool 
    Collectors.agentCollectionEnabled    Bool 
    Collectors.enabledCollectors     String 
     Collectors.MetricMap.0     Hash 
      Collectors.MetricMap.0.wmiMetricName Array 
      Collectors.MetricMap.0.exportName  String 
Service           Hash 
    Service.listenPort       Integer 
    Service.metricPath       String 
    Service.collectionInterval     Integer 
    Service.serviceName       String 





あなたsubstructsのすべてのフィールドはアンエクスポートされます:あなたが何をしたいか[]MetricMapフィールド ではなく、このようなものです。ここでhttps://play.golang.org/p/OdVDj81KWwこれをデコードすると、ほとんどの場合、 'MetricMap'のもので失敗します。少しデバッグする必要があります。 – mkopriva


'MetricMap'問題を修正するために、' [] MetricMap'としてフィールドを定義するので、 '[[Collectors.MetricMap]]'のように二重括弧で 'Collectors.MetricMap'をラップする必要があります。 – mkopriva


@mkopriva - ありがとう!それはうまくいった。返信として追加することができれば、回答としてマークすることができます。 – sujitv




//ConfigurationParameters provides the struct to hold configuration parameters from config file 
type ConfigurationParameters struct { 
    Title string 
    //serviceDiscovery captures configuration parameters needed for service discovery registration with Consul 
    ServiceDiscovery ConsulConf `toml:"ServiceDiscovery"` 
    //metadataReporting captures which metadata to be registered with service into consul for use during discovery 
    MetadataReporting MetaDataConf `toml:"MetadataReporting"` 
    //awsTagsToLabels captures the aws tags that should be added to reported metrics as Labels 
    AwsTagsToLabels LabelConf `toml:"AwsTagsToLabels"` 
    //collectors captures the list of collectors to use 
    Collectors CollectorConf `toml:"Collectors"` 
    //service captures agent related configurations 
    Service ServiceConf `toml:"Service"` 

//ConsulConf captures configuration parameters needed for service discovery registration with Consul 
type ConsulConf struct { 
    Enabled bool 
    Endpoint string 
    Port  int 
    Datacenter string 
    ServiceID string 

//MetaDataConf captures which metadata to be registered with service into consul for use during discovery 
type MetaDataConf struct { 
    Enabled bool 
    Awsregion string 

//LabelConf captures the aws tags that should be added to reported metrics as Labels 
type LabelConf struct { 
    Enabled  bool 
    RefreshPeriod int 

//CollectorConf captures the list of collectors to use 
type CollectorConf struct { 
    GoCollectionEnabled  bool 
    ExporterCollectionEnabled bool 
    WmiCollectionEnabled  bool 
    AgentCollectionEnabled bool 
    EnabledCollectors   string 
    MetricMap     []MetricMap 

//MetricMap captures a mapping between one or more WMI metrics and the name it should be reported with 
type MetricMap struct { 
    WmiMetricName []string 
    ExportName  string 
    DropMetric  bool 
    ComputedMetric bool 
    ComputeLogic string 

//ServiceConf captures agent related configurations 
type ServiceConf struct { 
    ListenIP   string 
    ListenPort   int 
    MetricPath   string 
    CollectionInterval int 
    ServiceName  string 


    wmiMetricName = ["test"] 
    exportName = "export_test" 