ブライアンと同意しますと、 最新のgrowlバージョンで動作する2つの引用されたライブラリが私の周りの唯一のものです。ここで
は一例です: 十分シンプルhttp://blog.growlforwindows.com/2009/04/new-java-growlgntp-library-available.html
// connect to Growl on the given host
GrowlConnector growl = new GrowlConnector("hostname");
// give your application a name and icon (optionally)
Application downloadApp = new Application("Downloader", "http://example.com/icon.png");
// create reusable notification types, their names are used in the Growl settings
NotificationType downloadStarted = new NotificationType("Download started", "c:\started.png");
NotificationType downloadFinished = new NotificationType("Download finished", "c:\finished.jpg");
NotificationType[] notificationTypes = new NotificationType[] { downloadStarted, downloadFinished };
// now register the application in growl
growl.register(downloadApp, notificationTypes);
// create a notification with specific title and message
Notification ubuntuDownload = new Notification(downloadApp, downloadStarted, "Ubuntu 9.4", "654 MB");
// finally send the notification