package testDB;
use Moose;
use Carp;
use SQL::Library;
has 'lib' => (#FOLDBEG
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
default => 'default',
trigger => \&_sql_lib_builder,
has 'lib_dir' => (#FOLDBEG
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
default => '/SQL',
has '_sql_lib' => (#FOLDBEG
builder => '_sql_lib_builder',
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
has '_sql_lib' => (#FOLDBEG
builder => '_sql_lib_builder',
is => 'rw',
handles => {
get_sql => 'retr',
get_elements => 'elements',
sub _sql_lib_builder {
my ($self, $lib) = shift();
$self->lib() or die("I am unable to get a lib.");
$lib = $self->lib unless $lib;
my $lib_dir = $self->lib_dir;
print $lib_dir."\n";
my $lib_file = $lib_dir . '/' . $lib . '.sql';
unless (-e $lib_file) {
confess "SQL library $lib does not exist";
my $library = new SQL::Library { lib => $lib_file };
my $tdb=testDB->new();
と2.0205Moose make_immutableがこのスクリプトを強制終了するのはなぜですか? perlの5.8.8を使用して
$ perl testDB.pl
I am unable to get a lib. at testDB.pl line 35.
他の '_sql_lib'はデバッグエラーでした。あなたの怠け者=> 1の修正がそのトリックを行います。ありがとう! –