2016-05-10 12 views

"toursByHotels"の下にあるオブジェクトの配列を取る - このデータを取得して、同じ名前(ホテルの名前、つまりマリオットなど)を持つ各オブジェクトのツアーの合計を取得します。名前でオブジェクトを整理する


var toursByHotel = [ 
      "name": "Marriott", 
      "month": 1, 
      "tours": 10 
      "name": "Marriott", 
      "month": 2, 
      "tours": 15 
      "name": "Marriott", 
      "month": 3, 
      "tours": 8 
      "name": "Marriott", 
      "month": 4, 
      "tours": 12 
      "name": "Marriott", 
      "month": 5, 
      "tours": 18 
      "name": "Marriott", 
      "month": 6, 
      "tours": 25 
      "name": "Marriott", 
      "month": 7, 
      "tours": 40 
      "name": "Marriott", 
      "month": 8, 
      "tours": 33 
      "name": "Marriott", 
      "month": 9, 
      "tours": 25 
     "name": "Marriott", 
      "month": 10, 
      "tours": 21 
     "name": "Marriott", 
      "month": 11, 
      "tours": 18 
     "name": "Marriott", 
      "month": 12, 
      "tours": 14 
      "name": "Springhill", 
      "month": 1, 
      "tours": 10 
      "name": "Springhill", 
      "month": 2, 
      "tours": 15 
      "name": "Springhill", 
      "month": 3, 
      "tours": 8 
      "name": "Springhill", 
      "month": 4, 
      "tours": 12 
      "name": "Springhill", 
      "month": 5, 
      "tours": 18 
      "name": "Springhill", 
      "month": 6, 
      "tours": 25 
      "name": "Springhill", 
      "month": 7, 
      "tours": 40 
      "name": "Springhill", 
      "month": 8, 
      "tours": 33 
      "name": "Springhill", 
      "month": 9, 
      "tours": 25 
     "name": "Springhill", 
      "month": 10, 
      "tours": 21 
     "name": "Springhill", 
      "month": 11, 
      "tours": 18 
     "name": "Springhill", 
      "month": 12, 
      "tours": 14 
      "name": "Residence", 
      "month": 1, 
      "tours": 10 
      "name": "Residence", 
      "month": 2, 
      "tours": 15 
      "name": "Residence", 
      "month": 3, 
      "tours": 8 
      "name": "Residence", 
      "month": 4, 
      "tours": 12 
      "name": "Residence", 
      "month": 5, 
      "tours": 18 
      "name": "Residence", 
      "month": 6, 
      "tours": 25 
      "name": "Residence", 
      "month": 7, 
      "tours": 40 
      "name": "Residence", 
      "month": 8, 
      "tours": 33 
      "name": "Residence", 
      "month": 9, 
      "tours": 25 
     "name": "Residence", 
      "month": 10, 
      "tours": 21 
     "name": "Residence", 
      "month": 11, 
      "tours": 18 
     "name": "Residence", 
      "month": 12, 
      "tours": 14 
      "name": "Courtyard", 
      "month": 1, 
      "tours": 10 
      "name": "Courtyard", 
      "month": 2, 
      "tours": 15 
      "name": "Courtyard", 
      "month": 3, 
      "tours": 8 
      "name": "Courtyard", 
      "month": 4, 
      "tours": 12 
      "name": "Courtyard", 
      "month": 5, 
      "tours": 18 
      "name": "Courtyard", 
      "month": 6, 
      "tours": 25 
      "name": "Courtyard", 
      "month": 7, 
      "tours": 40 
      "name": "Courtyard", 
      "month": 8, 
      "tours": 33 
      "name": "Courtyard", 
      "month": 9, 
      "tours": 25 
     "name": "Courtyard", 
      "month": 10, 
      "tours": 21 
     "name": "Courtyard", 
      "month": 11, 
      "tours": 18 
     "name": "Courtyard", 
      "month": 12, 
      "tours": 14 
      "name": "Renaissance", 
      "month": 1, 
      "tours": 10 
      "name": "Renaissance", 
      "month": 2, 
      "tours": 15 
      "name": "Renaissance", 
      "month": 3, 
      "tours": 8 
      "name": "Renaissance", 
      "month": 4, 
      "tours": 12 
      "name": "Renaissance", 
      "month": 5, 
      "tours": 18 
      "name": "Renaissance", 
      "month": 6, 
      "tours": 25 
      "name": "Renaissance", 
      "month": 7, 
      "tours": 40 
      "name": "Renaissance", 
      "month": 8, 
      "tours": 33 
      "name": "Renaissance", 
      "month": 9, 
      "tours": 25 
     "name": "Renaissance", 
      "month": 10, 
      "tours": 21 
     "name": "Renaissance", 
      "month": 11, 
      "tours": 18 
     "name": "Renaissance", 
      "month": 12, 
      "tours": 14 



あなたはreduceを使用して、各キーは、ホテル名と値はツアーの和であるオブジェクトを返すことができます。 DEMO

data = data.reduce(function(obj, e) { 
    obj[e.name] = (obj[e.name] || 0) + e.tours; 
    return obj; 
}, {}); 



var result = {} 

var total = data.reduce((a, b) => {return a + b.tours }, 0); 
data.forEach(function(e) { 
    if(!this[e.name]) { 
    this[e.name] = {sum: e.tours, percentage: 0} 
    result[e.name] = this[e.name]; 
    this[e.name].sum += e.tours; 
    this[e.name].percentage = (this[e.name].sum/total)*100; 
}, {}); 


それがこのコードのエラーの多くを取得... "e" が定義されていないと言います。 – Krang


@それはフィドルでうまく動作します。 –


- うん、それは実際にはフィドルで動作します。何らかの理由で私のコードで試してみると "結果が定義されていません"というメッセージが表示されます – Krang



Working Example

// lets keep track of the total here: 
var total = 0; 

var totals = a.reduce(function(curr, next) { 
    curr[next.name] = (curr[next.name] || 0) + next.tours; 
    // increment total here: 
    total += next.tours; 
    return curr; 
}, {}); 

for (var hotel in totals) { 
    var obj = {}; 
    obj.name = totals[hotel]; 
    obj.percentage = (totals[hotel]/total) * 100 + '%'; 
    totals[hotel] = obj; 

MDN docs on .reduce


@JoranHendrix - ありがとうございました。変数(合計)に保存されたすべての数字の合計。各ホテルのツアーの合計の何パーセントを構成するのか – Krang


あなたは答えを選択したことを知っていますが、私は本当に複雑さが気に入らないので、もっと簡単なアプローチで答えを更新しています... – JordanHendrix