2017-08-21 22 views


私が把握しようとしていることは、行が削除されたときに獲得した総補償時間を動的に再計算する方法です。 $('#table').on('change', ".Time1,.Time2", calculate);をどこかに私の "時間を削除" 機能に:

var numRows = 2, 
     ti = 5; 
    var tableCount = 1; 
    var index=1; 
    window.standBy = function() { 
     var sum = 0; 
     $(".Standby").each(function(index, stand) { 
     sum += parseFloat($(stand).val()); 
    function calculate() { 
     var tr = $(this).closest('tr'); 
     var hours = parseInt($(".Time2", tr).val().split(':')[0], 10) - parseInt($(".Time1", tr).val().split(':')[0], 10); 
     if (hours < 0) hours = 24 + hours; 
     $(".Hours", tr).val(hours); 
    if (hours <= 4) $(".Standby", tr).val("0.5"); 
     if (hours == 4) $(".Standby", tr).val("0.5"); 
     if (hours > 4 && hours < 8) $(".Standby", tr).val("1"); 
     if (hours == 8) $(".Standby", tr).val("1"); 
     if (hours > 8 && hours < 12) $(".Standby", tr).val("1.5"); 
     if (hours == 12) $(".Standby", tr).val("1.5"); 
     if (hours > 12 && hours < 16) $(".Standby", tr).val("2"); 
     if (hours == 16) $(".Standby", tr).val("2"); 
    \t if (hours > 16 && hours < 20) $(".Standby", tr).val("2.5"); 
     if (hours == 20) $(".Standby", tr).val("2.5"); 
     if (hours > 20 && hours < 24) $(".Standby", tr).val("3"); 
     if (hours == 24) $(".Standby", tr).val("3"); 
     if (hours > 24) alert("You cannot exceed a 24 hour period."); 
    $('#table').on('change', ".Time1,.Time2", calculate); 
    window.addTime = function() { 
     $('#timeTable').clone().attr('id', "timeTable" + tableCount).appendTo('#table'); 
     $('#timeTable' + tableCount).find("input").val(""); 
     $('#timeTable' + tableCount + ' .increment').html(tableCount); 
    $(document).on('click', 'button.removeTime', function() { 
      \t var closestTable = $(this).closest('table'); 
      if(closestTable.attr('id') != "timeTable") { 
      \t \t closestTable.remove(); 
    \t if (tableCount < 1) { 
     tableCount = 1; 
      return false; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
    Time format is in 24h 
    <h6><I>Example: If you want to type in "8 AM", the correct format would be: "8". <br> If you want to type in "8 PM", the correct format would be "20".</I></h6> 
    <div id="table"> 
     <table id="timeTable" class="tg"> 
      <th class="tg-yw41"></th> 
      <th class="tg-yw41"></th> 
      <th class="tg-yw4l">Standby Start Time</th> 
      <th class="tg-yw4l">Standby End Time</th> 
      <th class="tg-yw4l">Hours in total</th> 
      <th class="tg-yw4l">Compensatory Hours Earned</th> 
     <td class="increment">1</td> 
     <td class="tg-yw4l"><button class="removeTime">Remove Time</button></td> 
      <td class="tg-yw4l"> 
      <input class="Time1" value="" placeholder="Enter your start time" /> 
      <td class="tg-yw4l"> 
      <input class="Time2" value="" placeholder="Enter your end time" /> 
      <td class="tg-yw4l"> 
      <input type="text" class="Hours" value="0" readonly="" /> 
      <td class="tg-yw4l"> 
      <input type="text" class="Standby" value="0" readonly="" /> 

    <button onclick="addTime();">Add Time</button> 
    <button onclick="standBy();">Calculate Total Compensatory Hours Earned</button> 
    <caption>Total <abbr title="Compensatory">Comp</abbr> hours:</caption>&nbsp; 
    <input class="grandtotal" value=""readonly="" />





jsfiddleの設定でjqueryフレームワークを追加する必要があります。 – Snowmonkey




var numRows = 2, 
     ti = 5; 
    var tableCount = 1; 
    var index=1; 
    window.standBy = function() { 
     var sum = 0; 
     $(".Standby").each(function(index, stand) { 
     sum += parseFloat($(stand).val()); 
    function calculate() { 
     var tr = $(this).closest('tr'); 
     var hours = parseInt($(".Time2", tr).val().split(':')[0], 10) - parseInt($(".Time1", tr).val().split(':')[0], 10); 
     if (hours < 0) hours = 24 + hours; 
     $(".Hours", tr).val(hours); 
    if (hours <= 4) $(".Standby", tr).val("0.5"); 
     if (hours == 4) $(".Standby", tr).val("0.5"); 
     if (hours > 4 && hours < 8) $(".Standby", tr).val("1"); 
     if (hours == 8) $(".Standby", tr).val("1"); 
     if (hours > 8 && hours < 12) $(".Standby", tr).val("1.5"); 
     if (hours == 12) $(".Standby", tr).val("1.5"); 
     if (hours > 12 && hours < 16) $(".Standby", tr).val("2"); 
     if (hours == 16) $(".Standby", tr).val("2"); 
    \t if (hours > 16 && hours < 20) $(".Standby", tr).val("2.5"); 
     if (hours == 20) $(".Standby", tr).val("2.5"); 
     if (hours > 20 && hours < 24) $(".Standby", tr).val("3"); 
     if (hours == 24) $(".Standby", tr).val("3"); 
     if (hours > 24) alert("You cannot exceed a 24 hour period."); 
    $('#table').on('change', ".Time1,.Time2", calculate); 
    window.addTime = function() { 
     $('#timeTable').clone().attr('id', "timeTable" + tableCount).appendTo('#table'); 
     $('#timeTable' + tableCount).find("input").val(""); 
     $('#timeTable' + tableCount + ' .increment').html(tableCount); 
    $(document).on('click', 'button.removeTime', function() { 
      \t var closestTable = $(this).closest('table'); 
      if(closestTable.attr('id') != "timeTable") { 
      \t \t closestTable.remove(); 
    \t if (tableCount < 1) { 
     tableCount = 1; 
    \t standBy(); 
      return false; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
    Time format is in 24h 
    <h6><I>Example: If you want to type in "8 AM", the correct format would be: "8". <br> If you want to type in "8 PM", the correct format would be "20".</I></h6> 
    <div id="table"> 
     <table id="timeTable" class="tg"> 
      <th class="tg-yw41"></th> 
      <th class="tg-yw41"></th> 
      <th class="tg-yw4l">Standby Start Time</th> 
      <th class="tg-yw4l">Standby End Time</th> 
      <th class="tg-yw4l">Hours in total</th> 
      <th class="tg-yw4l">Compensatory Hours Earned</th> 
     <td class="increment">1</td> 
     <td class="tg-yw4l"><button class="removeTime">Remove Time</button></td> 
      <td class="tg-yw4l"> 
      <input class="Time1" value="" placeholder="Enter your start time" /> 
      <td class="tg-yw4l"> 
      <input class="Time2" value="" placeholder="Enter your end time" /> 
      <td class="tg-yw4l"> 
      <input type="text" class="Hours" value="0" readonly="" /> 
      <td class="tg-yw4l"> 
      <input type="text" class="Standby" value="0" readonly="" /> 

    <button onclick="addTime();">Add Time</button> 
    <button onclick="standBy();">Calculate Total Compensatory Hours Earned</button> 
    <caption>Total <abbr title="Compensatory">Comp</abbr> hours:</caption>&nbsp; 
    <input class="grandtotal" value=""readonly="" />



回答に追加する場合は、不完全な回答を削除してください。 – Snowmonkey


@Snowmonkey done。編集前に最初の答えを追加しました。削除するのを忘れました。 –


あなたの非常に助けてくれてありがとう@RaJeshRiJo! – David
