2016-11-03 10 views

MVC Web APIを使用しています。ここでは、SQL DBの結果をXMLファイルに変換する必要があります。特定の形式のXMLを取得するC#

private string DbToXml(int fileID) 
      DataSet ds = new DataSet("Requirements"); 
      string connetionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DemoConnectionString"].ConnectionString; 
      string XML; 
      using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connetionString)) 
       string sql = "SELECT RequirementLabel as ID, VagueWord, Suggestion, Explanation, VaguePhrase, ContentText, VagueTypeText FROM [Test].[dbo].[Vague_Terms_View] where FileID=" + fileID; 
       string XML_Output_Path = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("XML_Output_Path"); 
       SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, connection); 
       adapter.Fill(ds, "Requirement"); 
       var sb = new StringBuilder(); 
       XmlWriter xmlWrite = XmlWriter.Create(sb); 
       XML = ds.GetXml(); 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    <Suggestion>Keep each requirement in a single sentence.</Suggestion> 
    <Explanation>Suggests that you are combining requirements. Requirements that contain conjunctions/disjunctions (AND/OR) are dangerous and can lead to downstream problems in defining scope of the requirement.</Explanation> 
    <VaguePhrase>Marketing or Servicing</VaguePhrase> 
    <ContentText>If a user is identified as Marketing or Servicing, then the Campaign Management (CM) hyperlink should be displayed.</ContentText> 
    <VagueTypeText>Not Standard</VagueTypeText> 
    <Suggestion>Use 'shall/must/will' for requirements,</Suggestion> 
    <Explanation>Is often ambiguous, or inappropriate. Some readers will interpret these as optional or advisory, others as required.</Explanation> 
    <ContentText>If a user is identified as Marketing or Servicing, then the Campaign Management (CM) hyperlink should be displayed.</ContentText> 
    <VagueTypeText>Not Standard</VagueTypeText> 
    <Suggestion>Specify each conditions explicitly. One condition per requirement.</Suggestion> 
    <Explanation>Is an escape clause. Requirements with escape clauses are not testable. The word implies additional condition to the requirement.</Explanation> 
    <ContentText>Unless Sleep, Latency, Noise, or apply conditions are present, the data transmissions will contain the code for Normal Operation.</ContentText> 
    <VagueTypeText>Not Standard</VagueTypeText> 

しかし、XMLのように変換するには、要件ノード内のID要素をチェックする必要があります。それが要件ノードの下で繰り返されている場合は、それを名前変更し、要件ノード内の他のすべての要素を追加してid = 1とし、numberも同様に変更します。 上記のXMLの出力は次のようになります。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    <ID "id=1">Req97</ID> 
    <VagueWord "id=1">or</VagueWord> 
    <Suggestion "id=1">Keep each requirement in a single sentence.</Suggestion> 
    <Explanation "id=1">Suggests that you are combining requirements. Requirements that contain conjunctions/disjunctions (AND/OR) are dangerous and can lead to downstream problems in defining scope of the requirement.</Explanation> 
    <VaguePhrase "id=1">Marketing or Servicing</VaguePhrase> 
    <ContentText "id=1">If a user is identified as Marketing or Servicing, then the Campaign Management (CM) hyperlink should be displayed.</ContentText> 
    <VagueTypeText "id=1">Not Standard</VagueTypeText> 
    <ID "id=2">Req97</ID> 
    <VagueWord "id=2">should</VagueWord> 
    <Suggestion "id=2">Use 'shall/must/will' for requirements,</Suggestion> 
    <Explanation "id=2">Is often ambiguous, or inappropriate. Some readers will interpret these as optional or advisory, others as required.</Explanation> 
    <ContentText "id=2">If a user is identified as Marketing or Servicing, then the Campaign Management (CM) hyperlink should be displayed.</ContentText> 
    <VagueTypeText "id=2">Not Standard</VagueTypeText> 
    <Suggestion>Specify each conditions explicitly. One condition per requirement.</Suggestion> 
    <Explanation>Is an escape clause. Requirements with escape clauses are not testable. The word implies additional condition to the requirement.</Explanation> 
    <ContentText>Unless Sleep, Latency, Noise, or apply conditions are present, the data transmissions will contain the code for Normal Operation.</ContentText> 
    <VagueTypeText>Not Standard</VagueTypeText> 

@Cシャープを最適化した場合、わからない、私は独自のシリアル化を実装する必要があると思います。私は過去に試したことがあり、それは簡単ではないし、パフォーマンスの問題が発生するでしょう。あなたとコードシェアを見つけようとします。 –


あなたの 'id'属性値はこの有効なxmlを作るために引用符で囲む必要があります。最後のノードに 'id'属性がないのはなぜですか?あなたの例を完成させたくない場合は、一貫性を持たせるためにそのまま放置してください。 – Filburt


@fabiosilvalimaあなたが持っている場合、コードを共有してください...それは大きな助けになるでしょう.. !!! –




これはXMLを直接編集する方法の良い例です:How to modify existing XML file with XmlDocument and XmlNode in C#

var doc = XElement.Load("test.xml"); 

var dict = doc.Elements("Requirement") 
    .GroupBy(id => id.Value) 
    .ToDictionary(id => id.Key, id => id.Count() > 1 ? 1 : 0); 

foreach (var req in doc.Elements("Requirement")) 
    var id = req.Element("ID").Value; 

    if (dict[id] > 0) 
     foreach (var elem in req.Elements()) 
      elem.Add(new XAttribute("id", dict[id])); 



彼が実際に間違ったXMLを必要としていない限り( 'id =" 1 "'ではなく '' id = 1 '')、これはそれを行う方法です。 –



XmlElement root = returnXmlFile.DocumentElement; 
     XmlNodeList nodes = root.ChildNodes; 
     for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) 
      string OuterIDvalue = nodes[i].ChildNodes[0].InnerText.ToString(); 
      const int idVal = 1; 
      int counter = 1; 
      if (nodes[i].FirstChild.Attributes.Count == 0) 
       for (int ctrInner = 0; ctrInner < nodes[i].ChildNodes.Count; ctrInner++) 
        XmlAttribute xKey = returnXmlFile.CreateAttribute("id"); 
        xKey.Value = idVal.ToString(); 
       for (int j = i + 1; j < nodes.Count; j++) 
        string innerIDvalue = nodes[j].ChildNodes[0].InnerText.ToString(); 
        if (OuterIDvalue == innerIDvalue && nodes[j].FirstChild.Attributes.Count == 0) 
         for (int ctr = 0; ctr < nodes[j].ChildNodes.Count; ctr++) 
          XmlAttribute xKey = returnXmlFile.CreateAttribute("id"); 
          xKey.Value = counter.ToString(); 
     string xmlnew = returnXmlFile.InnerXml; 
     return xmlnew; 